Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2012) / 2012030299

International Headlines [02.03.2012]

International HeadlinesLandraub & Zerstörung / Ethnische Säuberung / Apartheid / Freiheitsberaubung: Rightist NGO ranks Israel MKs according to support of settlement building (haa) / State, settlers reach deal to evacuate West Bank outpost of Migron (haa) / Abandoned by their own city (haa) / Rights groups: Lift travel ban on Al-Haq director (maan) / Occupation forces demolish a protest tent in Khirbet Sousya (pal-info) / Hamas warns Israel against Judaizing Buraq plaza (pal-info)

Hanaa al-Shalabi: 16. Tag Hungerstreiktag: Profile of hunger-striking prisoner Hanaa Shalabi (aic-news) / Shalabi determined to continue her hunger strike (imc) / Shalabi 'patient, steadfast' until demands met (maan) / Shalabi supporter hospitalized after solidarity strike (maan) / Protest outside Hasharon Prison in solidarity with Shalaby on Sunday (pal-info)
Israels Nationalhymne ...: Former judge backs Arab judge over Israeli anthem scandal (haa) / Arab justice's Hatikva silence was a song of protest (haa) / Haaretz editorial: Israel should consider altering its anthem to include non-Jews (haa)
Israelischer Sektarianismus & Diskriminierung: Second-class solidarity (haa) / Put women in bus ads (jpost) / Ex-minister Benizri claims Israel 'most anti-Semitic state' (ynet)
Andere Gefangene: Israeli forces arrest seven Palestinians across West Bank (wafa) / Israeli police terrorize prisoners in Asqalan (wafa) / Israeli right rails against solidarity with Khader Adnan (aic-news) / Report: Israel kidnapped 380 Palestinians in February (imc) / Activist: Palestinian detained with hunting rifle (maan) / Amnesty: Release prisoner of conscience Bassam Tamimi (maan) / IOF troops storm Hamas captives' ward (pal-info)
Aktivismus & BDS: froze a deal to supply the bulldozers 16 months ago (%20) / Occupy AIPAC live-streaming summit tomorrow (endtheoccupation) / University of London launches Centre for Palestine Studies (wafa) / Occupy AIPAC to protest Netanyahu's US visit (wafa) / Israeli troops use gas to suppress anti-wall protests (imc) / Boycott failed? D-9 bulldozers on way to IDF (israelnationalnews) / Decade-long demise of Palestinian armed resistance (jpost) / (occupyaipac) / See the UPDATED schedule of actions here (occupyaipac) / SOAS website on the new centre ( / Video: Bil‘in and Nabi Saleh Demo 02.02.2012 by Haitham al-Khatib (ytube)
Gaza: Going to Palestine after a lifetime of longing (al-akhbar) / Gaza children run marathon to raise funds for UN summer camps (haa) / Egypt's parliament recommends supplying Gaza with electricity (imc) / PA-controlled office in Gaza ransacked (maan) / PFLP armed wing claims rocket attack (maan) / Flooding damages 8 homes in north Gaza (maan) / Haniyeh blames power crisis on Egypt (maan) / London calling a runner from Gaza (smh)
Besatzer: Ministry says Israeli reasons for raid on TV station baseless (wafa) / The silence of the lambs: On the violence of the security forces against animals and people during the destruction of the village of Ta'ale in South Hebron Hills ( / Israel environment ministry: IDF getting away with pollution (haa) / PCHR Weekly Report: One civilian killed, 6 wounded by Israeli troops this week (imc) / Full report (pchrgaza)
Diverses: British lord forced to resign after 'Israel will not last' claim (al-akhbar) / Feature: Government debt drives contracting sector to the verge of collapse (wafa) / Schools reopen in Gaza, still closed in West Bank (maan) / Bulgaria: Bulgarian border police detain 6 illegal immigrants on freight train (novinite)
Politische Entwicklungen: Haniyeh: Leaders should meet in Gaza (maan) / Hamas deputy: Political operations out of Damascus (maan) / Shaath 'appreciates' Haniyeh's invitation to Gaza (maan)



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