Institut für Palästinakunde
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International Headlines [29.01.2012]

International HeadlinesAttacken auf Demonstranten gegen Landraub / Landraub & Zerstörung / Freiheitsberaubung /Apartheid: Israel proposes cantons, fenced border for Palestinians (al-akhbar) / Israeli soldiers attack peaceful marches in W. Bank villages (pal-info) / OCHA: Israel demolished 17 Palestinian homes in the past week (pal-info) / IOA to raze two Palestinian homes in Bethlehem village (pal-info) / Inhabitants of hamlet go on hunger strike to protest demolition of their homes (pal-info) / Jewish settlers steal 30 Dunums in al-Khalil (pal-info) / Israel planning to raze 30 Palestinian houses in the Negev (pal-info) / IOA blocks travel of 40 Palestinians in one week (pal-info) / A new anger is apparent at UNRWA (presstv) / 'Ruling to raze Migron unjust (ynet)

Protest & Aktivismus & BDS: No One Is Buying Tickets for this Quartet Symphony of Speechifying (endtheoccupation) / We will not be intimidated: Video with Cindy Corrie backs Olympia Food Co-op fight against anti-boycott lawsuit (ei) / Palestinian Christians who two years ago made a call to churches (ei) / divestment recommendation (gamc.pcusa) / Help support two important divestment campaigns to hold Israel accountable (mweiss) / New film ‘We are Nabi Saleh’ offers a ‘portrait of a Palestinian village in resistance’ (mweiss) / The courage to refuse: the 10-year anniversary of the Combatants’ Letter (mweiss) / Video: 140 Israelis endorse Methodist church’s upcoming divestment resolution (mweiss) / Combatants’ Letter ( / US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (endtheoccupation) / here (globalexchange) / Israel-Palestine Mission Network (israelpalestinemissionnetwork) / A New Stage for West Bank Popular Resistance (palmon) / at its general conference (umc) / United Methodist Kairos Response (kairosresponse) / resolution (kairosresponse)
Gewalt israelischer Sicherheitskräfte und Siedler: Demanding justice for Yousef, a quiet boy killed by Israeli settlers (ei) / Israeli Missile Targets Home in Ash-Shujaa’eya Neighborhood, Abu Mustafa shells Nahal Oz (imc) / Palestinians form ‘civil guards’ to defend mosques (jpost) / Israeli forces clash with youth near Hebron (maan) / Palestinian teen hit by Israeli car at checkpoint (maan) / Daily crimes of Israel (uruk)
Politische Gefangene: Detained Jihad leader faces Israeli hearing Monday (maan) / Occupation decides to keep lawmaker Tafesh in administrative detention (pal-info) / Occupation forces arrest three minors (pal-info) / IOF soldiers disguised as Palestinians kidnap Palestinian youth (pal-info)
Gaza: The Irish FM visits Gaza, calls for end to blockade (pal-info)
Politische Entwicklungen & Diplomatie: Election fever grips Israel as Netanyahu maneuver expected (lat) / Why the US won't fund Palestinian 'Sesame Street' (csmon) / Hamas leader goes back to Jordan (bbc) / Canadian ministers object to participation of Hamas MPs in IPU meeting in Quebec (pal-info) / Snake dies from baby's bite (ynet) / Leap in number of Israelis studying in PA (ynet)
Analyse & Meinung: ABC News reports (abcnews.go) / hope springing eternal (endtheoccupation) / State Department Right on Cue with "Peace Process" Happy Talk (endtheoccupation) / Billionaire Gingrich backer Adelson regrets he served in US instead of Israeli military (ei) / Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (en.wikipedia) / peace journalism (en.wikipedia) / war journalism (en.wikipedia) / Chinese organized crime (en.wikipedia) / two-month-long smear campaign (mweiss) / ‘Center for American Progress’ censors references to Israel from piece on Islamophobic film (mweiss) / Quoting Israelis, ‘NYT’ front pager says Iran will take a military strike lying down (won’t even raise oil prices!) (mweiss) / Unrepentant: Justice for Palestine (palchron) / Why the Question of Palestine is a Feminist Concern (thefeministwire) / Transcend (transcend) / Walking Through Shatila (cpunch) / International Crisis Group (crisisgroup) / Gingrich's Extremist Anti-Palestinian Stance Follows Millions from Casino Magnate Sheldon Adelson (demnow) / he’d establish a lunar colony (huffpo) / Robert Fisk: The present stands no chance against the past (indp) / Gingrich and Adelson Promise After Settling West Bank, They’ll Colonize Moon (richardsilverstein) / Adelson Casino Empire Investigated for Mob Ties, Prostitution (richardsilverstein) / press briefing (
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: Palestinian families denied rights by Israel's racist marriage laws (ei) / Israel to become biggest jailer of refugees (pulse)
Diverses: Iran could ban EU oil exports next week (al-akhbar) / Jordan jails teen activist for burning king's picture (al-akhbar) / Saudi to recognize, fund SNC; Russia rejects Syria resolution (al-akhbar) / Iran sanctions backlash– oil buyers ditch dollar (mweiss) / Washington Wages War of Sanctions against Iran, Ismail Salami – Tehran (palchron) / New U.N. draft resolution gives Syria 15 days to comply (foreignpol) / Suicide bomber kills 33 at Shiite funeral in Iraq (AP) (yahoo) / Dutch to ban Muslim face veils next year (alj) / Bahrain confirms teen died in police custody (alj) / Deaths in attacks on Iraq's Sunni districts (alj) / Syria activists report 'massacre' in Homs (alj) / UN considers resolution on Syria (alj) / VIDEO: Syria activists: 150 killed in 3 days (bbc) / Yemen's president arrives in US (bbc) / Nuclear Iran (cpunch) / 'French police abuse blacks and Arabs' (presstv) / IAEA inspectors arrive in Tehran (presstv) / Bahraini forces injure 12 protesters (presstv) / HIGHLY INFORMED WESTERNERS AND IRANIANS KNOW THE WAY OUT OF THE NUCLEAR IMPASSE…BUT THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION WON’T TAKE IT (raceforiran) / 'Iranian threat nothing more than bluff' (ynet) / US to send 'floating base' to Mideast (ynet) / Syrian activists propose an armed uprising (ytube)



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