Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2012) / 2012051099

International Headlines [10.05.2012]

International HeadlinesDiebstahl und Zerstörung von Land und Eigentum / Ethnische Säuberung / Exil: Court reverses decision, prevents eviction of Palestinian family by JNF (972mag) / Israeli rights group: Destroying Palestinian homes illegal (al-akhbar) / Karmei Tsur: Poisoning the vine with Zionism (palsolidarity) / NPA orders to remove the sign of the Information Center, flags, and the decoration lights in Wadi Hilweh (silwan) / Video: West Bank barrier threatens villagers' way of life (bbc) / Netanyahu: Israeli cabinet to weigh approval of illegal West Bank outpost (haa) / Settler leaders knew homes were built on private Palestinian land (haa) / Settlers prevent farmers from reaching their land (imc) / Court injunction delays demolitions of Jerusalem-area Bedouin homes (imc) / Ten years on from Nativity Church siege (maan) / The Occupation demolishes a water well near Beit Hanina (pal-info) / IOF soldiers destroy Palestinian crops south of Al-Khalil (pal-info)
Weitere Gefangenennachrichten: Israeli court orders the release of detained nonviolent activist (imc) / Negev prison refuses to admit jailed MP due to health condition (imc) / Israeli forces arrest 17 people across the West Bank (maan)

Nakba: Video: Palestinian 'Key of Return' on show at Berlin Biennale (alarabiya) / Protest against the on-going Nakba (pnn) / PCBS: Palestinian population over 11 million by end of 2011 (wafa)
Hungerstreikende: Situation of long-term hunger strikers becomes increasingly urgent (aic-news) / UNRWA mysteriously removes top official's statement on Israel's treatment of hunger strikers (ei) / Football activism group in solidarity with imprisoned Palestinian footballer and all hunger strikers (ei) / Elderly Gaza man on hunger strike in solidarity with "only son left" (ei) / Anonymous hacks UN site for 'ignoring' Palestinian hunger strikers (al-akhbar) / Israel "seeking deal" on Palestinian hunger strikers (al-akhbar) / Photoblog -- Empty Stomach Warriors: on the streets of Ramallah (al-akhbar) / Families of striking prisoners shut down Red Cross office (wafa) / 73 days: Bilal, Thaer and Irish hunger strikers against colonial rule (stopthewall) / Palestinian Popular Front calls for uprising (kuna) / UN's Ban urges Israel to charge prisoners or free them (maan) / Fatah prisoners on hunger strike refuse medicine (maan) / Israel moves 2 prisoners out of solitary confinement (maan) / PPP leader hospitalized after solidarity hunger strike (maan) / UNRWA chief urges Israel to find hunger strike solution (maan) / 9 protesters hurt in clash outside Ofer prison (maan) / Lawyer: Halahla could die at any moment (maan) / Israeli authorities agree on ending isolation of all prisoners except three (pal-info)
Gaza: After narrow escape, Gaza woman educates peers about lethal danger of generators (ei) / Gaza security forces break up Egypt event at literary festival (ahram) / Video: Solar-powered kindergarten in Gaza (alarabiya) / Video: Palestinians unveil largest map of historical Palestine (presstv) / New Hamas force in Gaza is foiling rocket attacks against Israel (haa) / Israeli forces detain Gaza fishermen (maan) / Literature event shut down by police in Gaza (maan) / Wives of Gaza wounded ... suffering and steadfastness (
Politik & Diplomatie: Haniyeh: Hamas won't go to war for Iran (maan) / Hamas urges Hollande to change France's attitude (
Analyse & Meinung: Operetta in 5 acts (gush-shalom)
Diverses: Palestinian children work for a pittance in Israel's settlements (ei) / Palestinian airline resumes flights (alarabiya)



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