Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Politik (Archiv 2013)

Compromise undercuts European Union’s funding restrictions for settlement-based projects [27.12.2013]

EU unterstützt illegale Kolonisierung der Westbank Der Israel-Lobby ist es gelungen jene explosiven EU-Bestimmungen auszuhebeln, deren Zweck darin bestand der illegalen israelischen Kolonisierung der Westbank entgegen zu wirken. Mehr über die schamlose Kollaboration der EU mit dem kriminellen Siederkolonalstaat finden Sie bei David Cronin.

The EU issued a Commission Notice in July 2013 stipulating that European grant money could not go to any Israeli institutions operating over the Green Line in the West Bank, Gaza, the Golan Heights, or East Jerusalem … On 26 November, however, a deal was reached between Israel and the EU dramatically weakening the effect of these guidelines. …

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Ergänzende Links:
David Cronins Blog

While you were sleeping (Y. Gurvitz) [24.12.2013]

Israeli civilians terrorize the village of Burin ... Israeli civilians terrorize the village of Burin, and as usual are aided by the strongest army in the Middle East

To paraphrase Tolstoy, every village in the West Bank is miserable in its own way. The curse of Burin, in the Nablus region, is that it neighbors two particularly troublesome settlements, Har Bracha and Yitzhar. Attacks by Israeli civilians coming from these settlements against the residents of Burin is almost a daily occurrence; in one recent week, no less than four such attacks were documented. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Isolated Incident // Yossi Gurvitz (Yesh Din)

The US plan makes a viable Palestinian state untenable [21.12.2013]

Jonathan Cook Der "Staat", den US-Aussenminister John Kerry den Palästinensern zugestehen will, sieht wie eine Kopie Gazas aus, bemerkt Jonathan Cook, Journalist in Nazareth.

In recent days, US and European diplomats have been engaged in a frenzy of activity on the Israeli-Palestinian front, before they settle down for the usual two-week Christmas hibernation.

A sense of urgency looms because Washington is supposed to unveil next month its so-called “framework proposal” for the creation of a Palestinian state, in a last desperate effort to break the logjam in negotiations. For this reason, the outlines of the US vision of an agreement are finally coming into focus. And, as many expected, the picture looks bleak for the Palestinians.

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"The Last Shepherds of the Valley" (Video) [20.12.2013]

The Last Shepherds of the Valley (Video) Filmbericht über Israels andauernde ethnische Säuberung des Jordantals.

'Belling the cat' - Eine marxistische Analyse zur Perspektive der Ein-Staaten-Lösung [17.12.2013]

Moshe Machover

by Moshe Machover

… a political project is purely utopian unless it can indicate a likely agent - a socio-political force able to realise it and whose long-term interests it would serve.

In the present article I propose to apply this precept to the project of the ‘one-state solution’ for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the vision of a single democratic (or secular-democratic) state in the whole of so-called ‘historical Palestine’ - the territory of Palestine as it existed under the British mandate from 1923 to 1948.

I do not intend to criticise here any particular version of that vision, or any particular aspect of it. I grant at the outset … that some version of the one democratic state would be a very great improvement, morally speaking, on the current situation.

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Iyad Burnat: To end the occupation, dissolve the Palestinian Authority [17.12.2013]

Iyad Burnat Iyad Burnat ist einer der Organisatoren der regelmässigen Proteste gegen die Apartheidsmauer in Bilin.

My head feels like it will explode. There are many urgent questions but, like most Palestinians, I feel a sense of incomprehension as I listen to the news about John Kerry’s recurring visits, and the talk of a Palestinian state and lasting peace.

When people step away from their TV screens and go out into the street, they experience a different reality. They experience heavily armed soldiers storming, killing and imprisoning. They experience checkpoints dotting the roads. They experience bulldozers and equipment uprooting their olive trees and building houses for Israeli settlers on their land.

What is happening? Where is the peace? Where are the negotiations? And who is Kerry anyway? To the Palestinian Authority negotiators, I ask: What are you doing?

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Ergänzende Links:
Iyad Burnat on facebook

Naher Osten: 65 Jahre westliche Interventionen - 65 Jahre Jahre Krieg und Vertreibung [16.12.2013]

65 Jahre westliche Interventionen - 65 Jahre Jahre Krieg und Vertreibung

Adalah: The government’s decision to cancel the Prawer Plan bill is a major achievement [15.12.2013]

Adalah: The government's decision to cancel the Prawer Plan bill is a major achievement Today, 12 December 2013, former Israeli cabinet minister Benny Begin announced at a press conference that the proposed Prawer-Begin Bill, the legislative arm of the discriminatory Prawer Plan, will be withdrawn by the government from consideration for the Knesset’s second and third readings. …

Adalah stated that, “The withdrawal of the Prawer Plan bill is a major achievement in the history of the Palestinian community in Israel. It shows that popular action, legal advocacy and international pressure can succeed in defending the rights of 70,000 Arab Bedouin residents of the unrecognized villages in the Naqab to live with freedom and dignity on their own lands and in their villages.” …

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In South Africa, Abbas opposes boycott of Israel [15.12.2013]

In South Africa, Abbas opposes boycott of Israel (ei) “No we do not support the boycott of Israel,” Mahmoud Abbas said at a press conference in South Africa, which he has been visiting to attend the Mandela memorial, The Star newspaper reported on 11 December.1

“… we ask everyone to boycott the products of the settlements. … But we don’t ask anyone to boycott Israel itself. We have relations with Israel, we have mutual recognition of Israel.”

It is unclear what Abbas meant by “mutual recognition.” While Abbas and the Palestine Liberation Organization have recognized Israel, Israel does not recognize a Palestinian state or indeed any Palestinian rights whatsoever and continues to aggressively steal Palestinian land.

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How dare Israeli leaders mourn Mandela? [11.12.2013]

How dare Israeli leaders mourn Mandela? (aic) “Mandela was an exemplary figure of our era, and he will be remembered as a first class moral leader. He was a liberation fighter who rejected violence…” By these words, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu not only reveals his very limited of South African history (to say the least), but has passed over on the other side of decency. In the unanimous worldwide expression of admiration for Mandela, the best that official representatives of the state of Israel can do is to shut their mouth with shame and humility.

Until today, no Israeli leader has asked Mandela and the South African people forgiveness for Israel's active role in defending and maintaining the apartheid regime in Pretoria.

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Ergänzende Links:
An Overview: Apartheid South Africa & Israel (IMEU)

Mandela: Vom Terroristen zur westlichen Ikone [11.12.2013]

Poster der englischen 'Foundation of Conservative Students' (1985) 'We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians' - Nelson Mandela, 1997

Viele Äusserungen prominenter westlicher Politiker zum Tod Nelson Mandelas zeichneten sich vor allem durch ihre Heuchelei aus.

Solange Nelson Mandela als Gefahr für das weisse Apartheidsregime betrachtet wurde, das im Süden Afrikas als Vasall der USA und Europas auftrat - so wie Israel heute im Nahen Osten -, solange galt er natürlich als Terrorist.

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Ergänzende Links:
From Marxism to Neoliberalism: Ronnie Kasrils on How Mandela & ANC Shifted Economic Views (demnow)

Obama & Kerry: Blender, Heuchler und Rassisten [09.12.2013]

Kerry: Remarks at the Saban Forum Während der amerikanische Präsident, Barack Obama, den Tod der Ikone des Kampfs gegen die Apartheid, Nelson Mandelas, nutzte, um sein Können als Blender zu demonstrieren, bekräftigte sein Aussenminister, John Kerry, seine Unterstützung für ein jüdisches Apartheidsregime in Palästina.

Obama, Kämpfer gegen Apartheid

Dem SPIEGEL zufolge erklärte der "offensichtlich gerührte" Obama: "Wir haben einen der einflussreichsten, mutigsten und zutiefst guten Menschen verloren, den jemals einer von uns auf Erden treffen wird".

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Ergänzende Links:
Obamas Trauer um Nelson Mandela: Tod eines Vorbilds (SPIEGEL)
Remarks at the Saban Forum (state dep.)

With Leaders Like These: Yet a New Threshold for Gaza’s Misery [07.12.2013]

Mohammed Dahlan

by Ramzy Baroud

It is impossible to predict the future. But one can state with a degree of certainty that little good can possibly be awaiting Palestinians when their political leadership seems to value their ties with Israel more than the fate of Gaza and all of its inhabitants. An exaggeration? Hardly.

In an interview with Voice of Russia, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas replied to an ‘invitation’ by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak at the Israeli Parliament (Knesset). “If (Netanyahu) wants me to come and say the things I want to say, then I am ready to do it,” Abbas said, according to YNet and other media on Nov 23. However, he had no response to a call for unity by Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Gaza power crisis has compounded blockade’s assault on human dignity (ai)

Visualizing Palestine [06.12.2013]

Visualizing Palestine Visualizing Palestine

Israel nutzt "Friedensprozess" um Hauszerstörungen zu forcieren [06.12.2013]

Israel nutzt 'Friedensprozess' um Hauszerstörungen zu forcieren (medico) Trotz – oder wegen - Verhandlungen: Israel reißt noch mehr Häuser ab und zerstört mehr Infrastruktur.

Während die israelische Regierung vorgibt, die Friedensgespräche mit den Palästinensern ernsthaft zu betreiben, sprechen die Realitäten vor Ort eine deutlich andere Sprache.
Seit der Wiederaufnahme der Friedensgespräche im Juli 2013 zerstörte die israelische Besatzungsadministration 207 palästinensische Häuser und andere zivile Infrastruktur in der besetzten Westbank. Damit wurden 311 Menschen obdachlos, mehr als die Hälfte von ihnen Kinder. Damit verloren 67% mehr Menschen ihr Obdach als im vergleichbaren Zeitraum 2012.

Gemeinsam mit 36 Hilfsorganisationen fordert medico international das sofortige Ende dieser inhumanen Praxis. …

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Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (* 1918 - † 2013) [06.12.2013]

Nelson Mandela leaves a legacy of struggle

Ergänzende Links:
Mandela's greatness may be assured, but not his legacy (pilger)
Nelson Mandela leaves a legacy of struggle (ei)

Malaysia: Tribunal Issues Landmark Verdict against Israel for Genocide [03.12.2013]

Malaysia: Tribunal Issues Landmark Verdict against Israel for Genocide To a crowded courtroom on the late afternoon of November 25, presiding Judge Lamin Mohd Yunus announced the verdict by an international panel of seven jurists:

“The Tribunal is satisfied, beyond reasonable doubt, that the first defendant, (General) Amos Yaron, is guilty of crimes against humanity and genocide, and the second defendant, the State of Israel, is guilty of genocide.” …

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Deutschland: Mitgliedschaft Palästinas beim 'International Olive Council' gefährdet "Friedensprozess" [03.12.2013]

International Olive Council Presse-Erklärung von Annette Groth (MdB, 'Die Linke')

„Die deutsch-britische Erklärung ist lächerlich. Frieden im Nahen Osten ist nur dann möglich, wenn neben dem israelischen Staat auch ein lebensfähiger Staat Palästina entstehen kann. Die hierfür notwendige Stärkung der palästinensischen Wirtschaft wird aber massiv behindert. Den Palästinenserinnen und Palästinensern entsteht durch israelische Behinderungen beim Zugang zu Märkten und natürlichen Ressourcen ein geschätzter jährlicher Schaden von 5,2 Milliarden Euro oder 85% des gesamten palästinensischen BIPs. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Germany and Britain block Palestinian bid to join international olive trade group (haa)
Offener Brief: Deutschland behindert palästinensische Olivenwirtschaft (Renate u. Frank Dörfel)
International Olive Council

UNO erklärt 2014 zum 'Jahr des palästinensischen Volkes' [03.12.2013]

UNO erklärt 2014 zum 'Jahr des palästinensischen Volkes' Nach einer Abstimmung am 26. November 2013 proklamierte die UNO-Generalversammlung das Jahr 2014 zum 'Jahr der Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Volk'.

Die Proklamation wurde von 110 Mitgliedsstaaten unterstützt, 56 Mitgliedsstaaten enthielten sich der Stimme. Nur sieben Staaten sprachen sich gegen den Beschluss aus: Australien, Kanada, Mikronesien, Israel, Marshall Inseln, Palau und die Vereinigten Staaten. Drei der ablehnenden Staaten - Australien, Kanada und die Vereinigten Staaten - haben eine genozidale Vergangeheit.

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Ergänzende Links:
2014: year of solidarity with Palestinians (unric)

A year after 'Pillar of Defense,' the nightmare continues [20.11.2013]

Operation Pillar of Death: Naming Gaza's Dead (972mag) On 21 November 2012, 13-year-old Mahmoud Abu Khousa was killed when he was struck by a missile fired by an Israeli drone as he walked to a shop down the road from his home in the al-Manara area of Gaza City.

Delegates from Amnesty International’s International Secretariat examined the site of the missile strike a few days later. The missile struck Mahmoud on a wide road with good visibility from above. Israeli aerial surveillance should have been able to see that he was a child. Witnesses said there were no evident military targets in the vicinity at the time.

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Ergänzende Links:
Operation Pillar of Death: Naming Gaza's Dead (Harry Fear)

NCF: The Prawer-Begin Bill goes to the Internal Affairs Committee of the Knesset [18.11.2013]

Bilder der Zerstärung in Al-Arakib Next Wednesday, November 6th the Internal Affairs Committee of the Knesset, headed by MK Miri Regev (Likud-Israel Beiteinu) will review the Prawer Begin Bill, officially known as the Law for Regulating Bedouin Settlement in the Negev. The name conceals a massive programme of dispossession and displacement, as we have frequently reported.

Dr. Benny Begin, one of the later architects of the plan will open the proceedings with an exposition of the Bill and the current situation in the Negev. Mr. Atiya Al-Assam, chair of the Region Council of Unreconized Villages has requested to present the alternative plan of the Bedouin community during the hearings. …

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Arms dealers sniff opportunities as French president visits Israel [18.11.2013]

Arms dealers sniff opportunities as French president visits Israel

by David Cronin

François Hollande will give his blessing to closer military cooperation between France and Israel when he visits the Middle East next week.

The French president will be the “guest of honor” at the “France-Israel innovation day” in Tel Aviv. An enterprise promotion agency has arranged for French entrepreneurs to meet sales representatives from the arms-makers Elbit and Israel Aerospace Industries.

An information note prepared by the agency applauds the Israeli aeronautics sector for record annual sales. Although it lists drones as one of that sector’s key products, it neglects to mention that they have been tested in bombing attacks against children in Gaza.

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Israel and the dangers of ethnic nationalism [18.11.2013]

Massaker in Sabra-Shatila (1082)

Jonothan Cook interviewed by Joseph Cotto

Cotto: What sort of general impact would you say Zionism has had on the Middle East? -

Cook: Zionism was a reaction to the extreme ethnic nationalisms that dominated – and nearly destroyed – Europe last century. … Theodor Herzl, the father of Zionism, developed the concept of a Jewish state in response to the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe in the late nineteenth century.

Once in the Middle East, Zionism shifted the locus of its struggle, from finding a solution to European anti-semitism to building an exclusive Jewish homeland on someone else’s land, that of the Palestinians.

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Friedensverhandlungen um das Leiden der Palästinenser zu verlängern [16.11.2013]

Friedensverhandlungen verlängern die Besatzung Am Ende seiner Amtszeit erklärte Israels nationaler Sicherberater, Yaakov Amidror, dem israelischen Publikum, wozu die Friedensverhandlungen gebraucht werden:

"It is clear to everyone that handling international pressure depends on the progress of the negotiations, and if the talks fail, it will give everyone interested in boycotting us every reason to do so," Amidror said, noting specifically European bans which he believe may be exacerbated. (ynetnews, 03. Nov)

Demzufolge dienen Mahmoud Abbas und sein Sancho Panza, Dr. Saeb Erekat, ganz allein dazu zu verhindern, dass Israel dem Druck ausgesetzt wird, der erforderlich ist, um das Leiden der Palästinenser unter der Besatzung zu beenden.

Ergänzende Links:
Small sparks (A. Keller)

Towards a bi-national end-game in Palestine/Israel [16.11.2013]

Jeff Halper: 'Towards a bi-national end-game in Palestine/Israel'

by Jeff Halper

In our struggle for a just peace in Palestine/Israel, we find ourselves in a precarious crossroads: while it is clear that the two-state solution is dead and gone, the Palestinians, whose lead we must follow, have only just begun formulating alternatives, mainly around the notion of a single democratic state. Yet being engrossed in a political struggle with no end-game to advocate is fraught with danger. Other forces may step into the breach, able to impose their own agendas in the absence of one supported by progressive civil society. …

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Ergänzende Links:
The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (icahd)
Omar Barghouti on “ethical decolonization” and moving beyond Zionist racism (ei)

'Israel’s gains from the death of Arafat cannot be ignored' [15.11.2013]

Reklameschild in Qalqilia (2013)

by J. Cook

It seems there are still plenty of parties who would prefer that the death of the long-time Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat continues to be treated as a mystery rather than as an assassination.

It is hard, however, to avoid drawing the logical conclusion from the finding last week by Swiss scientists that the Palestinian leader’s body contained high levels of a radioactive isotope, polonium-210. An inconclusive and much more limited study by a Russian team published immediately after the Swiss announcement also suggests Arafat died from poisoning. …

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Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel Interview-Serie mit Max Blumenthal bei the real news network. Blumenthal ist Autor von 'Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel', das ein Kritiker bei electronic intifada wie folgt beschreibt:

A specter is haunting Israel; it’s the specter of democracy. In Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, the American journalist Max Blumenthal holds up a mirror to Israeli society and reveals the specter of a failed democracy now hurtling toward fascism.

Max Blumenthal's Goliath, Life and Loathing in Greater Israel
Ethnic Cleansing and the Israeli "Center"
Max Blumenthal: Something Snapped when Israel Attacked Gaza
Israel, Anti-Semitism, and Negotiations Without End
Racism, Occupier and the Occupied

Ergänzende Links:
Blumenthal’s "Goliath" holds mirror to Israeli society (ei)

"Die völkerrechtswidrige Zerstörung palästinensischer Wohnhäuser sofort einstellen" [06.11.2013]

Zerstörung eines Hauses in Beit Hanina Presserklärung Annette Groth (MdB, Linke)

„Die israelische Regierung verstößt mit ihrer … Zerstörung palästinensischen Wohnraums gegen internationales Recht. … Die Vierte Genfer Konvention zum Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung verbietet Zerstörungen von Häusern, sofern diese militärisch nicht notwendig sind, und insbesondere wenn dabei unbeteiligte Dritte bestraft werden. Es fällt auf, dass besonders viele Häuserzerstörungen an Orten durchgeführt werden, die die israelische Regierung als Teil Israels betrachtet oder zu dessen Teil machen will, wie z.B. Ostjerusalem oder die Umgebung von Siedlungen im Westjordanland. Es … wurde von Mitgliedern der israelischen Regierung mehrfach offen ausgesprochen, dass es sich dabei um keinen Zufall handelt.“

Die vollständige Presseerklärung können Sie hier nachlesen.

Israel: Demolishing peace [01.11.2013]

Israel to demolish homes of over 15,000 East Jerusalemites Sollte es noch eines Beweises bedürfen, dass Israel 'Friedensverhandlungen' ganz allein dazu benötigt, um seinen Raubzug gegen die Palästinenser ungehindert fortsetzen zu können, so sollte diese Nachricht auch den letzten Skeptiker überzeugen: Israel to demolish homes of over 15,000 East Jerusalemites.

Der israelische Staat auf der einen - sowie Frieden & Menschenrechte auf der anderen Seite schliessen sich gegenseitig aus.
Die von der westlichen Wertegemeinschaft favorisierte Zweistaatenlösung, die den Erhalt Israels vorsieht, bedeutet für die Palästinenser den sicheren Untergang. Eine Existenz in 'autonomen' Reservationen, denen Israel ergebene Strohmänner wie Mahmoud Abbas oder Saeb Erekat vorstehen werden, deren Sicherheitsapparat von den Europäern finanziert werden wird.

"How come Uri Avnery knows so little about Israel, or apartheid?" [30.10.2013]

Graffiti in Hebron (2012) In diesem Artikel wundert sich Jonathan Cook über Uri Avneri, der hier zu verdrängen versucht, dass Israel ein Apartheidstaat ist.

Cook konstatiert ganz richtig, dass der Versuch Avneris, die Besatzung von Israel abzuspalten, unlogisch und unehrlich ist - und seine Behauptungen über die Situation der Palästinenser in Israel skandalös sind.

Der Fall Avneri demonstriert - trotz seiner unbestrittenen Verdienste um die Aufklärung über das Unrecht der Beatzung der Westbank - einmal mehr, dass es im Kern keine Differenz zwischen linkem und rechtem Zionismus gibt. Der reale Zionismus ist und war immer eine Form von Rassismus.

Ergänzende Links:
How come Uri Avnery knows so little about Israel, or apartheid? (cook)
Hollow Visions of Palestine’s Future (cook)

ADL nominiert 'Top 10 Anti-Israel Groups' in den USA [24.10.2013]

Aktivisten der ultra-orthodoxen 'Neturei Karta' Die amerikanische Anti-Defamation-League, die alle ihr zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel einsetzt, um den fundamentalen Unterschied zwischen Judentum und Zionismus zu verwischen, hat unlängst eine neue Liste der 'Top 10 Anti-Israel Groups' in den USA veröffentlicht.

Die Zusammensetzung der Liste beweist einmal mehr die Irrelevanz der ADL in Sachen Antisemitismus-Bekämpfung.

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The Case against Palestinian Normalization with Israel [22.10.2013]

The Case against Palestinian Normalization with Israel by Nasser Ibrahim

(aic) Last week at the United Nations sponsored NGO Network for a Palestinian-Israeli Peace, the key word was definitely “unity.” That call for unity is coming from the very core of Palestinian society and its national institutions, as an answer to the US-Israeli attempts to provoke splits and divisions. Keeping unity is not only a demand to be addressed to the national leadership and the various political parties, but also a call to preserve the political platform around which a broad Palestinian consensus has been defined throughout the years.

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Ergänzende Links:
What is normalization? (972)

EU-Leitlinie setzt Israel Grenzen [29.09.2013]

Leitlinien über die Förderfähigkeit israelischer Einrichtungen und ihrer Tätigkeiten in den von Israel seit Juni 1967 besetzten Gebieten Sollte diese EU-Leitlinie verabschiedet werden, bedeutete dies das Ende der israelischen Vertreibungs- und Annektions-Politik in der Westbank. Kein Wunder, das die 'Freunde Israels' Sturm dagegen laufen.

Leitlinien über die Förderfähigkeit israelischer Einrichtungen und ihrer Tätigkeiten in den von Israel seit Juni 1967 besetzten Gebieten

2. Zu den von Israel seit Juni 1967 besetzten Gebieten zählen die Golanhöhen, der Gazastreifen und das Westjordanland, einschließlich Ost-Jerusalem.
3. Die EU erkennt Israels Souveränität über die in Punkt 2 genannten Gebiete nicht an und betrachtet sie nicht als Teil des israelischen Staatsgebiets — ungeachtet ihres rechtlichen Status nach israelischem Recht.

Israel threatened by Iran? [24.09.2013]

Israel threatened by Iran? In the years after the Iranian revolution in 1979 Israel was surprisingly relaxed about developments in Iran, but this changed with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Scott Peterson in his magisterial account of Iran in recent years, 'Let the Swords Encircle Me', succinctly summarises Israeli concerns: "Anxious that its own strategic utility as a 'bulwark' against Soviet-allied Arab states was losing its shine after the Cold War, Israel launched a campaign in 1992 to convince the US that a new and more dangerous threat had emerged from Iran and the Islamic extremism that the revolution inspired." …

While Iran and the US talk of peace, the real war keeps going (ind)

Oslo (20): From a Peace Process to a Colonization Process [24.09.2013]

Oslo (20): From a Peace Process to a Colonization Process

… never been a greater confluence of interest between us and several Gulf States … (M. Oren) [20.09.2013]

… never been a greater confluence of interest between us and several Gulf States … Oren – who has contact in Washington with some ambassadors from Persian Gulf countries – said, that “in the last 64 years there has probably never been a greater confluence of interest between us and several Gulf States. With these Gulf States we have agreements on Syria, on Egypt, on the Palestinian issue. We certainly have agreements on Iran. This is one of those opportunities presented by the Arab Spring.”

Michael Oren, isr. Ex-Botschafer in den USA


Egypt Joins Israel as Gaza's Jailer [20.09.2013]

Egypt Joins Israel as Gaza's Jailer There was a time when activist groups that focused on helping the Palestinians in Gaza reserved their harshest language and protests for Israel, which long has prohibited both air and sea traffic in and out of Gaza; tightly limited exchanges through its Erez terminal; and banned exports altogether.

However, in the two months since the Egyptian military took control, it has made clear it will no longer serve as that “bridge”. In fact, as the military and other opponents of ousted President Mohamed Morsi increasingly blame Palestinian “elements” for growing unrest and violence, particularly in the Sinai Peninsula, the interim government of Egypt has increasingly allied itself with Israel in strategy and actions - becoming just as much Gazans’ jailer as its neighbor to the east.

Egypt Joins Israel as Gaza's Jailer

JVP against military escalation that will kill more civilians [13.09.2013]

JVP against military escalation that will kill more civilians (jewish voice for peace) Thanks to the unprecedented pushback of the American people and the world, President Obama stepped back from the brink of war on Tuesday. But with help from pro-Israel groups like AIPAC, he is still lobbying Congress for permission to bomb Syria.

As Syrian civil society activist Khaled Harbash said, "Any military strike would not be against the regime, but against the entire country. And Syrians who for two and a half years have suffered from the war will bear the consequences."

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Ergänzende Links:
USA nutzen russische Initiative als neuen Kriegsvorwand gegen Syrien (wsws)

Oslo: 20 Jahre Segregation und Kolonisation [13.09.2013]

Interview: Chomsky on ‘Peace Talks’ and the Syria War

Ergänzende Links:
20 verlorene Jahre (medico)

Oslo Dead but Still Matters: Abbas’s Village Leagues and Palestinian Silence [08.09.2013]

Abbas, the negotiator .... By Ramzy Baroud

Suppose several armored vehicles belonging to a branch of the Palestinian Authority raided an Israeli border village at the eve of a new round of peace negotiations. One can picture PA President Mahmoud Abbas defending the killings, stating that the attack was made in the cause of protecting the security of the Palestinian public. Would the Israeli delegation return to the talks with handshakes and smiles?

The answer is an obvious no. Yet the Palestinian delegation did return to real recently renewed peace talks after Israeli forces’ raided a refugee camp in north Jerusalem on August 26, killing three. This was not the only lethal Israeli attack to take place during “peace talks”, and it will not likely be the last. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Israeli forces kill 3 Palestinians in Qalandia camp (maan)

Obama and Netanyahu largely in sync on Syria: Let them both bleed, hemorrhage to death [06.09.2013]

Israel Backs Limited Strike Against Syria (nyt) “This is a playoff situation in which you need both teams to lose, but at least you don’t want one to win — we’ll settle for a tie,” said Alon Pinkas, a former Israeli consul general in New York. “Let them both bleed, hemorrhage to death: that’s the strategic thinking here. …"

The synergy between the Israeli and American positions … could be a critical source of support as Mr. Obama seeks Congressional approval for surgical strikes in Syria. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Israel Backs Limited Strike Against Syria (nyt)
The US-Al Qaeda alliance in Syria and the fraud of the war on terror (wsws)
Effektiv al-Qaidas Luftwaffe (tp)

Israel seeks to pit Christian Arabs against Muslims in a cruel clash [06.09.2013]

Israel seeks to pit Christian Arabs against Muslims in a cruel clash By Jonathan Cook

The Holy Land may be the cradle of Judaism, Christianity and Islam – the three Abrahamic faiths that share much in common – but Israel has preferred to draw on a tradition that imagines the region in terms of a clash of civilisations.

Theodor Herzl, the father of Israel’s national ideology, Zionism, averred that a Jewish state should act as “a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilisation as opposed to barbarism”. On this view, Israel is on the fault line between a Judeo-Christian west and the barbarian hordes of the Islamic east. …

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Nakba 2013: Familie Mahshi aus Jerusalem vertrieben [01.09.2013]

Nakba 2013 1947/48 begannen jüdische Milizen mit der Vertreibung der Palästinenser, der 'nakba', um so die Vorraussetzungen für die Errichtung eines 'jüdischen Staats' in Palästina zu schaffen. Ein Verbrechen, das vón den Offiziellen des so gegründeten Staates - Israel - bis heute nicht nur geleugnet sondern konsequent fortgesetzt wird.
Betroffen sind im Negev lebende Palästinenser mit israelischen Pässen, Palästinenser die in Dörfern in 'Zone C' der besetzten Westbank leben sowie auch Palästinenser im besetzten Ost-Jerusalem.

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Ergänzende Links:
A tale of two citizens (toi)
Petition für Dr. Khalil Mahshi (av)

Syrien: Was ist das Ziel der NATO in Syrien? [29.08.2013]

Peace through bombs Die geplante westliche Bombardierung Syriens wegen des mörderischen Einsatzes von Giftgas gegen die Bewohner von Ghouta östlich von Damaskus, entbehrt natürlich nicht der Heuchelei: Auf die Massaker anderer diktatorischer prowestlicher Regime an der eigenen Bevölkerung - zuletzt in Ägypten - hat der Westen durchweg mit Schulterzucken oder Zustimmung reagiert.
Ganz zu schweigen von Israels Massakern an den Palästinensern in Gaza: Hier dient die 'Responsability to Protect', die allerorten für die völkerrechtliche Rechtfertigung westlicher Gewaltpolitik in Stellung gebracht wird, allein dem Schutz der Besatzer und Angreifer - nicht der Opfer.

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Ergänzende Links:
On Interventions and the Syrian Revolution

Naqab: Zionists massacred Bedouins in 1948, threaten them again today (ei) [25.08.2013]

Bild vom Massaker in Deir Yassin In September 1948, a Zionist army truck forcibly rounded up 14 Palestinian Bedouin farmers near al-Araqib in the Naqab (Negev), drove them to an abandoned home, and then shot them at point blank range.

Since 15 July this year, Israeli border and riot police have arrested more than forty Palestinians, mostly youth, in Bir al-Saba (Beersheba), Sakhnin, Kfar Kanna and Wadi Ara during protests against the so-called Prawer Plan that will forcibly displace up to 40,000 Bedouin.

Although 65 years separate both events, what motivated them remains the same. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Israel destroys Bedouin village for 54th time (maan)

The return of the Mubarak [20.08.2013]

Der Tod von Khalid Saeed (2010) wirkte als Auslöser für den Sturz Mubaraks Nachdem die ägyptische Militärjunta versucht hat den unbewaffneten Protest der Anhänger des von ihm gestürzten Präsidenten Mursi in einem Blutbad mit hunderten von Toten zu ersticken, soll nun ganz folgerichtig auch Ex-Diktator Mubarak freikommen.

Mit diesem Akt wäre die Rebellion der Ägypter gegen das Mubarak-Regime an einem vorläufigen symbolischen Ende angelangt.

Durchgesetzt hat sich damit jene in den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten unter Mubarak herangewachsene Schicht, die zutiefst mit dem militärisch-industriellen Komplex und dem Herrschaftsapparat der Diktatur verbunden war und ist.

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Ergänzende Links:
Why are Egyptian Liberals Celebrating a Massacre? (trn)
Murdering the Wretched of the Earth (tdig)
Ägyptische Junta verschärft Unterdrückung (wsws)

EU-Richtlinien zu besetzten Gebieten bedeutender als 'Friedensverhandlungen' [15.08.2013]

EU-Richtlinie positioniert EU gegen Siedlungsausbau Die im Juli von der EU veröffentlichten brisanten Richtlinien der EU zur Frage der besetzten Gebiete sind weitaus bedeutender, wie die laufenden 'Friedensverhandlungen', findet Noam Sheizaf (972mag) in diesem Beitrag.

Denn während die für die Palästinenser ruiniösen Verhandlungen ganz allein dazu dienen Israel ein Alibi für die Expansion der illegalen Siedlungen zu verschaffen, hätten die EU-Richtlinien tatsächlich das Potential, die israelischen Expansionspläne zu behindern.

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Ergänzende Links:
EU-Richtlinien zu besetzten Gebieten

Zwanzig Jahre Oslo-Prozess: Eine Bestandsaufnahme [12.08.2013]

Zwanzig Jahre Oslo-Prozess: Eine Bestandsaufnahme In dem nachfolgenden Interview analysiert die seit 1988 in der Westbank lebende Ingrid Jaradat-Gassner, wie Israel und seine willfährigen westlichen Partner die Mechanismen des Friedensprozesses nutzen, um die Palästinenser zu ruinieren. (ipk)

Der „Oslo-Friedensprozess” hat vor allem die Politik der israelischen Kolonisierung und Apartheid begünstigt. Die EU und die USA stecken weiterhin Geld in die Aufrechterhaltung der Farce einer „Zweistaatenlösung”. Die palästinensische Autonomiebehörde und weite Teile der Bevölkerung in den besetzten Gebieten hängen so am Tropf der internationalen "Hilfe".

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Ergänzende Links:
The Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem

US-Friedensgespräche: The Indyk Appointement [05.08.2013]

US-Friedensgespräche: The Indyk Appointement Der ehemalige UN-Berichterstatter für Menscherechte, Richard Falk, über die Bestellung von Martin Indyk, einem prominenten Israel-Lobbyisten, als Sondergesandten für die kommenden 'Friedensgespräche'.

Appointing Martin Indyk as Special Envoy to the upcoming peace talks was to be expected. It was signaled in advance. And yet it is revealing and distressing.

The only other candidates considered for the job were equally known as Israeli partisans: Daniel Kurtzer, former ambassador to Israel before becoming Commissioner of Israel’s Baseball League and Dennis Ross, co-founder in the 1980s (with Indyk) of the AIPAC backed Washington Institute for Near East Policy; handled the 2000 Camp David negotiations on behalf of Clinton. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Martin Indyk says he ‘made aliyah to Washington’ to save Israel (mb)
From negotiations with no references to elections without unity (mmon)

Ägypten birgt den Schlüssel für die Kontrolle des Nahen Ostens [27.07.2013]

In der dreiteilige Artikelserie 'Egypt under Empire' referiert Andrew Marshall über die Bedeutung und die Geschichte Ägptens. Marshall ist Mitarbeiter des Hampton Institutes, das nach dem 'Black Panther' Aktivisten Fred Hampton benannt ist, der vom FBI 1969 in eine Falle gelockt und erschossen wurde.

„A State Department policy paper from early August 1956 referred to Nasser as "an international political adventurer of considerable skill with clearly defined objectives that seriously threaten the Western world." The State Department concluded: "Nasser intends to make full use of the resources of the Arab world, notably the Suez Canal and the oil, the resources and turmoil of the entire African continent, and the support of Muslims in Indonesia, China, Malaya, Siam, Burma and elsewhere" in order "to wield a power without limit." ”

I. Working Class Resistance and European Imperial Ambitions
II. The "Threat" of Arab Nationalism
III. From Nasser to Mubarak

Ägypten: Reloading Mubarak?! [26.07.2013]

Mubarakism Without Mubarak Die aktuelle Entwicklung in Ägypten scheint auf eine Erneuerung der aus der Mubarak-Ara bekannten Militärdiktatur hinauszulaufen, mit gravierenden Konsequenzen für die Palästinenser.

Indem sich die in vergleichsweise freien Wahlen an die Macht gelangten Muslimbrüder darauf verlegten ihre Macht zu festigten, ohne die ökonomische und soziale Krise aufzuhalten, die möglicherweise von den ökonomisch extrem einflussreichen Militärs künstlich verschärft wurde, lieferten die von Mubaraks Gefolgsleuten mit mitgesteuerten Massenproteste den Vorwand für das Militär, um den Präsidenten Mursi zu stürzen.

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Ergänzende Links:
Mubarakism Without Mubarak (J. Massad, cp)

Friedensgespräche: Auf dem Weg in Nichts - Kerrys Nahost-Reise [23.07.2013]

Auf dem Weg in Nichts - Kerrys Nahost-Reise Moreover, Israel is “negotiating” with a PLO that has become a sock puppet for the US and Israel after its former leader, Yasser Arafat, was very likely assassinated to make way for the compliant Mahmoud Abbas. The PLO is run and financed by the US and Israel, its security forces trained and directed by CIA, its intelligence agency an arm of Israel’s Mossad. Its elected rival, Hamas, remains jailed in Gaza.

The road to nowhere - Kerry mideast journey

Ergänzende Links:
Netanyahu, Abbas back to square none (R. Baroud, atmes)

'We are all settlers' (G. Levy) [17.07.2013]

G. Levy: 'We are all settlers' Der verdiente israelische Journalist Gideon Levy, der seit Jahren erfolglos gegen den Sadismus und die Brutalität der israelischen Besatzung anschreibt, ist zu dem Schluss gelangt, dass ein Boykott Israels unvermeidlich ist.

The Israeli patriot’s final refuge: boycott

Anyone who really fears for the future of the country needs to be in favor at this point of boycotting it economically.

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Protests in the Negev, the West Bank, and Gaza against the Begin-Prawer plan [17.07.2013]

Protests in the Negev, the West Bank, and Gaza against the Begin-Prawer plan Protestors took to the streets in Be’er Sheva, Bethlehem, and Gaza City calling for the Israeli government to scrap the Begin-Prawer plan that would forcibly displace between 30,000-70,000 Negev Bedouins. More protests are planned for Ramallah, Jerusalem, Hebron, Nablus, and Jaffa. …

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Treatment of Palestinians is apartheid by any other name (J. Cook) [13.07.2013]

Treatment of Palestinians is apartheid by any other name Were it not for the razor wire, giant concrete blocks, steel gates, watchtower and standard-issue surly teenage soldier, it would be impossible to tell at what point the barren uplands of Israel’s eastern Negev give way to the South Hebron Hills of the West Bank.

The military checkpoint of Shani vaguely marks the formal demarcation between Israel and occupied Palestinian territory, but in practical terms the distinction is meaningless. On either side of the Green Line, Israel is in charge. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Israel ist ein Apartheidstaat (ipk)

Der Putsch in Ägypten und seine Bedeutung für die Palästinenser [13.07.2013]

Präsident Mursi durch Militärputsch gestürzt (wsws) Der grösste Rückschlag für die Befreiung der Palästinenser nach dem Junikrieg 1967 - der zu der bis heute andauernden Besetzung der Westbank und der Besetzung/Belagerung des Gazastreifens führte - war das Camp-David-Abkommen zwischen Israel und Ägypten im Jahr 1978.

Mit diesem Abkommen unterwarf sich Ägypten der Hegemonie der USA und gab damit die Sache Palästinenser auf.

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Ergänzende Links:
Präsident Mursi durch Militärputsch gestürzt (wsws)
Morsi Spurned Deals, Seeing Military as Tamed (nyt)

Egypt: A coup, not a revolution [04.07.2013]

Ägypten (angryarab) It is quite a show to watch Egyptian liberals and some leftists cheering a reactionary military coup by the man, Sisi, who has been in charge of Egyptian-Israeli military-intelligence cooperation.

Sisi is the man who tightened the siege of Gaza and who serviced Israel more than it was serviced in Mubarak's days. This is a man who killed Egyptians and Palestinians to win US and Israeli approval.

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Ergänzende Links:
Sectarianism and Counter-Revolution in Egypt: Not a Family Affair

OCHA - Humanitarian Atlas December 2012 [18.06.2013]

OCHA - Humanitarian Atlas December 2012

Israel to legislate mass displacement law against Bedouins today (10. Jun) [17.06.2013]

Israel to legislate mass displacement law against Bedouins today Currently in Israel, the State views the Arab citizens as no more than a nuisance. Therefore the Arabs must accept the breadcrumbs of citizenship and resources allowed to them by the State with thanks and silence. Thus it is possible to put into law a bill that forces at least 40,000 residents of the unrecognized villages to accept displacement, land loss and urbanisation. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Protest gegen geplante Massenumsiedlung (nzz)

When Israel compensated Germans for land in Palestine [17.06.2013]

When Israel compensated Germans for land in Palestine (ei) Last month marked the 65th anniversary of the Nakba — the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948, during which Israeli forces expelled some 800,000 Palestinians from their homeland and seized their properties. In total, 536 cities, towns and villages — 78 percent of the land of historic Palestine — were taken during the 1948 war.

The Nakba is not just a historical event, however. It remains an ongoing trauma.

Palestinian human rights are assaulted daily; Palestinians still live under occupation or are barred from their homeland. Meanwhile, Israeli land and water confiscation continue — particularly in the West Bank and the Naqab (Negev) desert. …

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Five years of struggle against the Israeli segregation wall in Ni'lin [06.06.2013]

Nilin: Ahmad Mousa (1999-2008) This Friday was the anniversary of start of the popular struggle against the annexation wall in Ni'lin. The village now enters a sixth year of resistance against Israeli colonization.

As always the demonstration gathered in the olive groves outside the village after the midday Friday prayer. An empowering speech was given to encourage the people of the village to remind the colonizers of their crimes during the past five years. Hundreds of villagers have been arrested and five have been killed during the past years of resistance against the land grabbing of the Israeli colonization. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Ahmad Mousas killer walks free (nivi)

Save Masafer Yatta [25.05.2013]

Save Masafer Yatta

Ergänzende Links:
The Massafer Yatta Case Study (OCHA)

Negev: Just A Week After the Ministerial Committee on Legislation Approved the Prawer Plan … [25.05.2013]

We witness a rapid implementation of the Plan in Atir We witness a rapid implementation of the Plan in Atir.

On Thursday, May 16th, eight houses and seven other structures were demolished, trees were uprooted, and land was leveled in the unrecognized Bedouin village of Atir.

Ergänzende Links:
Massive Demolition at the Village of Atir in the Negev (NCF)
Position Paper Regarding Legislative Ministry Committee’s Approval of the Prawer Plan: A Mistake that Must be Corrected Immediately! (NCF)

The EU: Israel's Faithful Brother in Arms [23.05.2013]

The EU: Israel's Faithful Brother in Arms During Israel's latest onslaught against the Gaza Strip in November 2012, a major conference was held in Tel Aviv: the 2nd Israel HLS International Conference. Among the most prominent sponsors of the homeland security event were two of Israel's largest weapons companies, Elbit Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), both of which cooperate closely with the Israeli military. But the conference also had another grandiosely advertised partner: the European Commission. …

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The last of the Semites [17.05.2013]

Joseph Massad

by Joseph Massad

It is Israel's claims that it represents and speaks for all Jews that are the most anti-Semitic claims of all.

Jewish opponents of Zionism understood the movement since its early age as one that shared the precepts of anti-Semitism in its diagnosis of what gentile Europeans called the "Jewish Question". What galled anti-Zionist Jews the most, however, was that Zionism also shared the "solution" to the Jewish Question that anti-Semites had always advocated, namely the expulsion of Jews from Europe. …

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15. Mai 2013: 65 Jahre Vertreibung und Enteignung [15.05.2013]

Israeli Independence & The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine • Total number of Palestinians expelled during Israel's creation (1947-49): Between 750,000 and 1 million.

• Number of Palestinians expelled prior to Israel's declaration of independence on May 14, 1948, and the ensuing war with neighboring Arab states: Between 250,000 and 350,000.

• Total number of Palestinian population centers systematically destroyed during Israel's creation (1947-49): More than 400.

• Number of population centers ethnically cleansed of their Palestinian Arab inhabitants by Zionist forces prior to Israel's declaration of independence on May 14, 1948, and the ensuing war with neighboring Arab states: More than 200.

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Film: Wider die Verdrängung [01.05.2013]

Film: 'Wider die Verdrängung' In den C-Gebieten ist Gesundheitsarbeit gleich Widerstand

(medico) Alle Menschen haben den Anspruch auf gleichen Zugang zum erreichbaren Höchstmaß an Gesundheit. Doch im ländlichen Gebiet der Westbank schränkt die israelische Besatzungspolitik den Zugang zu Gesundheitsdiensten stark ein. Ziel ist offenbar, die Palästinenser aus diesen Gebieten zu vertreiben und in dichtgedrängte und voneinander getrennte Enklaven zu verdrängen, die von Israel in jeder Hinsicht kontrolliert und abhängig sind. Unser Film zeigt, wie der medico-Partner Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) den abgeschnittenen Gemeinden dennoch eine Basis-Gesundheitsversorgung ermöglicht.

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Wadi al-Maleh: Israel evicts Palestinian villagers for army exercise [01.05.2013]

Israel evicts Palestinian villagers for army exercise Im Jordantal werden vorgebliche militärische Erfordernisse - Übungen und die Einrichtung von Übungsplätzen - genutzt, um Palästinenser zu vertreiben. Circa 18% der besetzten Westbank sind heute militärische Sperrzone, eine Fläche von der Größe der Zone A.
Aktuell davon betroffen ist die Region um Wadi al-Maleh: Israel evicts Palestinian villagers for army exercise.

26. Jan 13: The dispossession and destruction of al-Maleh (pmon) // 31. Dec 12: Israel Orders Families in Jordan Valley to Leave Homes (wafa) // 25. May 12: Confiscating Five Water Tankers in Wadi al Maleh (poica) // 14. Feb 08: Israeli Occupation Authorities Embark on an Eviction Campaign in Khirbat Al Farisiya (poica) // 25. Apr 06: Wadi el Maleh: History and life of ancient community endangered (ism).

Ergänzende Links:
Wadi Al-Maleh: Displacing the Palestinian Population Using Multiple Methods of Oppression (maan)

Israel gives up white phosphorus, because 'it doesn't photograph well' [30.04.2013]

'it doesn't photograph well' (972mag) A certain air of nostalgia dominated Maariv’s headline last Thursday: “Due to criticism in the world, IDF parts ways with white phosphorus” …

So the IDF is looking for a replacement for the white phosphorus bombs. A senior officer in the ground forces explained: “As we learned during Cast Lead, it [white phosphorus] doesn’t photograph well, so we are reducing the supply and we will not purchase beyond what we already have.”

“It doesn’t photograph well.” In all honesty, the man is right. …

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US envoy to UN says defending Israel large part of her job [24.04.2013]

US envoy to UN says defending Israel large part of her job Susan Rice calls safeguarding Israel’s security and legitimacy ‘crucial work’

Susan Rice said a major part of her work as US ambassador to the United Nations is defending Israel’s legitimacy. “It’s a huge part of my work to the United Nations,” Rice said Sunday evening, launching this year’s Consultation on Conscience, an event for Reform movement social activists organized by the Religious Action Center.

She likened the volume of work to her efforts to coordinate Syria’s isolation and to contain violence and abuses in Sudan. She said she often works in “lockstep” with the Israeli delegation. “We will not rest in the crucial work of defending Israel’s security and legitimacy every day at the United Nations,” Rice said. …

US envoy to UN says defending Israel large part of her job

When Israeli denial of Palestinian existence becomes genocidal (I. Pappe) [22.04.2013]

When Israeli denial of Palestinian existence becomes genocidal Peres' interview on the eve of the 65th commemoration of the Nakba is chilling not because it condones any violent act against the Palestinians, but because the Palestinians have entirely disappeared … .

In the past, the denial preceded the crime . a crime that only partially succeeded but for which the perpetrators were never brought to justice. …

One would think only a madman can ignore millions and millions of people, many of them under his military or apartheid rule … . But when the madman receives the best weapons from the US, Nobel Peace Prizes from Oslo and preferential treatment from the European Union …

When Israeli denial of Palestinian existence becomes genocidal (ei)

Ergänzende Links:
Barack Obamas Auslöschung der 'American Indians' in Jerusalem

Re-turning rights [21.04.2013]

Re-turning rights by Joseph Massad

Like everything else with Zionism and Israel, their conception of rights is never universal but always particular.

Since its inception, the Zionist project was clear in its goals and the strategy required to achieve them. In order for Jews to colonise the lands of the Palestinians and establish an exclusivist Jewish state, Zionist strategists insisted, the natives must be driven out of the country. For Zionism, colonisation and expulsion were to be simultaneous processes that could not be decoupled from one another: indeed, they would become the very same process. …

Re-turning rights

Al-Araqib: Bulldozers flatten Bedouin village 49 times [21.04.2013]

Al-Araqib: Bulldozers flatten Bedouin village 49 times Al-Araqib, Israel - Hakmeh Abu Mdeighem sat quietly on a cement cinderblock last Wednesday, looking out across a small valley at where, moments earlier, Israeli police bulldozers had turned a handful of tents and shacks into piles of sandy rubble.

The 49th demolition of the Bedouin village of Al-Araqib had just ended, and Abu Mdeighe, a mother of nine, spoke unflinchingly.

"One feels that one doesn't live in one's own country anymore. One feels that a continuous war is going on between him and Israel. This is a war that Israel wages against us everything month," she said. "What can we do when the state comes and fights you inside your own house, on your own ground, when it destroys your house on the heads of your sons?" …

Al-Araqib: Bulldozers flatten Bedouin village 49 times

Ergänzende Links:
"Kritik an Israel wäre besser, als ihm Geschenke zu machen" (Interview mit Meir Margalit, jw)

Gaza's Siege Intensifies: The Plan to "Moderate" Hamas, Control Gaza [15.04.2013]

Gaza's Siege Intensifies: The Plan to 'Moderate' Hamas, Control Gaza By Ramzy Baroud

On September 17, 2012, Ismail Haniyeh, Prime Minister of the Hamas government in Gaza, made another appeal to his Egyptian counterpart Hisham Kandil to consider setting up a free trade area between Gaza and Egypt.

The reasonable idea would allow Egypt to support Gaza’s ragged economy while sparing Cairo the political fallout from destroying hundreds of tunnels that provide 1.6 million Palestinians a lifeline under a continued Israeli siege. Palestinians in Gaza rely on goods smuggled through tunnels and to a lesser extent United Nations handouts to survive. …

Gaza's Siege Intensifies: The Plan to "Moderate" Hamas, Control Gaza

Ergänzende Links:
Egypt court orders tunnels to Gaza destroyed
Abbas urges Egypt to destroy underground tunnels
Army destroys tunnel on Gaza Strip border

Israeli Property Theft is Nothing New [13.04.2013]

Jaffa Sea-Mosque Is the Custodian of Absentee Property Awaiting the Absentees?

cus·to·di·an n. 1. One who has charge of something: caretaker
– The Heritage Illustrated Dictionary of the English Language, International Edition, 1973

The office of Ronen Baruch, the current Custodian of Absentee Property for Israel, is in an ancient Arab home at 8 Yoel Salomon Street in Jerusalem. A house of this type is not unusual in this part of Jerusalem, and this one has few markings to indicate its function. Even its mail is delivered to the main building of the Ministry of Finance in another part of the city. …

Israeli Property Theft is Nothing New (P. Larudee, cp)

Vandalismus, Plünderung, Kidnapping in Jayyous [11.04.2013]

Israelische Armee verhaftet 16 Personen in Jayyous am 10. April 2013 Diese Kraft zu vertrauen hat ihren Ursprung in den Werten, die wir, Deutschland und Israel, gemeinsam teilen: den Werten von Freiheit, Demokratie und der Achtung der Menschenwürde.
Angela Merkel, Knessetrede 2008

In der Nacht vom 9. auf den 10. April gegen 3 Uhr 45 erreichte unser Team ein Anruf unseres Freundes Noor Baiada: Die Armee ist im Dorf … Tatsächlich saßen mehrere Familienmitglieder und Freunde schweigend auf der Treppe des Hauses, die Mutter weinte still vor sich hin, ihr Sohn Mohammad Nabil Omar, 23, befand sich bereits in einem der drei am Straßenrand geparkten Jeeps.

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Ergänzende Links:
Israelische Armee verhaftet 16 Personen in Jayyous am 10. April 2013

30. März 2013: Youm Al-Ard - 'Tag des Bodens' [29.03.2013]

Märtyrer des 'Youm Al-Ard' 1976: Kheir Mohammad Salim Yasin (23), Khadija Qasem Shawahneh (23), Raja Hussein Abu Rayya (30), Khader Eid Mahmoud Khalaila (24), Muhsin Hasan Said Taha (15), Ra'fat Ali Az-Zheiri (21) There are many historical days that Palestinians commemorate every year. For some, they are an opportunity to remember, while for the younger population, they are a chance to learn and never forget. Land Day is one of these monumental times, a day when, ever since March 30, 1976, Palestinians have been taking to the streets of the West Bank, Gaza, Israel and throughout the diaspora to protest the deaths of six of their brethren at the hands of Israeli security forces. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Celebrating the Land; Celebrating Palestine (avfp)

Obama won't bring peace to Palestine [21.03.2013]

Obama won't bring peace to Palestine by Miko Peled

If US President Barack Obama wanted to move the Palestine/Israel issue along, he would need to demand that Israel free thousands of political prisoners it holds in violation of international law, end its violations of Palestinian human rights, lift the siege on Gaza or at the very least end the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians. …

Den vollständigen Text finden Sie hier wieder.

Ergänzende Links:
Miko Peled zu den Mythen des palästinensch-israelischen Konflikts und dessen Lösung (ipk)
Will Israeli Settlers Receive Obama’s Blessing? (J. Cook, cp)
Palestinians Prepare a Bitter Welcome for Obama (M. Frykberg, ips)

Israel and the politics of boycott [20.03.2013]

Israel and the politics of boycott

von Joseph Massad

Zionism and Israel will continue to support any boycott that seeks to institutionalise racism and racial separatism.

"Boycott" is a term as old as political Zionism. As is commonly known, it came into circulation in 1880, starting out as an Irish peasant action to prevent peasant evictions from the land by landlords and their agents - in that inaugural case an agent named Charles Boycott. This is not to say that this was the first time such a tactic had been used. Indeed, half a century earlier, in 1830, in the United States, the National Negro Convention supported a boycott of slave-produced goods, a movement which had started among White Quakers at the end of the 18th century and which would spread among White and Black abolitionists during the 19th century until the American Civil War. …

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Yair Lapid brought us an extreme right, settler-dominated government (Gush Shalom) [20.03.2013]

Yair Lapid  brought us an extreme right, settler-dominated government Today was established in Israel an extremist right-wing government in which settlers and their allies hold all the key positions: their Minister of Housing will construct settlement housing; their Minister of Industry will divert industries to the settlements; their Chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee will provide them with plenty of funds. The Minister of Defense - who is, in effect, the military dictator holding sway over the Occupied Territories – is opposed to any gesture towards the Palestinians, even the smallest and most symbolic. It is a government which appointed a minister to take charge of conducting negotiations with the Palestinians and an entire ministerial team to oversee such negotiations, but would not be able to conduct any such negotiations in reality.

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Das 'Russel Tribunal in Palestine' trauert um Stephane Hessel (1917-2013) [03.03.2013]

Das 'Russel Tribunal in Palestine' trauert um Stephane Hessel (1917-2013) Stéphane Hessel, author of the bestseller «Time for outrage», French ambassador, human rights’ advocate and great philosopher, died last night at the age of 95. The Russell Tribunal on palestine (RToP) mourns the passing of its honorary president and huge supporter.

Pierre Galand, RToP general coordinator says :
«The Tribunal has always ben his project, and he was its soul as he has always inspired us with his ideas and supported us with concrete gestures. He would have participated in the last session of the Tribunal, in Brussels on 16 and 17 March, but now that he’s passed away we will pay him the tribute he deserves. With his death, we loss a last eye-witness of the drafting of the Human Rights’ declaration. If the World loses a great personality and a distinguished intellectual and activist, at a personal level, I will miss him as a comrade and a friend»

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Ergänzende Links:
Ex-French Resistance Fighter Hessel: 'It Is Good for Us to Feel Outrage' (S. Hessel, ytb)
Ambassadeur de France Stephane Hessel on the Russell Tribunal on Palestine (S. Hessel, ytb)
Gaza Flotilla: Global Citizens Must Respond Where Governments Have Failed (S. Hessel)

Folterstaat [03.03.2013]

Folterstaat (Al-Jazeera) Israel's High Court has been extravagantly helpful in securing the Shin Bet with its imperviousness to accountability to international law, and thus enabling widespread and lethal torture.

In August of 2012, Israel's High Court rejected petitions submitted by Israeli human rights organisations Adalah, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel and PCATI to demand that Israeli attorney general, Yehuda Weinstein, carry out criminal investigations into each allegation of torture by the Shin Bet.

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Ergänzende Links:
How Israel legitimises torturing Palestinians to death

EU-Missionen in Palästina verlangen Sanktionen gegen Israel [03.03.2013]

EU-Missionen in Palästina verlangen Sanktionen gegen Israel Wie schon in vorangegangenen Berichten, verlangt auch der neueste Bericht der EU-Missionen in Palästina, dass die EU die permanenten Grenzüberschreitungen Israels gegenüber den Palästinensern endlich sanktioniert.
Man kann sich jedoch erfahrungsgemäss darauf verlassen, dass die Israel-Lobby in der EU dafür sorgen wird, dass auch dieser Bericht - so wie seine Vorgänger - im Papierkorb landen wird - und die EU dem Ruin ihrer Projekte und der Vertreibung der Palästinenser durch Israel so wie eh und je tatenlos zusehen wird.

The European Union has recommended its 27 member states imposing sanctions on Israeli settlements

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Ergänzende Links:
The European Union has recommended its 27 member states imposing sanctions on Israeli settlements (ecc)

Hungerstreikender Samer Isssawi: Israelisches Militärgericht lehnt Freilassung ab [21.02.2013]

The Free Samer Issawi Campaign (facebook) Am Dienstag lehnte das Jerusalemer Bezirksgericht auf Drängen der Militärstaatsanwaltschaft die Freilassung von Samer Isssawi ab, der seit über 200 Tagen keine feste Nahrung mehr zu sich nimmt.

Issawi wurde war am 7. Juli 2012 an einem israelischen Kontrollpunkt festgenommen, als er sich auf dem Weg nach Hause befand. Am 1. August 2012 trat er in den Hungerstreik, um dagegen zu protestieren, dass auf seine Verhaftung keine Anklage mit konkreten Anschuldigungen folgte.

Bitte lesen Sie hier weiter.

Ergänzende Links:
'Urgent action' für Samer Issawi (ai)
The Free Samer Issawi Campaign (facebook)
Samer Issawi: No going back, I am owner of Right (aic)

1948: We expelled, we bombed, we killed (zochrot) [21.02.2013]

Vertreibung in Haifa 1948 Yerachmiel Kahanovich from Kibbutz Degania Aleph tells about his part in the independence war

In his appearance, clothing, beard and mustache, 83 year-old Yerachmiel (Yerach) Kahanovich from Kibbutz Degania Aleph looks a bit like an aging Greek sailor (albeit without the requisite forearm tattoo). Indeed, the sea – both the Mediterranean and the Sea of Galilee – is his great love, and like any veteran sailor, he would happily share tales of the happy days when would venture forth in boats and ships, as well as of not-so-happy days when circumstances forced him to expel and kill Arabs. He recently found out that a conversation held with him about those latter days is included among testimonies presented in an exhibition by Zochrot. …

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Neunte internationale 'Israeli Apartheid Week 2013' ohne deutsche Beteiligung [19.02.2013]

Neunte internationale 'Israeli Arpartheid Week 2013' Die neunte internationale Apartheidswoche - Februar-März 2013 - findet bedauerlicherweise auch diesmal ohne deutsche Beteiligung statt.

Wer dazu etẃa die ebenso couragierte wie selbstlose Palästina-Aktivistin Annette Groth ('DIE LINKE'-MdB) erleben will, muss dazu eigens nach Basel fahren.

Eine desolate Situation, welche auch die Frage nach der Effizienz und Bedeutung des 2009 gegründeten Koordinationskreises Palästina Israel aufwirft.

Ergänzende Links:
Israel ist ein Apartheidstaat (ipk)

Aussenpolitische Sprecherin der SPÖ fordert Kennzeichnung für Siedlungsprodukte [07.02.2013]

Aussenpolitische Sprecherin der SPÖ fordert Kennzeichnung für Siedlungsprodukte Die außenpolitische Sprecherin der an der österreichischen Regierung beteiligten SPÖ, Christine Muttonen, fordert die österreichische Regierung in einer Anfrage dazu auf dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass Waren aus den illegalen israelischen Siedlungen in der Westbank nicht länger als israelische Waren nach Österreich eingeführt werden können.

Die Anfrage ist dazu von einer Deutlichkeit, die man hierzulande schmerzlich vermisst.

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Ergänzende Links:
OFFENER BRIEF der 'Steirischen Friedensplattform' an die Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs

Hamas Pushes Islamization of Gaza [05.02.2013]

Hamas Pushes Islamization of Gaza When Muhammad, who refused to give his family name out of security concerns, asked the DJ at his brother’s wedding in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, to play music for slow dancing, the DJ refused on the grounds that he would be punished by the authorities.

Bemused, Muhammad warned the DJ that the family wouldn't continue the wedding if he didn’t play the song. The DJ shrugged off the threat and stood by his refusal. …

Hamas Pushes Islamization of Gaza

Palestinian Authority Faces Crisis Over Salaries [05.02.2013]

Palestinian Authority Faces Crisis Over Salaries The financial crisis facing the Palestinian Authority (PA), which has left it unable to pay its employees, has had negative consequences for Palestinian society. The crisis has affected the PA’s popularity and the stability of Palestinian society, and it has increased anger and tension between the PA and the people.

During the three months of October, November and December, the PA paid its employees one month’s salary in two installments. Meanwhile, the Hamas government has managed to pay its employees on a much more regular basis. …

Palestinian Authority Faces Crisis Over Salaries

"Zionism is racism, always" (As'ad Abu Khalil) [04.02.2013]

Yair Lapid Wie zu erwarten beschreiben deutsche Medien den neuen israelischen Polit-Star Yair Lapid als 'Zentristen', der für Verhandlungen mit den Palästinsensern sei.
Mit dieser Mär soll offenbar weiter die Illusion verbreitet werden, dass die israelische Führung verhandlungsfähig oder -willig sei .

„You know my father didn’t come here from the ghetto in order to live in a country that is half Arab, half Jewish. He came here to live in a Jewish state. And we have 3.3 million Palestinians now between the sea and the eastern border of Israel. If we don’t do something about it, her generation … is going to spend her time with six or seven or eight million Palestinians.”
(Yair Lapid, 2013)

On the latest raw Arab-hatred of Israel’s “centrist” political star Yair Lapid (ei)

Activists build new village Almanatir near Burin [03.02.2013]

Activists build new village Almanatir near Burin (fb-icai) Palestinian activists and farmers on Saturday erected a new tented protest village south of Nablus, sparking clashes with settlers which left one teen injured.

Around 200 supporters from across the West Bank set up tents in an area of Burin village that activists say is slated for confiscation by a neighboring settlement.

Israeli forces immediately moved to shut down the area, and blocked traffic at the nearby Zaatara checkpoint, stopping several buses of activists destined for the village, witnesses told Ma'an.

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UN inquiry says Israel must end settlements [02.02.2013]

UN inquiry says Israel must end settlements Investigators conclude all Israeli settlement activity in West Bank is unlawful and must cease "immediately".

(alj) Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank violate international law, and the country must "immediately" withdraw all settlers from such areas, UN human rights investigators have said.

Israel has not co-operated with the inquiry, set up by the Human Rights Council (HRC) last March to examine the impact of settlements in the territory, including East Jerusalem. …

UN inquiry says Israel must end settlements

Ergänzende Links:
UN Report Sets Stage for Hague Case Against Israel (alm)

Khaled Mashaal stimmt 'Zweistaatenlösung' zu [02.02.2013]

Khaled Mashaal stimmt 'Zweistaatenlösung' zu Während die HAMAS hierzulande immer noch als Terror-Organisation bezeichnet wird, bewegt sie sich real doch längst auf den Pfaden der durch und durch korrupten FATAH-Führung in Ramallah.

Wie die FATAH ganz allein darauf erpicht sich an der 'Macht' zu halten - unter der Kontrolle der israelischen Besatzer und de facto als deren Subkontraktor - hat nun auch der Chef des Politbüros der HAMAS, Khaled Mashaal, gegenüber einem der engsten Verbündeten Israels, dem jordanischen König, die Zustimmung seiner Organisation zur sogenannten Zwei-Staatenlösung erklärt.

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Ergänzende Links:
Mashaal Agrees To Two-State Solution (maan)

The Meaning of Yair Lapid [01.02.2013]

The Meaning of Yair Lapid The 2013 Israeli elections produced a dramatic nothing. Yair Lapid, television anchor, writer of clichés, son of loudmouth celebrity and one-time politician Tommy Lapid, and famed for his hairstyle, entered the political scene to form a party of handpicked personalities which won nineteen seats in the Knesset, and became the second largest party in Israel. Lapid is now the kingmaker, positioned to determine the shape of the coalition that will form Binyamin Netanyahu’s next government. …

The Meaning of Yair Lapid

UN-Resolution 3379: '… determines that zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.' (10. Nov 1975) [01.02.2013]

Did Israel violate the Genocide Convention by forcing contraceptives on Ethiopian women? (ei) After initial denials, Israel has admitted that medical authorities have been giving Ethiopian women long-term contraceptive drugs and it has been alleged that this was done without the women’s consent.

If the allegations are proven, this practice may fit the legal definition of genocide.

The government has now ordered clinics not to renew prescriptions for the long-acting injectable contraceptive drug Depo-Provera “for women of Ethiopian origin if for any reason there is concern that they might not understand the ramifications of the treatment.” …

Did Israel violate the Genocide Convention by forcing contraceptives on Ethiopian women?

Egypt's 'Post-Democracy' Nears Point of No Return [31.01.2013]

Egypt's 'Post-Democracy' Nears Point of No Return Die undurchsichtigen Unruhen in der zeitlichen Nähe zum Jahrestag der 'Arabellion' sind eine Folge der Usurpation der Macht durch die Moslembrüder.
Diese könnten zu einem - vom Westen sicher gern gesehenen - Armeeputsch führen.

With the continued disarray of the political scene, Egypt may be approaching a point of “no-return” to becoming a failed state on several dimensions. Lack of political consensus is dragging the economy, preventing a much needed return to normalcy. Foreign investment, business and consumer confidence are at record lows. The Egyptian pound is losing ground fast and could go to a free fall if a political deal is not reached soon.

Once this point of “no return” is reached, additional chaos would bring “loss of control” to an irreversible state when even a military intervention would not be able to fix things or restore order. On the other hand, a military coup will bring Egypt’s transition to square one or even a step below …

Egypt's 'Post-Democracy' Nears Point of No Return

Palestine Street - The history of the "Nakba" told through one street in the city of Jaffa [30.01.2013]

Palestine Street

Sixty years ago, Jaffa was the most prosperous, most cultured, most populous and most influential city in Palestine ….

In May 1948, most of its citizens fled the city in terror. In just a few days a community of 120,000 people was reduced to fewer than 4,000 as an almost undefended population fled the forces of the Zionist movement which were fighting to establish the state of Israel.

This exodus was repeated all across Palestine. In 1948 up to one million Palestinians became refugees, most of them escaping to neighbouring countries, never to see their homes again. …

The history of the "Nakba" told through one street in the city of Jaffa

Video: 'The lost bride' (Part I / II / III / IV ), 'The Bride in Exile' (Part I / II / III / IV )

Israel's Left Turn to the Far Right (J. Cook) [30.01.2013]

Israel's Left Turn to the Far Right Die Niederlage Netanjahus bei den letzten Knesset-Wahlen bedeutet nicht etwa eine Niederlage für die Rechte in Israel, schreibt J. Cook aus Nazareth: Denn Parteien die früher am rechten Rand standen, zählen heute zum rechten Mainstream.

Much of Israeli politics is myth-making – the creation of narratives based on illusions – and the country’s election last week was no exception. Commentators have been quick to characterize the result as a dramatic upset, with the right-wing led by Benjamin Netanyahu locked in a dead-heat with the left. …

Israel's Left Turn to the Far Right

Ergänzende Links:
Lapid's platform: No compromise over Jerusalem, no settlement freeze (972mag)

Israels first country to boycott review by the United Nations Human Rights Council [30.01.2013]

PCHR condemns Israel’s Refusal to Participate in the UN Human Rights Council Review and Calls Upon the Council to Proceed with the Review Israel’s decision to boycott the UPR is yet another demonstration of its contempt for international human rights norms, and is made possible by the complacency of the international community.

Israel’s refusal to participate in the review also represents a direct threat to the very credibility of the Human Rights Council, a cooperative mechanism with a mandate to examine the compliance of its Member States with their international human rights obligations.

Israel is the first country to have withdrawn from the UPR procedure and, in doing so, has set a negative precedent for other states.

PCHR condemns Israel’s Refusal to Participate in the UN Human Rights Council Review and Calls Upon the Council to Proceed with the Review

Martyr's Day and the Palestinian Resistance [29.01.2013]

Martyr's Day and the Palestinian Resistance Having a martyr in a family is considered an honor in Palestinian society, a celebration of the ultimate sacrifice for liberation and resistance under the Israeli occupation, yet the present day … indicates that in the general consciousness of Palestinians preoccupied with their daily lives, martyrs indeed have become a thing of the past.

“As a society, we changed from a communal one to working in return for material consumption,” Naji said. “This came about after the inception of the Palestinian Authority and the Oslo Accords years, where funding from other countries in solidarity with Palestinians transformed into conditional funding from countries that don’t necessarily support the Palestinian cause.” …

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Knesset-Wahlen 2013: Kein Durchmarsch für die extreme Rechte [23.01.2013]

Knesset Poll Tracker (972mag) Den Prognosen zufolge haben die Wahlen zur Knesset wider Erwarten nicht zu dem mancherorts befürchteten Erdrutschsieg des rechts-nationalen Lagers geführt, in dem ultra-rechte Siedler-Hardliner wie Naftali Bennett jedoch weiter auf dem Vormarsch sind.

Als die Überraschung der Wahlen gilt der wendige Zentrist Yair Lapid, der mit seiner neuen Partei 'Yesh Atid' die zweitgrösste Fraktion in der Knesset stellen soll.
Obwohl Netanjahus Partei . zusammen mit der Liebermanns - Verluste an die noch weiter rechts stehende Konkurrenz hinnehmen muss, wird der kommende Ministerpräsident nach Lage der Dinge der alte sein.

Für die Palästinenser bedeutet das die Fortsetzung und graduelle Verschärfung des bisherigen gegen sie gerichteten Kurses.

Ergänzende Links:
Yair Lapid: The rise of the tofu man

Wahlen: Palestinian citizens wearily eye Israeli elections (J. Cook) [22.01.2013]

Wahlen: Palestinian citizens wearily eye Israeli elections Polls suggest that on 22 January, Israel’s Jewish majority will elect the most right-wing Knesset in Israel’s history, returning prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to power in a coalition packed with ultra-nationalists. For Israel’s Palestinian citizens, comprising nearly a fifth of the total population, the dilemma has been how to respond to this all-but-inevitable outcome.

The continuing presence of Palestinian representatives in the Knesset is threatened by two related developments: a consensus among the dominant right-wing parties that the Arab factions are a “fifth column”; and an internal debate among the Palestinian electorate about the value of taking part in national politics given the current climate. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Palestinian ghettos, created by violence, have been Israeli plan since ’67 (A. Hass)

The United Nations and Decolonialization [19.01.2013]

The United Nations and Decolonialization In a vast political reshaping of the world, more than 80 former colonies comprising some 750 million people have gained independence since the creation of the United Nations. At present, 16 Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGTs) across the globe remain to be decolonized, home to nearly 2 million people. Thus, the process of decolonization is not complete. Finishing the job will require a continuing dialogue among the administering Powers, the Special Committee on Decolonization, and the peoples of the territories, in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions on decolonization. …

The United Nations and Decolonialization (UN)

Ergänzende Links:
Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (un, 1960)

Israeli elections: a choice between extremists (2009) [19.01.2013]

Poster des Irgun As the election looms the political landscape in Israel looks increasingly consumed by militarism and right-wing nationalism. The Washington Post reports that "elections here often turn on a single question: Who looks tougher on national security?" This is a polite way of saying that killing Palestinians is a guaranteed vote-winner for Israeli politicians. Throughout its duration the slaughter in Gaza enjoyed the virtually unanimous support of Israeli Jews, dozens of whom made their way to the south to watch smilingly on as Gaza burned.

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Activists build a new protest village, Beit Iksa [19.01.2013]

Palestinian activists on Friday established a new tented protest village northwest of Jerusalem, the second such initiative against Israeli settlement building in as many weeks.

Activists set up three tents and a small building in the area near Beit Iksa, naming the village al-Karamah (Dignity).

Locals said around 400 Palestinians performed Friday prayers in the open area. …

Activists build a new protest village, Beit Iksa (facebook)

Ergänzende Links:
How 20 Tents Rocked Israel: Palestinians Take the Fight to Their Occupiers (J. Cook)

Report über die Unterstützung der EU für Israels illegale Siedlungen (Al-Haq) [18.01.2013]

Report über die Unterstützung der EU für Israels illegale Siedlungen (Al-Haq) The European Union (EU) is currently engaged in a debate over whether to adopt a tougher stance with regard to agricultural produce originating from Israeli settlements entering the European market.

Al-Haq’s position paper ‘Feasting on the Occupation: Illegality of Settlement Produce and the Responsibility of EU Member States under International Law’ examines the implications of trade in settlement produce and the entry of such produce into the EU market, in light of the obligations of EU Member States under international law. …

Illegality of Settlement Produce and the Responsibility of EU Member States under International Law (Al-Haq)

Ergänzende Links:
EU als Hehler: Mehr als 90% aller Importe aus der Westbank illegal (ipk)

Israel-Palestine: Race against history
What future for Israel? asks Moshé Machover [17.01.2013]

Israel-Palestine: Race against history - What future for Israel? asks Moshé Machover I will not presume to predict the future of the Zionist state, but confine myself to outlining the main contradictory factors and processes that are at work, and whose conflicting interaction will determine its fate.

As I have pointed out on several occasions, Zionist colonisation deliberately followed the practice of settler colonies such as those of North America and Australia, in which the aboriginal people were displaced and excluded. Rather than serving as the main exploitable labour force, providing the settlers with the surplus product (as, for example, in Algeria and South Africa), the indigenous Palestinian Arabs were regarded by Zionism as being themselves surplus to requirements.

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Ergänzende Links:
Review of 'Israelis and Palestinians: conflict and resolution' by M. Machover (cpgb)

Bonn: Pressemitteilung der 'BIG' Partei zur Fragestunde im Bonner Integrationsrat [15.01.2013]

… dass sich der Oberbürgermeister zukünftig  drei Mal überlegen wird, ob er Veranstaltungen des Jüdischen Nationalfonds unterstützt … … dass sich der Oberbürgermeister zukünftig drei Mal überlegen wird, ob er Veranstaltungen des Jüdischen Nationalfonds unterstützt … (Pressemitteilung der BIG-Partei, 14. Jan. 2013)

Am 12. Dezember des vergangenen Jahres befasste sich der Integrationsrat der Stadt Bonn mit der Antwort der Stadtverwaltung auf eine Grosse Anfrage der BIG-Partei zu der Schirmherrschaft des Bonner Oberbürgermeisters, Jürgen Nimptsch, für eine Veranstaltung mit der ältesten Kolonial & Siedlerorganisation Israels, dem 'Jüdischen Nationalfonds' (JNF). (Einen Eindruck dieser bizarren Demonstration 'Deutsch-Israelischer Freundschaft' finden Sie hier wieder.)

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Ergänzende Links:
Eröffnungsrede von Moussa Acharki (BIG) (pdf)
Teil I der Sitzung des Integrationsrats (40:05 min, audio)
Teil II der Sitzung des Integrationsrats (3:56 min: audio)

Palästinensische Aktivisten errichten 'Bab Al Shams' in E1 [12.01.2013]

Palästinenser errichten 'Siedlung' in E1 Palästinensische Aktivisten haben gestern eine neue 'Siedlung' auf dem Gelände des zwischen Ost-Jerusalem und der illegalen Siedlung Ma'ale Adumim gelegenen E1 errichtet.
Dies ist zweifellos als eine Reaktion auf den Anfang Dezember von der israelischen Regierung angekündigten Bau von 3000 Wohneinheiten in E1 zu verstehen, wodurch Ost-Jerusalem komplett von Siedlungen umzingelt und der Süden der Westbank vom Norden abgetrennt würde.

Erklärung der Aktivisten: We, the sons and daughters of Palestine

Ergänzende Links:
The E1 plan and its implications for human rights in the West Bank (btselem)

Dispossession and Exploitation - Israel’s Policy in the Jordan Valley and Northern Dead Sea (btselem, 2011) [11.01.2013]

Dispossession and Exploitation - Israel’s Policy in the Jordan Valley and Northern Dead Sea (btselem) Successive Israeli governments have viewed the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea as areas over which Israeli control must be maintained, based on the plan of Yigal Allon. Under the plan, the Jordan River marks the strategic border of the State of Israel and serves as a buffer zone between Israel and the “Eastern Front,”.
From 1967 to 1977, the government initiated the establishment of 19 settlements in the Jordan Valley and northern Dead Sea area. From 1978-1992, under Likud-dominated governments, 11 more settlements were built.

This report studies the various means Israel uses to ensure its control of the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea area: the land, the water sources, the tourist sites, and the natural resources. …

Den vollständigen Report können Sie hier nachlesen.

'Jüdischer Nationalfonds' in illegale Projekt in der Westbank verstrickt [10.01.2013]

Illegale Projekte des JNF in der Westbank Ein Aspekt spielte bei der Kampagne gegen Israels älteste Kolonialorganisation, den 'Jüdischen Nationalfonds' (JNF), bisher keine herausragende Rolle: seine direkte Verwicklung in die illegale Besiedlung der Westbank.

Diesem Bericht der israelischen Bürgerrechtsorganisation Tarabut zufolge, ist der JNF tatsächlich direkt am Bau von Siedlungen und der zugehörigen Infrastruktur im Jordantal beteiligt.

Bitte lesen Sie hier weiter.

Ergänzende Links:
JNF -Aussteller auf dem SPD-Bundesparteitag 2012 (spd)
JNF in the Jordan Valley: Colonization Now (tarabut)
The Jordan Valley (stop the jnf)
Jordan Valley Solidarity (jvs)

OCHA: East Jerusalem - Key humanitarian concerns [09.01.2013]

OCHA: East Jerusalem - Key humanitarian concerns This report focuses on East Jerusalem and forms part of a series by OCHA which examines the humanitarian impact of Israeli measures, such as the Barrier, settlements and planning and zoning restrictions, on Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). The report mainly focuses on the area unilaterally annexed to Israel and included within the municipal boundary of Jerusalem following the 1967 war. This annexation is not recognized by the international community, and the Security Council has resolved that all legislative measures and actions taken by Israel to alter the character and status of Jerusalem are null and void (see, inter alia, Security Council resolutions 252, 267, 471, 476 and 478). …

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Unregognized villages in the Galilee [09.01.2013]

Unregognized villages in the Galilee Videos by Uri Zackhem.

Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression [08.01.2013]

Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression Einer der Gründe für die Begeisterung der Rechten für Israel besteht darin, dass Israel in Sachen Unterdrückung, Freiheitsberaubung und Vertreibung über ein enormes Know-How verfügt.

Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression

This pamphlet focuses on the role of Israel's government, its military, and related corporations and organizations in a global industry of violence and repression. The states most involved with this industry profit from perpetual war and occupation across the globe while maintaining vastly unequal societies of their own.

Bitte lesen Sie hier weiter.

Ergänzende Links:
Israel's Worldwide in Repression (IJAN)

Wahlkampf in Israel: Rechte fordert Annektion und ethnische Säuberung [07.01.2013]

Ethnic cleansing the nice way Im israelischen Wahlkampf überbietet sich die israelische Rechte mit Vorschlägen das 'Palästinenserproblem' zu lösen. So schlug Moshe Feiglin, Parteigenosse Benjamin Netanjahus, erst kürzlich vor, die Palästinenser in der Westbank mit 500.000 US-Dollar dazu 'ermutigen' ihre Heimat zu verlassen.
Unbeantwortet blieb die Frage, was mit den undankbaren Palästinensern geschehen solle, die dieses großzügige Angebot ablehnten.

Ethnic cleansing the nice way

Moshe Feiglin, one of the most deluded and racist of those who make up the extreme right of Israeli politics and who is guaranteed his first seat in the Knesset after the upcoming election, has proposed what I imagine he regards as a nice way to complete Zionism’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine. …

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Keren Hayesod [04.01.2013]

Propagandaplakat des Keren Hayesod Der 'Keren Hayesod' ist gewissermassen eine Schwester-Organisation des Jüdischen Nationalfonds (JNF). Während der JNF im Jahr 1901 gegründet wurde, um in Palästina Land für Juden aufzukaufen und es von den gegebenenfalls darauf lebenden Paläsinensern zu 'befreien', wurde der 'Keren Hayesod' im Jahr 1921 gegründet, nachdem es der Zionistischen Bewegung gelungen war eine westliche Grossmacht, Grossbritannien, als Vehikel für ihre Pläne zur Kolonisierung Palästinas zu gewinnen.

Die Aufgabe des 'Keren Hayesod' bestand seitdem darin Geld zu aquirieren, das für den Aufbau der Infrastruktur des zu gründenden Staates eingesetzt werden sollte. Diese Aufgabe leistet der 'Keren Hayesod' bis zum heutigen Tag.

Ergänzende Links:
Kritische Darstellung des Keren Hayesod (Steirische Friedenplattform)

Jordantal: 1.000 Palästinenser sollen "Militärübung" weichen [02.01.2013]

Überreste einer Hauszerstörung im Jordantal Daraghma said that the Israeli army handed written military orders to the residents stating that they should leave as the soldiers will be using live ammunition in military drills in the area, the Palestine News Network (PNN) reported.

He added that the grazing area, inhabited by the shepherds, includes Wadi Al-Maleh, Ein Al-Hilwa, Al-Faw Valley, Al-Meeta, Al-Borj, and other villages.

The army informed the residents that they have until the morning of this coming Wednesday before the army conducts its trainings in the northern plains. …

Israel To Displace 1000 Palestinians Next Wednesday (imemc)

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