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Politik (Archiv 2013)
JVP against military escalation that will kill more civilians [13.09.2013]
(jewish voice for peace) Thanks to the unprecedented pushback of the American people and the world, President Obama stepped back from the brink of war on Tuesday. But with help from pro-Israel groups like AIPAC, he is still lobbying Congress for permission to bomb Syria.
As Syrian civil society activist Khaled Harbash said, "Any military
strike would not be against the regime, but against the entire country.
And Syrians who for two and a half years have suffered from the war
will bear the consequences."
Unless we push now — and tell Congress to stand their ground and vote NO on a strike — Congress might approve a resolution leading to war.
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Let there be no mistake— Syria’s ruler Bashar al-Assad is a tyrant. Under his rule, nonviolent democracy activists have been brutally crushed. Over 100,000 Syrians have died and a shocking 4.5 million have been displaced during fighting.
The Syrian people desperately need the world’s help—but not through military escalation that will kill and displace even more civilians. The only long-term solution can come from diplomatic pressure for a political agreement that ends the war.
We've been saddened to see major Jewish and pro-Israel groups pulling out the stops to push a reluctant Congress towards war. AIPAC sent 300 pro-war lobbyists to Capitol Hill just this week. Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has been making personal calls to members of Congress.
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American Jews are traditionally amongst the US’s largest anti-war constituency: a whopping 70% opposed the war with Iraq. We believe a majority would also oppose a strike on Syria.
As I write this, members of Congress are word-smithing a kinder and gentler sounding resolution that could still lead to the same thing—war.
We must act now to raise a strong Jewish voice against war, and for diplomacy and long-term political solutions that respect international law.
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USA nutzen russische Initiative als neuen Kriegsvorwand gegen Syrien (wsws)