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INAMO 72 - Neokolonialismus
"It's the economy stupid!"
Von der Pan-Sahel-Initiative zum neuen Grenzregime in der Sahara
++ Neokolonialismus:
Imperialer Neoliberalismus an der südlichen Peripherie
/ Über „Boats4People“ zu „Watch the Med“ – Gegen das EU-Grenzregime im Mittelmeer
/ Re-Kolonialisierung und Neo-Imperialismus in der Sahara
/ Die letzte Kolonie Afrikas – Über die marokkanische Besetzung der Westsahara
/ Die französische Armee in Afrika
/ Frankreich in Afrika: Sonderfall Äquatorialguinea
/ Afrika wird ausgequetscht: Hinter jedem Landraub steckt ein Wasserraub
/ „Entwicklungshilfe“ in Afrika: Eine Masche des Neokolonialismus
/ Jagd nach Herzen (und Konys Kopf) - AFRICOM: Armuts- und Aufstandsbekämpfung
/ Sicherheit und Entwicklungsarchitektur in Afghanistan
/ Zur Aktualität Frantz Fanons
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taz entdeckt Antisemitismus bei Jakob Augstein: "Gaza ist ein Lager" [29.12.2012]
In einer der üblichen Antisemitismus-Schmierenkampagnen ist es
Cigdem Aykol, dem antideutschen Migranten-Feigenblatt in der taz,
gelungen die Messlatte für 'Antisemitismus' ein weiteres Mal
tiefer in die Grasnarbe zu rammen.
Antisemitismus - entsetzt sich Aykol in der taz - sei es, die von Israel belagerte und regelmässig überfallene Palästinenser-Reservation namens Gaza als 'Lager' zu bezeichnen:
alleine Gaza und Lager in einem Atemzug zu nennen, ist unerträglich."
International Headlines [07.11.2012]
Diebstahl & Zerstörung / Ethnische Säuberung: Colonizers ruin olive trees in Hebron
/ House demolished in Deirit, South Hebron Hills [Update: video added]
/ Settlers set ground on fire in Salman Valley
/ For first time, Bedouin town to be part of Jewish regional council
/ Israel to illegally seize Palestinian lands near Bethlehem
/ Settlers 'uproot 100 trees, spray racist graffiti' in Nablus
/ Israel issues eviction orders to 40 families in Nablus
/ Journalists among 6 injured in Salfit clashes
/ Europe condemns Israel's OK for new settler homes
Analysen & Meinungen & Reviews & Leben: After Bibi's bet on Romney, peace camp can beat him
/ Obama victory: Israeli memes poke fun at Bibi
/ Watch: Unexpected sensations in 'Palestine Interrupted' video installation by Adam Abel
/ Israel is responsible for 'price tag' attacks, not just a few settler extremists
/ New film on Nazi links to Zionism sidesteps the toughest questions
/ West Bank's Sufi Trail offers a glimpse into landmarks and history of Islamic mysticism
/ Clearing the path for future tyranny
/ President Barack Hussain Obama - again: But the grace is gone
/ Obama the Second
/ Enough money, too much occupation
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WELT-Autor scheitert mit Attacke auf die Nakba-Ausstellung [29.10.2012]
"Die Unterstützer wollen mit ihrer Erklärung insbesondere dem zunehmenden Widerstand gegen die Nakba-Ausstellung entgegentreten, … . Dieser Widerstand zielt nicht auf eine Diskussion über die Ausstellung, sondern hat deren Verunglimpfung bzw. Verhinderung zum Ziel." (Presseerklärung der nakba-Ausstellung 2012)
Der Erfolg der Nakba-Ausstellung und das erfolgreiche Bemühen der
Veranstalter fünfzig prominente Schirmherren zu finden, hat unter
den unentwegten Verteidigern von Israels Staatsraison offenbar zu
einer gewissen Ratlosigkeit geführt.
So auch zu beobachten bei WELT-Autor Alan Posener, der hier
daran scheitert die Ausstellung und ihre Macher mit den altbewährten Tricks in die
Antisemitismusecke zu rücken: mit Doppelstandards, Generalisierungen,
Selbstviktimisierung, guilt by association
und entkontextualisierten
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International Headlines [24.08.2012]
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: West Bank outpost residents: Migron deal endangers settlement enterprise
/ Soldiers destroy Palestinian car in Hebron
/ Report: '42 years later, Al-Aqsa Mosque still targeted'
/ Settlers plant Palestinian land illegally annexed 3 months ago
/ Army confiscates Palestinian tractors in the Jordan Valley
/ Army to confiscate lands near Tulkarem
/ Could a new regime in Syria be good for the Golan Heights?
/ Settlers 'attempt to set fire' to cars in Nablus village
/ Settlers 'break into' Solomon's Pools near Bethlehem
/ Report: Israel to evict Jericho farmers
/ Arson attack on Islamic center in Jaffa on Eid
/ New Israeli demolition orders against six homes in Al-Khalil
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taz: Christenverfolgung in Gaza? [19.07.2012]
Die taz, die sich in Sachen Israel regelmässig als Sprachrohr
des Besatzungsregimes betätigt, griff unlängst wieder einmal
besonders tief in die Kiste des Islamophobismus und titelte:
Christenverfolgung im Gazastreifen - Aus Protest ein Sit-in in der Kirche
Das Palestinian Center for Human Rights mit Sitz in Gaza befragte die vorgeblichen Bekehrungsopfer und kam zu dem Ergebnis: 'after meeting with Abu Dawood and al-Amash, that they converted to Islam under their own free will without any coercion of any type'
Ergänzende Links:
In Light of the Conversion of Two Palestinian Christians to Islam, PCHR Emphasizes the Right to Freedom of Thought and Religion (pchr)
International Headlines [25.06.2012]
Diebstahl und Zerstörung von Land, Ressourcen und Besitz / Ethnische Säuberung / Apartheid: The Wall, 10 years on: Part 9 / Dividing land -- water, fauna
/ Photoblog -- Susya: Standing up to the bulldozers
/ Israeli forces shut down agriculturally used water spring
/ Palestinian PM vows to prevent Israeli demolition orders
/ Disinheritance sponsored by Oslo
/ Back to school: Ben-Gurion for beginners
/ More demolition orders in Al Aqaba
/ More demolitions in Al Maleh
/ Occupation forces attack citizens in Ain al-Hilweh in Jordan Valley
/ IOA serves demolition notices in occupied Jerusalem
Gewalt / Razzien / Kidnappings / Ausgangssperren: Israeli forces storm school, take down Palestinian flag
/ Settlers storm land in Jenin
/ Undercover exercises in Palestinian villages increased in recent years
/ Israeli army 'game' leaves Palestinian dead
/ Jewish settlers storm evacuated settlement outpost south of Jenin
/ Zionist occupation troops storm Arub refugee camp
/ Clashes reported in Hebron after soldiers kidnapped a child
/ More Israeli military training in Palestinian areas
/ IOF soldiers arrest youth
/ IOF soldiers arrest liberated prisoner
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International Headlines [20.06.2012]
Gaza-Blockade: Majority of Gaza patients got permits, yet 5 were denied
/ Israel and Turkey: Deep state of distrust needs to end
/ Rafah crossing to open Tuesday after Hamas
/ Saudi campaign gives $5 million to Gaza food program
Attacken an den Grenzen Israels & Gazas: Israeli aircraft drop warning leaflets
/ Israeli airstrike kills Palestinian in Gaza
/ Al Qaeda-linked group claims responsibility for deadly Israel attack (AP)
/ Medics: Israeli forces shell northern Gaza
/ Report: Israel moves tanks to Egypt border
/ Army: Rocket fired from Gaza lands in Israel
/ Israel fires on Gaza Strip
/ Israel strikes central Gaza
/ PRC, PFLP brigades claim rocket fire into Israel
/ Toddler killed in Gaza explosion
/ Israeli forces fire on Gaza Strip
/ Envoy: Egypt working to calm Gaza fighting
/ Israeli airstrike kills man in south Gaza (Reuters)
/ Ministry: Boy killed as Israel bombs Gaza City
/ Hamas wing says targeting Israeli military sites
/ Israel bombs Hamas military sites in Gaza
/ Two Palestinians killed in Israel-Gaza violence surge
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International Headlines [15.06.2012]
Gaza-Blockade: Is head of Turkey charity IHH that sponsored Mavi Marmara really being probed for Al-Qaida funding?
/ Think of others: In Gaza's darkness, Mahmoud Darwish's words provide inspiration
/ Fuel crisis in Gaza - cutting off life
/ WHO: Gaza closure compromises right to health
/ Egypt allows Qatari fuel into Israel terminal
/ UN: Israeli forces killed 2,300 in Gaza under blockade
/ Haniyeh calls for prosecution of Israeli leaders for Mavi Marmara attack
/ A warning against Israeli attempts to create a buffer zone along the Gaza border
Hungerstreikende & Gefangene: Nearly three months without food as Israel looks away
/ Palestinians released in Shalit prisoner swap face challenges
/ Released prisoner appeals to PA for medical help
/ Family awaits news on al-Sarsak ruling
/ FIFA urgently calls for Sarsak's release
/ Mass demo planned for Scotland Euro clash
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International Headlines [08.06.2012]
Spotlight on Gaza: Gaza farmers rush to grow wheat under fear of Israeli fire
/ Water desalination projects to solve Gaza's problems: a wolf in sheep's clothing?
/ Gaza Live: How the internet has transformed news of Gaza and beyond
/ Gaza Live: We Palestinians are reclaiming our destiny
/ Segregating Gazans has made them easier to demonise
/ Gaza Live -- editor's note
/ Gaza Live: a snapshot of life amid blockades and daily gunfire
/ Gaza live blog
/ Daily life in Gaza -- in pictures
/ Video -- Gaza beach: 'We suffocate in the city. Here we can breathe'
/ Video -- Gaza fishermen: 'We are no longer fishermen, we have become traders'
/ Video -- Gaza's schoolchildren: 'The good things about Gaza are the weather and the sea'
/ Video -- Welcome to Gaza's zoo, where stuffed animals are the main attraction
/ Video -- Gazan artist Maha al-Daya: 'I paint what I feel. I have nothing to do with politics'
/ Palestinian killed in tunnel accident in Rafah
/ Trucks carrying Qatari fuel finally enter Gaza
/ Kiwi team off to Gaza with Malaysian & European partners
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Qantara Newsletter Mai [27.05.2012]
Kulturrevolution zur besten Sendezeit -
Erstes TV-Duell vor der Präsidentenwahl in Ägypten //
Schluss mit lustig -
Haftstrafe für ägyptischen Schauspieler Adel Imam //
''Die Gesellschaft will keinen Extremismus''
Interview mit Mustafa Barghouti //
Kapitulation der politischen Mitte -
Islamophobie in Europa und der Fall Breivik //
Auf dem Weg zum ''urbanen Terrorismus''? -
Salafisten in Deutschland //
''Ich werde meine Arbeit fortsetzen'' -
Todesdekret gegen den iranischen Rapper Shahin Najafi //
Spiegelbild der Gesellschaft -
Buchtipp: "Nakba – Die offene Wunde" //
Nein zu sexueller Belästigung -
Fraueninitiative ''Salwas Abenteuer'' im Libanon //
"Berlin braucht dich!" -
Ausbildungsinitiative für junge Muslime //
Prinzip Hoffnung -
Interview mit Mohammed Hanif
International Headlines [27.05.2012]
Hungerstreikende & Weitere Gefängnisnachrichten: Detainees in Huwwara jail 'start hunger strike'
/ Abu Kweik to resume hunger strike after his administrative detention extended
/ Sarsak and Rikhawi continue their hunger strike
/ Hamas administrative detainees threaten to resume hunger strike
/ Ashkar: Prisoners from Gaza to receive family visits next month
Israelische Gewalt und Aggression / Angriffe auf friedliche Proteste: WATCH: Settlers set fire to Palestinian olive grove, man shot
/ Israeli settler shoots Palestinian
/ Army Attacks Bil’in’s Weekly Nonviolent Protest
/ Jewish settler runs over Palestinian child
/ IOF troops open fire at southern Gaza
/ IOF attack marches in Nabi Saleh, Ma'sarah
/ IOF soldiers quell weekly village march in Beit Ummar
Israelischer/Zionistischer Rassismus und Diskriminierung: Mob against migrants: How far can the violence go?
/ Sacha Baron Cohen: a buffoonish ideologue, at Israel’s service
/ Day after pogroms, Likud MK calls for internment camp for African refugees
/ Rabbi Yosef: Treating gentiles violates Sabbath
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International Headlines [25.05.2012]
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Siedler schießen auf Palästinenser und der SPIEGEL sieht nicht weg! [23.05.2012]
"Der Vorfall unterstreicht die Rechtlosigkeit, in der die etwa 1,7
Millionen Palästinenser unter israelischer Besatzung im Westjordanland leben."
(Christoph Sydow, 22.5.12, SPIEGEL)
Der SPIEGEL, der sich normalerweise der informellen Gleichschaltung und Zensur unterwirft, die es ermöglicht den israelischen Siedlerkolonialstaat und seine kriminelle Vorhut, die Siedler, als Bastion westlicher Werte und Demokratie erscheinen zu lassen - eben dieser SPIEGEL gab diese Vorgabe deutscher Staatsraison gestern auf und verbreitete hier einen Bericht der israelischen Menschenrechtsorganisation btselem.
Bitte lesen Sie hier weiter.
Ergänzende Links:
Settlers raid 'Asira al-Qibliya and attack residents, 2008 (btselem)
International Headlines [22.05.2012]
Verhaftungen und weitere Gefängnisberichte: Reporters Without Borders Condemn Arrest of Journalist
/ Palestinians arrest 10 Islamic Jihad members
/ Three Children Arrested in Beit Ommar
/ Student activist Khaled Abu Qash kidnapped by undercover Israeli forces
/ VIDEO: "We are All Palestinian Prisoners" Exclusive Interview with Artist Hafez Omar
/ Lawyer: Gaza engineer still in isolation despite deal
/ Israeli police arrest six Jerusalemites
/ IOF soldiers detain child
/ IOF soldiers nab ten Palestinians including three children in Jerusalem and Al Khalil
/ Islamic Jihad holds PA security responsible for assaults on its cadres
Ethnische Säuberung & Raub und Zerstörung von Land & Apartheid & Flüchtlinge: Nahr al-Bared: Five Years Later
/ Jerusalem Day in the Old City: The Conflict Marches On
/ The Meaning of the Nakba
/ Netanyahu: Israel will continue to build Jerusalem and keep it united
/ Fayyad: Water crisis due to Israel's control of resources
/ Jerusalem expansion reaches point of no return
/ The IOF suppress counter-demonstration held in Jerusalem
/ Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem sells Real Estate to Zionists
/ The occupation escalates its siege on Jerusalem
/ Palestinians flee Syria for Jordan
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International Headlines [20.05.2012]
Gefangenen-Nachrichten: Detainee On Hunger Strike Since 63 Days Determined To Continue
/ Gaza girl hopes to see jailed father for first time in 9 years
/ Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails: Their legal status and their rights
/ IOA extends administrative detention of municipal council member
/ The leader Hamed's family confirmed his transfer to "Hadareem"
Ethnische Säuberung / Landraub und Zerstörung / Freiheitsberaubung: An unnatural thing: Israeli occupation plans to cut trees in the name of natural preservation
/ Muslim Leaders Warn against Israeli Desecration of al-Aqsa Mosque
/ Interview: Michael Sfard, the Israeli lawyer battling illegal settlements
/ The Ugly Parade of Jerusalem Day
/ IOA orders closure of Palestinian shops in O. Jerusalem
/ Report: Israel escalated its settlement expansion in the W. Bank
/ IOA to close Silwan district prior to massive Jewish marches
/ JNF violates agreement on Al Arakib land
/ Jewish settlers ‘uproot trees near Hebron’
/ Settler policy rests on history of Israel`s tactical deceptions
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Deutschlandfunk-Feature: 'Ein- und ausgemauert' [18.05.2012]
Deutschlandfunk-Feature über den täglichen Kampf palästinensischer und
israelischer Journalisten gegen die zunehmende Zensur und Drohungen,
gegen die Besatzung und gegen die Kollaborateure.
Auf palästinensischer Seite haben die Autoren Ghassan Bannoura aus Bethlehem, Chefredakteur bei PNN, Mamdouh Hamamreh aus Bethlehem, Redakteur bei Alquds TV, interviewt. Auf israelischer Seite Yossi Gurvitz und Yuval Ben-Ami, die beide als Blogger bei +972 schreiben.
Ergänzende Links:
Transkription von 'Ein- und ausgemauert'
Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA)
International Headlines [18.05.2012]
Diebstahl und Zerstörung von Land und Eigentum / Ethnische Säuberung / Nakba: How Abu Dis' hills were stolen in the night
/ Israel razes settler outpost structures
/ The stories Sayed Kashua wouldn't dare tell his children
/ Israel to expand Ariel and build 2100 housing units on lands of Qalqilya and Tulkarem
/ New film puts Jerusalem activism in the frame
/ Jewish worshipers visit Nablus tomb
/ Jewish settlers break into Al-Aqsa with government minister and Knesset members
/ Culture Ministry monitors occupation's violations of Palestinian antiquities
Weitere Gefangenen-Nachrichten: Israeli troops rearrest prisoner in Shalit deal
/ Israeli forces arrest two Palestinians from the West Bank
/ Syria: Deported Palestinian journalist speaks out about torture in custody
/ Israel stops ex-prisoner from traveling to Jordan
/ Hamdan: The resistance will act if Israel violates its deal with hunger strikers
/ Nahshon unit storms section 6 of Negev prison
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International Headlines [10.05.2012]
Diebstahl und Zerstörung von Land und Eigentum / Ethnische Säuberung / Exil: Court reverses decision, prevents eviction of Palestinian family by JNF
/ Israeli rights group: Destroying Palestinian homes illegal
/ Karmei Tsur: Poisoning the vine with Zionism
/ NPA orders to remove the sign of the Information Center, flags, and the decoration lights in Wadi Hilweh
/ Video: West Bank barrier threatens villagers' way of life
/ Netanyahu: Israeli cabinet to weigh approval of illegal West Bank outpost
/ Settler leaders knew homes were built on private Palestinian land
/ Settlers prevent farmers from reaching their land
/ Court injunction delays demolitions of Jerusalem-area Bedouin homes
/ Ten years on from Nativity Church siege
/ The Occupation demolishes a water well near Beit Hanina
/ IOF soldiers destroy Palestinian crops south of Al-Khalil
Weitere Gefangenennachrichten: Israeli court orders the release of detained nonviolent activist
/ Negev prison refuses to admit jailed MP due to health condition
/ Israeli forces arrest 17 people across the West Bank
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International Headlines [09.05.2012]
Diebstahl und Zerstörung von Land und Eigentum & Ethnische Säuberung & Freiheitsberaubung: Israeli army demolishes three buildings near Bethlehem
/ Settlers cut hundreds of trees in Nablus area
/ Victory for the Ruweidi family and for Silwan
/ Bedouin land and culture threatened by Israel's plan for resettlement
/ In turnabout, Netanyahu urges ministers to find way to leave Ulpana intact
/ Outpost advocates pursue price tag demolitions in court
/ Israeli authorities demolish building in East Jerusalem
/ 'Back-to-back' procedure: Patients at checkpoints
Nakba: Music video: 'You see that we are rising-- the ghosts of Deir Yassin' -- Phil Monsour
/ Tel Aviv University okays Nakba Day ceremony despite student union opposition
/ Ramallah protest planned for Nakba Day
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International Headlines [08.05.2012]
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International Headlines [06.05.2012]
Solidarität & Unterstützung für die Hungerstreikenden: Read about Oppression, Act for Prisoners
/ Empty Stomach Warriors: A Show of Solidarity
/ Protests held for Palestinian prisoners
/ Beit Ommar Demonstration In Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners
/ A solidarity demonstration with the Hunger strike prisoners in front of Ramleh’s prison
/ Solidarity marches with the hunger strike prisoners
/ DAM releases: “A Letter From a Prison Cell”
/ A student’s march starts from the Central Bus Station (Nablus Road)
/ Sheikh Jarrah: Palestinians waves the Palestinian flag high on an Israeli ministry and district court
/ Ramallah: Palestinian Activists Remove Israeli Flags
/ Solidarity camps spring up across the West Bank
/ A sit-in in Lebanon in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners
/ Freed detainees in Turkey support captives on hunger strike
/ Jordan: Solidarity sit-in to support Palestinian Prisoners
/ Dozens injured in attacks on marches in solidarity with prisoners
/ Russian activists call on UN to press occupation to fulfill prisoners' demands
/ IOF quells march supporting prisoners
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This week palestine: Rising from the Nakba [03.05.2012]
We Shall Return - The Story of Iqrit
Post-Nakba Euphemisms and Humour
The Roots Remain
Flashback: From the Siege of the Nativity to the Siege of the City
Stolen Rights vs. “Sacred” Truth - Who is a Victim? Who is a Victor?
64 and 5 Years from Al-Nakba
The Renovated St. George Landmark Hotel
Palestine Museum in South Africa
Turning Palestine into Earth
Beautiful Resistance
Call to Action
Finding the Lion Workers among Us
Unsettling Settler Colonialism
Reflections on the Palestinian Art Movement before 1948
The Paintings of Jabra Ibrahim Jabra
Youth on Al-Nakba
Poet Rafeef Ziadah:
Teaching Life to the World
The Last Word - I will not be discouraged
International Headlines [02.05.2012]
Hungerstreiks: Palestinians warn of backlash if hunger strikers die
/ UN official appalled by Israeli violations against Palestinian prisoners
/ Video: #Flagwoman protester raises Palestinian flag on Israeli military vehicle outside Ofer prison
/ For Israel, punishing Palestinians is not enough
/ Lawyer: Jailed commander demands POW treatment
/ 20 Palestinians hurt at prisoner demo near Ramallah
/ Lawyer: Detainee on 64-day hunger strike in shackles
/ Dozens of liberated prisoners go on solidarity hunger strike
/ Israeli judge renews administrative detention of Barghouthi for six months
/ Israeli military court refuses appeal for release of MP
/ 40 captives from Palestinian 48 participate in the hunger strike
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International Headlines [29.04.2012]
Neues Licht auf die Ermordung von Ziad Jilani im Juni 2010: Ziad Jilani: a Kill Shot in Wadi Joz
/ Israel Police shoots first and asks questions later
Gefangenen- & Hungerstreik-Nachrichten: Belgian Senate Highlights Effects of Palestinians’ Imprisonment on Peace
/ Media ignores eight Palestinian hunger strikers as they near death
/ Abu Sir: Gaza child launches hunger strike for imprisoned father; prison services attempt to bargain with prisoners’ healthcare
/ Lina al-Jarbouni placed in solitary confinement as penalty for hunger strike
/ Detainee Thiab: “My Hunger-Strike Is Until Freedom Or Martyrdom”
/ Eighth hunger striking prisoner transferred to hospital; at least 2,000 still on hunger strike
/ Detained PFLP Leader Moved To Prison Hospital
/ Egyptians in Israeli jails on hunger strike
/ Hamas prisoners escalate the strike and refuse to take their medication
/ Gaza: Ex-Detainee in ICU after 7 days of hunger strike
/ Diab determined to continue his hunger strike
/ Khafsh: 2800 prisoners on hunger strike
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International Headlines [26.04.2012]
Gefangenen-Nachrichten / Hungerstreikende: Empty Stomach Warriors (I): Hasan al-Safadi Time and Time Again
/ Palestinian inmate strike ongoing
/ More Palestinian prisoners join hunger strike
/ PCHR Warns Against the Continuing Obstruction of Detainees' Visitation at Detention Centers of ISS
/ 58 Days On Hunger-Strike, Ailing Detainee Determined To Continue
/ Palestinian detainee survives assassination attempt with fractured skull
/ Prison administration increases repressive measures against Palestinian strikers
/ Family of hunger striker fears for his life
/ Prison guards storm isolation wards in Jalama
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Anti-Islamismus & -Arabismus sind ideologische Gleitmittel des modernen Imperialismus [25.04.2012]
und ZDF - die letzten oppositionellen Massenmedien? stellte
Alexander Dill in telepolis
unlängst fest, dass der kritische Journalismus
aus den Printmedien - Spiegel, Stern, Frankfurter Rundschau, Süddeutsche
Zeitung, Zeit oder taz - praktisch verschwunden ist.
Ausgerechnet in den verfemten öffentlich rechtlichen Medien gibt es hingegen Nischen, so Dill, in denen Dinge aufgedeckt und gesagt werden können, die in den vorangehend genannten Medien kaum mehr vorstellbar sind.
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International Headlines [20.04.2012]
Hungerstreiks: Palestinian football star seriously ill from four-week hunger strike
/ hunger strike
/ Shabak
/ Khader Adnan will continue to work at a bakery and sell zaatar to remind Palestinians of their roots
/ incredible interview with Khader Adnan
/ Iranian students to rally in support of Palestinian hunger strikers
/ Ex-detainee Fuad al-Khuffash reveals prisoners' demands
/ Occupation punishes the hunger strikers
/ Hunger striker Ezzuddin in serious condition
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International Headlines [19.04.2012]
Hungerstreikende Gefangene: Interview: "counterrevolution" threatens mass hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners
/ “We will live in dignity:” Palestinian political prisoners begin mass hunger strike
/ Mass Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike
/ to read
/ Palestinian Detainees Initiate An Open-Ended Hunger Strike
/ Report On The Palestinian Political Prisoners
/ On Palestinian Prisoners Day, the Suffering of Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli Jails Doubles
/ Safadi to maintain hunger strike until his release
/ 320 International Organizations Support the Prisoners Strikers' Demands
/ Hamas: Fatah Attitude against the Prisoners' Strike Serves the Occupation
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International Headlines [17.04.2012]
Hungerstreikende Gefangene: Jordanian prisoners join hunger strike
/ Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails to go on hunger strike
/ Health of hunger strikers sharply worsens
/ Hunger striker Halahla vomits blood
Flytillas: Exclusive: ‘Political contract’ required to enter Israel?
/ Europe’s airlines enforce Israeli travel ban on activists hoping to repair Palestinian schools
/ Israel dismisses 'flytilla' protest, pointing to human rights abuses in Syria
/ Israel Criminalizes Travel
/ Second year of hysterical Israeli reaction to Welcome to Palestine
/ Flytilla participants protest cancellation of tickets by airlines
/ Welcome to Palestine
/ Pro-Palestinian 'fly-in' activist: Israel and Europe treated us like terrorists
/ Sights that the 'flytilla' activists weren't allowed to see
/ Zoabi: “Israel Violates Freedoms At A Global Level”
/ 470 Of Passengers Marked As Activists, Had Nothing To Do With “Welcome To Palestine”
/ Barhoum: Arrest of foreign activists reflects Israeli crisis
/ Israel blocks entry of 80 foreign solidarity activists
/ Hundreds stopped from leaving Europe for Israel
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International Headlines [13.04.2012]
8. Juli: Airflotilla2
/ Israeli group calls on government to welcome fly-in activists
/ Israel mobilizes special forces to deport 'flytilla' activists
/ Pro-Palestinian activists dismiss Israeli warnings
/ European airlines cancel tickets of pro-Palestinian 'flytilla' activists
/ plans to thwart the fly-in at the departing airport.
/ Lufthansa cancels airline tickets of 'flytilla' participants
/ @AirFlotilla2
Kollaboration: Will Israel and Lebanon's new naval partnership last?
/ Gaza flotilla incident
/ yesterday
/ Israeli, Lebanese navy cooperate to counter solidarity ships
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International Headlines [03.04.2012]
Ethnische Säuberung / Land- & Resourcen-Raub / Apartheid: Video: Israeli occupation forces violently evict Palestinians from Hebron house
/ Israeli authorities flout court order to provide Bedouins with water
/ "We are only guests in Lebanon" - Palestinians look homewards on Land Day
/ When Europe Develops
/ In photos: Daily resistance in Jordan Valley
/ Israeli prime minister sides with settlers again
/ Netanyahu asked Barak to delay evacuation of Hebron house
/ Jerusalem Mayor aims to establish new settlement in East Jerusalem
/ UN Report: Susiya Village Faces a High Risk of Forced Displacement
/ In the Shadow of Two States: Rural Electrification in the Occupied West Bank
/ IOF soldiers bulldoze land, damage olive trees near Yatta
/ IOF soldiers raze Palestinian home, power network in Beit Jala
/ IOF soldiers forcibly evict local, foreign activists from house in Al-Khalil
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International Headlines [01.04.2012]
Land-, Resourcen-Raub & Zerstörung / Ethnische Säuberung / Exil: In banishment to Gaza, Hana al-Shalabi would face Winnie Mandela's fate and hope
/ Israel threatens to demolish German-funded solar energy systems in West Bank
/ ‘Judaizing’ Beit Hanina in East Jerusalem, with backing from Americans
/ For Palestinian farmer, a constant reminder of Israeli occupation
/ Safa Protesters Remove 100 Meters Of Fence Isolating Them From Their Orchards
/ IOA exiles Sheikh Alqam from Jerusalem for one month
/ Israel planning new Jewish suburb in occupied Jerusalem
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International Headlines [27.03.2012]
Hana Shalabi: 40 Days and 40 Nights: The Biblical Fast of Hana Shalabi
/ Hospital 'may consider force-feeding' Shalabi
/ A Palestinian boy holds a poster depicting Hana Shalabi during a rally in Gaza City
Andere hungerstreikende Gefangene: Megiddo prison administration blocks visits to hunger strikers
Israels UN-Hysterie: Israel reprimands Austria, Belgium over vote on UN human rights council
/ Ayalon: “We Will Not Allow UN Committee Members Into The Country”
/ Shapiro: Israel's decision to cut HRC ties 'understandable'
Politische Gefangene & Verhaftete: Jailed Fatah leader calls to end ties with Israel
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International Headlines [13.03.2012]
Hana Shalabi / Politische Gefangene / Häftlinge: Bassem Tamimi`s military trial drawing to a close
/ Tibi: Israel rejects MK's request to visit Shalabi
/ IOF soldiers storm West Bank cities, round up 10 Palestinians
/ Palestinian detainee bleeding in detention
/ 8 Palestinians arrested in the West Bank
/ IPS punishes prisoners for their solidarity with hunger striker
/ IOF soldiers arrest three Palestinians in Halhul
/ Detainee goes on hunger strike protesting renewal of his administrative custody
/ Dirar Abusisi: First Kidnapped by Mossad, Now Abused in Israeli Prison
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International Headlines [08.03.2012]
Ethnische Säuberung / Verwüstungen / Apartheid: Palestine submits 20 heritage sites to UNESCO
/ For East Jerusalem Palestinians, taking out the trash is more than a chore
/ Israeli Settlers Uproot and Take 100 Olive Trees Owned By Palestinian Farmers
/ Janba and Bir Al-Ad villagers receive demolition orders
/ IOF troops enter northern Gaza
/ Israeli authorities raze Arakib village in Negev for 36th time
/ IOF soldiers serve demolition notices in Jordan Valley
/ Stop the Wall: World Bank acknowledges failures in Red Sea – Dead Sea Channel project
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International Headlines [05.03.2012]
Hungerstreikende Hanaa al-Shalabi: Red flags over Gaza: Palestinian leftists rally for Hana Shalabi
/ Army prevents medical committee from visiting hunger-striking detainee
/ Israeli authorities deny appeal by hunger-striking Palestinian prisoner
/ Shalabi to continue hunger strike despite sentence reduction
Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid: Silwan Centre warns of collapses due to Israeli excavations
/ Buildup of Israeli forces
/ In Photos: Economic exploitation in the Jordan Valley
/ Christian Jerusalemites' challenges following settler attacks
/ Mixed Israeli city marketing homes to religious Jews only
/ Foundation: Landslide risk in Silwan amid Israeli digs
/ Israeli court to consider evacuating Hebron settlers
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International Headlines [02.03.2012]
Landraub & Zerstörung / Ethnische Säuberung / Apartheid / Freiheitsberaubung: Rightist NGO ranks Israel MKs according to support of settlement building
/ State, settlers reach deal to evacuate West Bank outpost of Migron
/ Abandoned by their own city
/ Rights groups: Lift travel ban on Al-Haq director
/ Occupation forces demolish a protest tent in Khirbet Sousya
/ Hamas warns Israel against Judaizing Buraq plaza
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International Headlines [19.02.2012]
Khader Adnan - 64. Tag des Hungerstreiks: JVP and Ta'anit Tzedek Call for One Day Fast in Solidarity with Khader Adnan
/ Palestinian's hunger strike puts spotlight on Israeli detentions
/ Washing your hands of Khader Adnan: My response to weasel words of EU's Catherine Ashton
/ Watch: Huwaida Arraf and Ali Abunimah discuss Palestinian strategy, Khader Adnan and BDS on The Stream
/ Standing in solidarity with Khader Adnan
/ Khader Adnan
/ If #KhaderAdnan was a Jewish terrorist, he might be free
/ WE ARE ALL #Hungerstrike63days
/ Khader Adnan is honored at Bil’in protest
/ Write a letter of support and solidarity to Khader Adnan and his family
/ Solidarity with Khader Adnan
/ Palestinians rally for prisoner
/ near death,
/ interview today with The Independent
/ Wife says health of Khader Adnan worsening
/ Prisoners in Ashkelon strike to support Adnan
/ From Muhammad Bouazizi to Khadr Adnan, oppressors know that their days are numbered
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"This Week In Palestine" No. 166 [17.02.2012]
Palestinian Women in Resistance
By Cairo Arafat
Impressions of Gaza
By Yasmeen El Khoudary
By Iman Hamayel
A Café for All Nations
By Marco Espvall
A Foreigner in Palestine
By Kris Justice
What Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us Stronger
By Najah Osaily
Solidarity Concert in Palestine
Artist of the Month
Farid Fakhriddin
Book of the Month
Globalized Palestine
Exhibition of the Month
Personality of the Month
Ziad Anabtawi
Picturesque Palestine
Picturesque Palestine
Website Review
International Headlines [15.02.2012]
Landraub / Ethnische Säuberung / Apartheid / Angriff auf pal. Kultur & Religion: Israeli forces destroy 'the only place for children in Silwan'
/ children as young as six are picked up by Israeli police
/ Israeli settlers
/ Israeli forces demolish three Palestinian sheds in Nablus
/ Settlers, soldiers uproot olive trees in West Bank village
/ Israeli forces demolish shed, wells, barns south of Hebron
/ PA works in Jerusalem despite Israeli measures
/ an earlier report here)
/ we reported with joy about the new school structure at Susiya (Susya ).
/ the Occupation regime’s fraudulently named “Civil Administration” handed down demolition orders to the school.
/ A plea to the world from the principal of a Palestinian school about to be demolished
/ Jerusalem 'squatter' discovers that his home is rightfully his
/ Soldiers destroy 5 agricultural sheds in Nablus
/ Nablus village 'refuses Israeli decision to curtail mosque'
/ IOF serves demolition notices in Jenin village
/ Khatib: IOA uses chemical material to accelerate digging under the Aqsa
/ linnk to
/ Israeli army destroys West Bank well restored by Polish charity
/ 3 structures razed in Oz Zion outpost
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International Headlines [12.02.2012]
Ethnische Säuberung & Zerstörung von Häusern und Besitz & Apartheid: Hanna condemns Zionist falsification of the history of Christian holy places
/ Report: occupation violate Palestinian journalists' rights
/ IOA confiscates Palestinian land in Bethlehem village
/ IOA mobilizes forces near Aqsa mosque
/ Occupation approves the establishment of new settlement
/ Al-Janiya fights to reach its land
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International Headlines [10.02.2012]
Land-, Besitz, Resourcen-Raub & Zerstörung & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid Freiheitsberaubung: Israeli forces deliver eviction summons in Tubas
/ Palestinian officials worry about movement restrictions
/ Israeli bulldozers demolish Palestinian home, tin shack in Jerusalem
/ Israeli Likud party calls to storm al-Aqsa Mosque
/ Israel to mull tax exemptions on donations to Zionist settlement
/ Lifta's imaginary future
/ Nunu: Settlers' plan to storm Aqsa reincarnates Sharon war
/ AFEH warns of increased violation of Aqsa sanctity
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International Headlines [09.02.2012]
Khader Adnan beginnt den 55. Tag seines Hungerstreiks in israelischer Haft ohne irgendeine Anklage: Israel military again delays action on Khader Adnan's appeal as concern over hunger striker's condition mounts
/ VIDEO: Former Irish hunger striker's message for Khader Adnan, a Palestinian prisoner 55 days on hunger strike
/ Last chance appeal for near-death Palestinian hunger striker
/ Palestinian hunger striker nearing death
/ Khader Adnan: 53 days on Hunger Strike
/ Khader Adnan, 54 days of hunger strike, to see final military appeal tomorrow
/ Israeli court to hold session for Khader Adnan in hospital
/ Lawyer of hunger striker Adnan refuses Israeli request to delay hearing
/ Wife of hunger striker: Adnan enjoys high morale despite bad health condition
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International Headlines [31.01.2012]
Landraub & Zerstörung / Freiheitsberaubung & Apartheid: To exist is to resist! Rebuilding homes in Anata
/ The first step in preventing all parking on Wadi Hilweh
/ AIC video: Bedouin demand end to disposession
/ Israeli government offers concessions to settlers
/ Lawyer who worked for outposts to sit on Israeli government panel to legalize them
/ OPT: Boosting protection and tackling food insecurity
/ PM: Israeli presence necessary in Jordan Valley
/ Villagers start hunger strike to protest land confiscation
/ Refugee brothers 'alive but forgotten'
/ PA slams Israel settlement plans
/ Maqdesi: The IOA has closed 88 Jerusalemite institutions since 1967
/ Israel plans to confiscate 650 dunums in occupied Jerusalem
/ VIDEO: A view of the crowded streets in Balata Refugee Camp
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International Headlines [29.01.2012]
Attacken auf Demonstranten gegen Landraub / Landraub & Zerstörung / Freiheitsberaubung /Apartheid: Israel proposes cantons, fenced border for Palestinians
/ Israeli soldiers attack peaceful marches in W. Bank villages
/ OCHA: Israel demolished 17 Palestinian homes in the past week
/ IOA to raze two Palestinian homes in Bethlehem village
/ Inhabitants of hamlet go on hunger strike to protest demolition of their homes
/ Jewish settlers steal 30 Dunums in al-Khalil
/ Israel planning to raze 30 Palestinian houses in the Negev
/ IOA blocks travel of 40 Palestinians in one week
/ A new anger is apparent at UNRWA
/ 'Ruling to raze Migron unjust
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International Headlines [24.01.2012]
Landraub & Zerstörung / Attacken auf Protestierer / Freiheitsberaubung / Apartheid / Flüchtlinge: The Grave Digger of Nahr al-Bared Camp
/ Breaking: Israeli bulldozer, soldiers destroy entire community of Beit Arabiya in West Bank
/ Israeli judge to visit military checkpoint in Silwan
/ Israel ramps up settlement of East Jerusalem
/ 23 Jan. '12: B'Tselem to military: Investigate firing of .22-caliber bullets at stone throwers
/ Israel High Court bars Palestinian from studying abroad over nonexistent evidence
/ ICAHD set up a facility there
/ Israel demolishes 10 buildings near Jericho
/ Forces demolish home in Jerusalem village
/ Israeli troops 'raid east Salfit village'
/ Israel confiscates 350 acres in occupied Jerusalem in just three weeks
/ One village’s nonviolent resistance to land confiscation
/ Violent attacks on peaceful marches in W. Bank continue
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International Headlines [22.01.2012]
Attacken auf Palästinenser bei Protesten gegen Diebstahl & Zerstörung von Land und Besitz, Ethnische Säuberung, Apartheid: Kufr Qaddoum drives back Israeli soldiers at weekly demonstration to re-open road
/ Jerusalem Municipality demolishes a house under construction in Shufat
/ Mobile checkpoints and traffic tickets cause confrontations
/ Ten new demolition orders issued in Ein Aluzeh
/ In Jerusalem, national parks seen by Palestinians as a land grab (The Christian Science Monitor)
/ Israel confiscates more Palestinian land near Bethlehem
/ Violent attacks on peaceful marches in W. Bank continue
/ Nonviolent Resistence: Nabih Saleh and Kafr Qaddum
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Frankfurter Rundschau: Kündigung nach erneuten Antisemitismus-Diffamierungen [18.01.2012]
Nachdem sich die ehemals linksliberale Frankfurter Rundschau zum
wiederholten Mal an der Antisemitismus-Schmierenkampagne gegen
Linke und Mitglieder der LINKS-Partei beteiligte, zog es
deren Abonnentin C. K. vor, auf die Beschimpfungen mit der Kündigung
ihres Abonnements zu reagieren:
FR-Kundennr. 1003XXXX
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
mit sofortiger Wirkung kündige ich mein Abonnement für den Bezug der Frankfurter Rundschau.
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LINKE wieder unter Beschuss der Israel-Lobby [17.01.2012]
Mitglieder vom linken Flügel der LINKS-Partei - Sevim Dagdelen,
Eva Bulling-Schröter, Diether Dehm, Annette Groth, Heike Hänsel
und Ulla Jelpke - sind nach der Unterzeichnung
der sich gegen einen Überfall Syriens und des Irans richtet,
in den zu erwartenden Gülle-Sturm geraten.
(Siehe folgende bemerkenwerte Zusammenstellung auf den
'nachdenkseiten', deren Aufklärungsleistung in Sachen
Nahost normalerweise homöopathisch ist.)
Die journalistischen Dreckschleuderer geben sich in ihren Formulierungen teilweise ganz offen als Agenten der Israel-Lobby zu erkennen, denn allein die kann bei diesem Thema auf Formulierungen verfallen wie: „in kommunistischen Gruppen gestählt und in Antisemitismus gehärtet”.
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International Headlines [15.01.2012]
Attacken auf Palästinenser, die ihr Land verteidigen & Landraub & Zerstörung & Apartheid & Flüchtlinge: New demolition notices delivered in Silwan
/ Settlers Cut More Than 100 Olive Trees Near Salfit
/ Naher Al-Bared creeps back to normality
/ IOF troops quell peaceful anti wall marches
Rassismus & Diskriminierung & Sexismus: Israel's Supreme Court President criticized for handling of appeals against Citizenship Law
/ Israelis Facing a Seismic Rift Over Role of Women
Aktivismus & BDS: Mideast conflict spills onto BART walls
/ Death threats and intimidation by Zionist groups increasing in France, say BDS activists
/ US Department of Education throws out Zionist group's "civil rights" complaint against Barnard College
/ 2012: A good year to boycott Sabra (& Shatila) Hummus
/ Join our campaign: Help stop the construction of a national park on Palestinian land in East Jerusalem!
/ Violinist suspended for Israel Proms protest takes claim to tribunal
/ Ramallah protest rejects negotiations
/ Plant a Tree in Palestine
/ Call for the World Social Forum Free Palestine
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International Headlines [12.01.2012]
Diebstahl & Zerstörung von Land und Besitz / Ethnische Säuberung / Apartheid: Palestinian leaders outraged over West Bank construction data
/ Israel tightens grip on West Bank Bedouin
/ EU report: Israel policy in West Bank endangers two-state solution
/ Orthodox Patriarchate shows solidarity with expelled Jerusalem Deputy
/ IOA to expand West Bank settlement
/ IOA confiscates cultivated land lot in Bethlehem
/ Rivlin: Gov't must find solution for Migron
Rassismus & Diskriminierung & Sexismus und andere Dinge, die nicht in Ihrer Zeitung stehen: Lifting ban on Palestinian spouses is "national suicide": Israel court
/ Israel: New detention law violates rights of asylum-seekers
/ Israeli bar on citizenship upheld
/ IDF: No coercion of haredi soldiers
/ Yair Lapid gets death threat on Facebook
/ Minister: Ethiopians should 'say thank you' for what they got
/ 'Citizenship Law – declaration of war on Israeli Arabs'
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International Headlines [10.01.2012]
Gewalt & Terror: Israeli police fire live ammunition in Sheikh Jarrah
/ Youth 'clash with forces' in north Jenin village
Diebstahl & Zerstörung von Land und Besitz / Ethnische Säuberung / Apartheid: US millionaire Kenneth Abramowitz funds settlers linked to attacks on IDF
/ Israel breaking settlement records, says Peace Now (Reuters)
/ Palestine's farmers: Refusing to Die in Silence
/ Israel to make 60 more Palestinians homeless
/ Municipality working illegally in East Jerusalem
/ Peace Now: Israel began building 1,850 new houses in West Bank in 2011
/ Haridim planning new settlement east of Jerusalem
Rassismus & Diskriminierung & Sexismus und andere Dinge, die nicht in der Zeitung stehen: Hundreds expected to demonstrate against racism in Kiryat Malakhi
/ Israel's Justice Ministry seeks to allow police to install hidden video cameras in suspects' homes
/ Poll: 51% say 'kosher buses' legitimate
/ Knesset backs 'suspects' names' bill
/ IAF rabbi remains in corps
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International Headlines [09.01.2012]
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