Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2012) / 2012042999

International Headlines [29.04.2012]

International HeadlinesNeues Licht auf die Ermordung von Ziad Jilani im Juni 2010: Ziad Jilani: a Kill Shot in Wadi Joz (antiwar) / Israel Police shoots first and asks questions later (haa)
Gefangenen- & Hungerstreik-Nachrichten: Belgian Senate Highlights Effects of Palestinians’ Imprisonment on Peace (wafa) / Media ignores eight Palestinian hunger strikers as they near death (mweiss) / Abu Sir: Gaza child launches hunger strike for imprisoned father; prison services attempt to bargain with prisoners’ healthcare (samidoun) / Lina al-Jarbouni placed in solitary confinement as penalty for hunger strike (samidoun) / Detainee Thiab: “My Hunger-Strike Is Until Freedom Or Martyrdom” (imc) / Eighth hunger striking prisoner transferred to hospital; at least 2,000 still on hunger strike (imc) / Detained PFLP Leader Moved To Prison Hospital (imc) / Egyptians in Israeli jails on hunger strike (maan) / Hamas prisoners escalate the strike and refuse to take their medication (pal-info) / Gaza: Ex-Detainee in ICU after 7 days of hunger strike (pal-info) / Diab determined to continue his hunger strike (pal-info) / Khafsh: 2800 prisoners on hunger strike (pal-info)

Illegale Verhaftungen: Israeli police arrest two children, two teens in Silwan (pal-info) / IOF soldiers arrest son of MP Yousef (pal-info) / IOF soldiers detain 13-year-old child for hours (pal-info)
Diebstahl & Raub von Land / Ethnische Säuberung / Palästinensische Geschichte: court-ordered demolition (972mag) / Israel seeks another delay for illegal settlement demolition (al-akhbar) / Jordan Valley Resident Forcibly Removed from Home (wafa) / Major olive producing village ordered to uproot 1,400 trees by May 1 (mweiss) / Obama throws ’67 borders under the (campaign) bus (mweiss) / Ulpana, high drama in the wild wild West (Bank) (mweiss) / Jabal-Nablus, a Page from Palestine's History (palchron) / Obama campaign today (thehill) / Yuval Diskin: West Bank evacuations could lead to another political assassination (haa) / UN committee blasts move to 'legalize' settlement outposts (maan) / IOA plans to uproot 1000 olive trees (pal-info) / Transforming Qalandiya airport into a settlement industrial zone (stopthewall) / Qusra looses more land to ever expanding settlements (stopthewall) / a speech before the State Department (worldjewishcongress) / 'State defying rule of law on Ulpana' (ynet)
Weitere Welt- und Nahost-Nachrichten: Covering up for Saudi Arabia (angry) / The Danger of Khodor and Ali (al-akhbar) / Gaddafi "paid for Sarkozy's election campaign" (al-akhbar) / Why Are Saudis Killing Themselves? (al-akhbar) / US Escalating Drone War in Yemen (antiwar) / Guantanamo 9/11 arraignments to be broadcast (alj) / U.S. Nuns Face Vatican Rebuke for "Radical Feminism" in Stances on Church Teachings (demnow) / Padilla takes torture case to US Supreme Court (google) / Africans shocked by uncivilized antics of European savages (hayibo) / Little Evidence That Torture Treatment Used By CIA Produced Any Counter-Terrorism Breakthroughs (huffpo) / Israeli drones violate Lebanese airspace (presstv)
Massenproteste & BDS & Solidarität: Take action, join the demonstrations for Palestinian hunger strikers (ei) / Following death threats, rights groups issue call to support US students' right to speak about Palestine (ei) / Gaza leaders pledge support for Palestinian prisoners (al-akhbar) / Israeli-Arab Normalization Hits a Snag (al-akhbar) / Investment in Palestine no substitute for divestment from oppression (mweiss) / Moment of Truth: Report from day two of the United Methodist General Conference (mweiss) / Palestine Solidarity Campaign (UK) (palestinecampaign) / Abu Saud: Call for general strike to support prisoners’ struggle (pflp) / Kaabi: Broad solidarity with Comrade Mohammad Rimawi needed (pflp) / Wafa Abu Ghoulmeh: We must take to the streets to support the prisoners (pflp) / London (samidoun) / Edinburgh (samidoun) / May 15-19: Vancouver commemorates Al-Nakba 64 (samidoun) / Photos: April 28 protests in Edinburgh and London for Palestinian prisoners (samidoun) / Scottish Trades Union Congress supports Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike (samidoun) / We Are All Hana Shalabi (weareallhanashalabi) / Co-op boycotts exports from Israel's West Bank settlements (gdn) / British NGOs call for vigil outside Downing Street in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike (mideastmon) / Desmond Tutu supports United Methodist Church decision to divest (palmon)
Gewalt gegen palästinensische Aktivisten: Israeli troops attack non-violent anti-Wall demonstrations in four West Bank villages (imc) / 4 hurt in Ramallah protest to support detainees (maan) / Israeli policemen violently quell protests in O. Jerusalem (pal-info) / Activists injured in IOF quelling of Beit Ummar march (pal-info) / Occupation forces suppress popular weekly anti-wall protests (pal-info)
Gewalt & Aggression & Überfälle: Palestinian Injured After Being Attacked By Boars Released By Settlers (imc) / Jewish settlers storm Bethlehem villag (pal-info) / IOF soldiers assault teenage girl (pal-info)
Analyse & Meinung & Geschichten aus dem Leben: Anti-normalization (bdsarabic) / is evicted to make way for Jewish settlers (ei) / Ali Abunimah comments on three videos (ei) / Michigan professor named in "Nazi" ad hits at New York Times for "aiding and abetting environment of fear" (ei) / Podcast: This week in EI headlines - 26 April 2012 (ei) / family in a West Bank village completely encircled by an Israeli settlement and steel fences (ei) / football star (ei) / Shakespeare in Palestine: theater director speaks on Arabic version of Richard II (ei) / news from the global boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (ei) / hunger strike (ei) / extract (inception.wikia) / Inception (inception.wikia) / The Haaretz Pardes and Gideon Levy (jewssansfrontieres) / Gurvitz on ‘Israel’s not-so-stellar record on treatment of Christians’ (mweiss) / Ozick, anti-Palestinian polemicist, is shortlisted for a big prize (mweiss) / Not A Happy 64th B'day Israel! (palchron) / Land Day: Why It Matters (sjlendman) / The spirit of '48 (haa) / After 115 years, it's time for Zionism to retire (haa) / found ( / Zionism: The Ultimate Art of Inception (sleepinamrca) / Video Interview: Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow. featuring. Slavoj Zizek and David Horowitz (ytube)
Gaza unter Belagerung: Israeli Navy Attacks Palestinian Fishing Boats in Gaza ( / Egypt Prevents Egyptian Convoy From Entering Gaza (imc) / Israeli forces arrest 2 men at Gaza border fence (maan) / Israeli forces detain Gaza fishermen. (maan) / Human rights organization warns of blackouts in the Gaza Strip (pal-info)
Politik - Diverses: Poll: 57% of Palestinians Trust No Political Faction (wafa) / Gaza PM tops Hamas poll but Meshaal 'still boss' (yahoo) / Hariri, Haniyeh discuss Palestinian reconciliation efforts (dstar) / Former Shin Bet chief: Netanyahu not interested in peace talks (haa) / Palestinians ask UNSC to 'intervene' on settlements (jpost) / Qatar emir, Hamas leader meet in Doha (maan) / Fatah: Israel has not responded to Abbas letter (maan) / Senior Hamas delegation discusses key issues with Egyptian intelligence chief (pal-info) / Haniyeh Calls On Arab World To Consolidate The Steadfastness Of Palestinians (
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: Molotov cocktail attacks on refugees in Tel Aviv (jewssansfrontieres) / Asylum seekers targeted in Tel Aviv neighborhood (ynet) / TA man suspected of torching migrant homes (ynet)
Anti: Muslim visits to Jerusalem are expression of ignorance, or treachery (pal-info)

Ägypten: FLASH: Saudi Arabia recalls its ambassador from Egypt (angry) / Birds of Darkness in the Egyptian Sky (al-akhbar) / Egyptian Presidential Candidates Discover Sinai (al-akhbar) / Egyptians protest against Mubarak stooge presidential bid (al-akhbar) / Mixed Legal Outcome for Egyptian Comic Adel Imam (nyt) / In Egypt president race, Muslim clerics seek voice (yahoo) / It's Revolution Again in Egypt, Shahira Amin – Cairo (palchron) / Saudi closes embassy in Egypt over protests (alj) / Egypt Salafis back Abol Fotouh for president (alj) / Baradei launches new Egypt party (bbc) / Protesters injured in Egypt clash (bbc) / A rupture with Egypt would be a disaster (haa) / Israeli, Egyptian officials in secret talks on gas deal crisis (haa) / Egypt Arrests Two Palestinians In Sinai (imc) / Saudi-Egypt Crisis Points to Conflict between New Democracies, Old Autocracies (juancole) / Egypt announces final list of presidential candidates (ytube)
Syrien: Syria accuses rebels of 1 (al-akhbar) / Syria: The Silent Majority Expands (al-akhbar) / U.N. monitors in Syria visit scene of deadly blast (lat) / Arabs to ask UN to review policy on Syria (yahoo) / Explosion rocks Syrian capital as protesters mass (yahoo) / Should U.S. call for Assad to go? Republicans can’t decide (foreignpol) / UN chief 'gravely alarmed' by Hama shelling (alj) / Norwegian takes charge of UN Syria mission (alj) / Lebanon stops ship with Syria-bound weapons (alj) / Detained Syrian human rights defenders report torture (amnesty) / New Syrian group claims legitimacy to rival SNC (chicagotribune) / Sleiman hopes military intervention will not occur in Syria (nowlebanon) / Rebel rivalry and suspicions threaten Syria revolt (reuters)

Irak: Iraqi opposition leaders unite against Maliki (al-akhbar) / Twelve killed in Iraq bombings (yahoo) / Hard-line Iraqi cleric urges political unity (yahoo) / Iraq at 'a crossroad', fugitive VP tells AFP (yahoo) / Iraqi mother, three children gunned down (yahoo) / Sadr 'against' fall of current Iraqi government (yahoo) / 29 Iraqis Killed, 50 Wounded in Violence Against Civilians and Jewelers (antiwar) / Top Iraqi Leaders Demand Maliki Honor Agreement; 11 Killed in Attacks (antiwar)
Iran: U.S. Amasses Stealth-Jet Armada Near Iran (friclub) / Rubio’s audition for VP slot features full-throated support for neoconservative agenda, with Iran front and center (mweiss) / Israeli leadership denies divisions on Iran, after army chief made a stir (csmon) / Panetta: Iranian Influence in South America Akin to 'Expanding Terrorism' (thehill) / "audition" of sorts (thehill) / his speech ( / Israel's former Shin Bet chief: I have no confidence in Netanyahu (haa) / Rubio has been campaigning with Romney (kansascity) / Panetta hopes Israeli general ‘correct’ on Iran (raw)
Bahrain: Forgotten Bahrain (al-akhbar) / Family concerned Al-Khawaja may be being force fed (al-akhbar) / Bahrain hunger striker's fate concerns wife (yahoo) / Bahrain insists it allows peaceful protests (yahoo) / Bahrain lawmaker says business attacked by gunmen (yahoo) / Press Release: Front Line Defenders Demand "Proof of Life" as Abdulhadi al-Khawaja Enters 79th Day of Hunger Strike (jadaliyya) / Bahrainis demand Khawaja's release (presstv) / 'Al Khalifa covers up brutal crimes' (presstv) / Frost Over the World - Bahrain's struggle for change (ytube)



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