Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2012) / 2012110799

International Headlines [07.11.2012]

International HeadlinesDiebstahl & Zerstörung / Ethnische Säuberung: Colonizers ruin olive trees in Hebron (palsolidarity) / House demolished in Deirit, South Hebron Hills [Update: video added] (palsolidarity) / Settlers set ground on fire in Salman Valley (palsolidarity) / For first time, Bedouin town to be part of Jewish regional council (haa) / Israel to illegally seize Palestinian lands near Bethlehem (imc) / Settlers 'uproot 100 trees, spray racist graffiti' in Nablus (maan) / Israel issues eviction orders to 40 families in Nablus (maan) / Journalists among 6 injured in Salfit clashes (maan) / Europe condemns Israel's OK for new settler homes (ynet)
Analysen & Meinungen & Reviews & Leben: After Bibi's bet on Romney, peace camp can beat him (972mag) / Obama victory: Israeli memes poke fun at Bibi (972mag) / Watch: Unexpected sensations in 'Palestine Interrupted' video installation by Adam Abel (ei) / Israel is responsible for 'price tag' attacks, not just a few settler extremists (ei) / New film on Nazi links to Zionism sidesteps the toughest questions (ei) / West Bank's Sufi Trail offers a glimpse into landmarks and history of Islamic mysticism (yahoo) / Clearing the path for future tyranny (alj) / President Barack Hussain Obama - again: But the grace is gone (alj) / Obama the Second (haa) / Enough money, too much occupation (thedailybeast)

Politische und vermischte Nachrichten: Outrage as Palestinian tycoon Munib Masri hosts Israeli settler mogul with Egypt's Amr Moussa and Jordan ex-PM (ei) / Palestinian protesters harassed, beaten by Abbas supporters in Jerusalem (ei) / US judge dismisses suit linking Arab Bank to Hamas shooting attack (haa) / Teacher strike closes West Bank schools (maan) / PA says to pay some salaries next week (maan) / PA asks Oman for financial assistance (maan) / Haniyeh urges Tunis to sue Israel over assassination (maan) / PA hopes Obama will reduce Israel bias in 2nd term (maan) / Erdo (turkishweekly) / Ex-JAG: Marmara trial is a show (ynet)
Gefangene & Justiz: Palestinian teen spends 21 days behind bars on false charges (haa) / After jail sentence, Bassem Tamimi declared prisoner of conscience (maan) / Jerusalemite prisoner threatened with losing his eyesight (pal-info)
Gewalt & Attacken & Zusammenstösse: Magistrates Court extended the arrest of 6 young men from Jerusalem (silwan) / Muhammad Samih al Abassi, arrested child, has his house raided and searched (silwan) / Clashes reported in Silwan, 2 residents kidnapped (imc) / Witnesses: Israeli forces raid Bethlehem stone quarry (maan) / Citizens suffer breathing difficulty in IOF violent dispersal of demo (pal-info) / Clashes erupt after storming Youssef's tomb by hundreds of settlers (pal-info)
Flüchtlinge: Syrian rebels kill 10 pro-Assad Palestinian militiamen (maan) / PFLP-GC blame Qatar for Syria rebel killings (maan)
Gaza: Smuggling some fun: Teens sneak paintball game into Gaza (talesofacitybythesea) / Hamas apologizes after police beat female activists (maan) / Qatari fuel for Gaza still stuck in Sinai amid unrest (maan) / Official: Farmer injured by tank fire in central Gaza (maan) / Hamas affirms rejection of violence against peaceful demonstrations (pal-info)
BDS: AICvision: Israeli occupation, accountability (aic-news)
Gefangenschaft: Palestinians barred from studying in West Bank (forward) / Israeli policy splits Palestinian families (alj) / Stripped of my clothes, my father, but not of my right to return (alj)
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: Ashdod Sudanese urge Israeli neighbors: Vote for leaders who won't deport us (haa)



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