Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2012) / 2012050999

International Headlines [09.05.2012]

International HeadlinesDiebstahl und Zerstörung von Land und Eigentum & Ethnische Säuberung & Freiheitsberaubung: Israeli army demolishes three buildings near Bethlehem (wafa) / Settlers cut hundreds of trees in Nablus area (wafa) / Victory for the Ruweidi family and for Silwan ( / Bedouin land and culture threatened by Israel's plan for resettlement (gdn) / In turnabout, Netanyahu urges ministers to find way to leave Ulpana intact (haa) / Outpost advocates pursue price tag demolitions in court (maan) / Israeli authorities demolish building in East Jerusalem (maan) / 'Back-to-back' procedure: Patients at checkpoints (palchron)
Nakba: Music video: 'You see that we are rising-- the ghosts of Deir Yassin' -- Phil Monsour (mweiss) / Tel Aviv University okays Nakba Day ceremony despite student union opposition (haa) / Ramallah protest planned for Nakba Day (maan)

Hungerstreiks: Empty Stomach Warriors (IV): Thaer Halahleh -- all in the name (al-akhbar) / Rights group establishes 'situation room' on prisoners (wafa) / Palestinians block UN staff from entering offices (wafa) / Europe Day celebrated in Ramallah (wafa) / Israel's bad-faith offer to Palestinian prisoners (gaza.scoop) / Statement of support from Palestinian prisoners to the Irish hunger strikers in 1981 (gazatvnews) / Ireland Palestine solidarity campaign 'cyberbullied' by Irish Minister for Justice (jewssansfrontieres) / Historic hunger strikes: Lightning in the skies of Palestine (richardfalk) / Addameer reports: Izzedin and Sarsak in poor health (samidoun) / Hunger strike protesters blockade UN's Ramallah office (stopthewall) / After ten years, Israel to release Palestinian prisoner from solitary confinement (haa) / Israel seeks to bargain with hunger-striking detainees (imc) / Fatah: Israeli prison doctors neglecting duties (maan) / Long-term hunger striker not backing down (maan) / Abbas warns of disaster if hunger-striker dies (maan)
Unterdrückung der Meinungsfreiheit: CPJ calls for return of Wattan broadcast equipment (wafa) / Israel's AG mulling charges against 'Jenin Jenin' director (haa)
Gewalt / Durchsuchungen / Verhaftungen: Activist in Nabi Saleh loses eye as Israel escalates repression (pnn) / IOF launch military drills in Dura town (occuppal) / Demolitions, an arbitrary arrest, preventing access to land for plowing and harassments in the territories ( / Military control in the Jordan Valley (jordansolid) / 3 Palestinians detained near Bethlehem (maan) / Israeli forces 'detain 4 teenagers' in Azzun (maan) / Attacks on settlers' car in Ramallah, soldiers east of O. Jerusalem (pal-info)
Flüchtlinge: Exhibition showcases plans to improve refugee camps (wafa) / UN's oldest refugee camps look at sensitive upgrades (maan)
Aktivismus & BDS: From Ofer to Ramle: Impressions of protests across the Green Line (972mag) / The Wall, 10 years on Part 6: What has the struggle achieved: (972mag) / Stop cementing misery in Palestine! (pnn) / Turkish prosecutors complete investigation on Mavi Mamara raid (todayszaman)
Gaza: Photo: Honey harvest in Gaza (photos.nj) / Young women challenge Gaza conservative traditions (mysinchew) / The 'Investment Forum' asks for explanation to barring entry of delegates (rohama)
Politik: Palestinian president ready to engage Israel ( / Fayyad: Palestinians isolated (maan) / Fatah delegation arrives in Gaza (maan)
Analyse & Meinung: Too many tears have been shed in Palestine; let us laugh again (ei) / How a rattled Netanyahu outflanked Likud's militant settler faction (gdn) / Netanyahu's and Abbas's moments of truth (haa) / Bean-counting states (thedailybeast)
Rassismus: Videos, photos: In Israel, African migrants under attack (stream.aljazeera) / Jerusalem: Ads warn parents -- keep daughters away from Arabs (ynet)
Diverses: Erekat recovers from minor cardiac arrest (wafa) / Israel preventing global implementation of NPT (tehrantimes)



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