Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Gesellschaft (Archiv 2014)

Shlomo Sand: ‘I wish to resign and cease considering myself a Jew’ [12.10.2014]

Shlomo Sand: ‘I wish to resign and cease considering myself a Jew’ Now, having painfully become aware that I have undergone an adherence to Israel, been assimilated by law into a fictitious ethnos of persecutors and their supporters, and have appeared in the world as one of the exclusive club of the elect and their acolytes, I wish to resign and cease considering myself a Jew.

I am aware of living in one of the most racist societies in the western world. Racism is present to some degree everywhere, but in Israel it exists deep within the spirit of the laws. It is taught in schools and colleges, spread in the media, and above all and most dreadful, in Israel the racists do not know what they are doing and, because of this, feel in no way obliged to apologise.

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Ergänzende Links:
The Invention of the Jewish People

Justice for the Palestinians - Statement by academics at the University of Cambridge [07.10.2014]

Justice for the Palestinians - Statement by academics at the University of Cambridge … differences notwithstanding, we are united on several points: First, we wish to add our voices to those of the Palestinian resistance in appealing for an immediate lifting of the blockade on Gaza.

… no satisfactory end to this on-going humanitarian crisis can be achieved without the realisation of a more far-reaching justice for the Palestinian people, including the displaced refugees, and [without] … the realisation of a situation in which the inhabitants of historic Palestine, … are able to coexist under conditions of meaningful freedom and equality – equality of civic status, of respect, and of access to land and resources.

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Ergänzende Links:
Justice for the Palestinians - Statement by academics at the University of Cambridge
Anthropologists for the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions

ACT! Volunteer with Jordan Valley's besieged communities [02.10.2014]

ACT! Volunteer with Jordan Valley's besieged communities The Jordan Valley needs your help. The Jordan Valley Solidarity (JVS) Campaign, a network of Palestinian grassroots community groups from all over the Jordan Valley, established in 2003, is making an appeal to international volunteers to go and help the communities in Area C.

What JVS is looking for is someone who can spend a period in the village of Fasayel where the campaign prepares mud bricks to build houses, schools and structures that the Israeli bulldozers demolished in all the Jordan Valley. Anyone can join and choose how long he/she can stay with them – few days, few weeks, few months. Until now, the campaign managed to build 5 schools, clinics and hundreds of houses for the communities in Area C (more than the 93% of the entire size of the Valley). …

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Ergänzende Links:
ACT! Volunteer with Jordan Valley's besieged communities

Victory for BDS campaign as UEFA decides against Jerusalem tournament bid [24.09.2014]

Victory for BDS campaign as UEFA decides against Jerusalem tournament bid The Union of European Football Associations has rejected an Israeli bid to host games during the 2020 European Championships. The decision follows a campaign by Palestinian sports teams and campaign groups and activists across Europe.

The Israeli Football Association bid to host games in Jerusalem as part of the UEFA 2020 tournament that will take place across 13 cities, but UEFA announced on Friday that Jerusalem was not one of the successful bidders. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Palestinian footballers shot by Israeli forces never to play again (maan)

Gaza: Israel fighting Palestine itself [25.08.2014]

'Rolling in underground tunnels' by Slavoj Zizek by Slavoj Zizek

Today in Gaza, the Israeli military is fighting not only in underground tunnels, but also against the natives of the land. They are fighting not only against Hamas, but also against Palestine itself. They - alongside the West - are fighting against a nation that they have tried to expel from the land for almost 70 years now.

They are fighting not only because … [t]he refugee camps in Gaza are living evidence of this enormous land robbery, the original sin. Since 1948, there’ s been an attempt to divide the Palestinian people, to deprive them of all national consciousness; there’s been an attempt erase their memory … But we in the West didn’t anticipate that the Palestinians would still see themselves as one people. …

Den vollständigen Artikel finden Sie hier wieder.

Rolling in underground tunnels (mweiss)

Ein Anruf aus der Hölle [10.08.2014]

Gaza: Israeli Soldiers Shoot and Kill Fleeing Civilians von Azmi Al-Najjar

Seitdem sich Arafat und Rabin 1993 im Weißen Haus die Hände reichten sind zwanzig Jahren vergangen. Es gab Hoffnung für zwei Staaten, die nebeneinander in Frieden leben würden. Zwei Jahre später wurde Rabin von einem jüdischen Extremisten ermordet, seitdem ist man keinen Schritt weiter gekommen.

Als Scharon Premier-Minister wurde, verschlimmert sich die Lage, alle Hoffnungen wurden zunichte gemacht. In Ramallah wurde Arafats Regierungssitz erst belagert, dann bombardiert. Die Belagerung wurde erst eingestellt, nachdem Arafat vergiftet und nach Paris ausgeflogen wurde.

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Ergänzende Links:
Gaza: Israeli Soldiers Shoot and Kill Fleeing Civilians

Protestieren Sie jetzt gegen das Massaker in Gaza!

Einer die vier von israelischen Soldaten ermordeten Fischerjungen in Gaza Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,
sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wie Sie vermutlich wissen, ist Gaza seit zehn Tagen zum vierten Mal Ziel einer barbarischen Strafexpedition Israels geworden, die bisher über 200 Palästinenser, überwiegend Zivilisten - darunter viele Frauen und Kinder - das Leben gekostet hat.
Zur Erinnerung: Bereits im Jahr 2006 tötete die israelische Armee während der "Operation" 'Summer Rains' 420 Palästinenser in Gaza. 2008/9 wurden 1417 Palästininer während 'Cast Lead' getötet, 165 Palästinenser fielen 'Pillar of Cloud' im Jahr 2012 zum Opfer. 'Protective Edge' kostete bislang über 200 Palästinenser das Leben.

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Bundesweite Demonstrationen gegen den Überfall auf Gaza [12.07.2014]

'Free-Gaza' muss Medienblockade überwinden Während bundesweit bereits Demonstrationen mit bis zu 1000 Teilnehmern stattgefunden haben, fehlt bislang eine bundeweite Koordination oder auch nur eine zentrale Informationsseite.

Dazu kommt, dass die Presse auch nicht in allen Fällen gewillt ist, die Demonstrationen zur Kenntnis zu nehmen - etwa die in Bonn vom vergangenen Freitag, mit mindestens 400 Teilnehmern.

Demonstrationen mit bis zu 1000 Teilnehmern wurden gemeldet aus Dortmund, München und Fankfurt. In den meisten Fällen überstieg die Anzahl der Teilnehmer die Erwartungen deutlich. In Bonn waren die Veranstalter etwa nur von circa 50 Teilnehmern ausgegangen.

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Bonn: Über 400 Teilnehmer bei Protest gegen Gaza-Massaker [11.07.2014]

Bonn: Über 400 Teilnehmer bei Protest gegen Gaza-Massaker

Ergänzende Links:
Presseerklärung zur Bonn Gaza-Demonstration (bds-bonn)
facebook: International communities against Israel
facebook: Bonn - Kundgebungen und Demonstrationen - Free Gaza

JNF in Heidelberg: Greenwashing Israels Apartheid [04.07.2014]

Jüdischer Nationalfonds: Apartheid, Vertreibung und Raub Heidelberg ist zur Zeit Station einer Ausstellung der deutschen Tochter des israelischen Jüdischen Nationlfonds, einer rassistischen, kriminellen Kolonialorganisation, die sich hierzulande als Umweltschutz-Organisation ausgibt. Die Heidelberger Ausstellung dient nach allem Anschein dazu einen der ältesten zionistischen Mythen zu propagieren, demzufolge es der jüdischen Rekolonialisation Palästinas bedurfte, um das Land in ein grünes Öko-Paradies zu verwandeln.

Eine kurze Dokumentation des rassistischen, räuberischen Charakters des JNF ist hier auf unseren Seiten nachzulesen. Beweise für die Verstrickung und Beteiligung des JNF in das ebenso räuberische wie international kriminalisierte Siedlungsbau-Geschäft hat unser Freund und Kollege Gadi-Algazi hier auf den Seiten von Tarabut/Hithabrut zur Verfügung gestellt.

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Ergänzende Links:
Jüdischer Nationalfonds: Apartheid, Vertreibung und Raub (ipk)
The Jewish National Fund for the West Bank Settlers (tbt)
Offener Brief an den Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Heidelberg (pmv)

Israeli bulldozers raze Bedouin community [24.06.2014]

Al-Arakib: A Bedouin woman awaits news of her arrested son, 14-year-old Fayez Abumaegham al-Turi. The village of al-Araqib, a Bedouin community in the Naqab (Negev) desert in the south of present-day Israel, was razed to the ground by state authorities for the sixty-ninth time since July 2010 last week. This demolition marked the first time police destroyed homes erected within the cemetery area of the village.

At 9:30am on Thursday, 12 June, approximately 350 police officers and special forces encircled the village and rounded up inhabitants in the makeshift mosque. Homes were bulldozed to the ground in about three hours and the rubble cleared away by 4:30pm. …

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Ergänzende Links:

NCF - URGENT UPDATE: the destruction of the cemetery compound: Al-Arakib JUNE 12-13 2014 [14.06.2014]

URGENT UPDATE: the destruction of the cemetery compound: Al-Arakib JUNE 12-13 2014 At about 10:00 Thursday morning (June 12th), local time, a large contingent of police cordoned off the village, confining residents and activists in the cemetery’s mosque (which was not demolished),while tractors and bulldozers did their devastating work and demolished the houses of the residents in the cemetery compound. With the exception of the graves themselves, the whole compound was demolished, and a caravan used as a learning center and containers were taken away. The forces empty the village’s water tanks, that were later taken too. The rubbles were taken away by lorries, so the site is now empty.

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Ergänzende Links:
House demolitions in the Negev (NCF)

amnesty international: 'urgent action' für Murad Shtaiwi aus Kufr Qaddum [09.06.2014]

amnesty international: 'urgent action' für Murad Shtaiwi aus Kufr Qaddum Der palästinensische Menschenrechtsverteidiger Murad Shtewi befindet sich wegen seines Mitwirkens an wöchentlichen friedlichen Demonstrationen in seinem Dorf seit dem 29. April bei israelischen Truppen in Haft. Er ist ein gewaltloser politischer Gefangener. Am 22. Mai lehnte ein Gericht einen Antrag auf seine Freilassung ab.


Kufr Qadum ist ein Dorf mit rund 3.500 Einwohner_innen, das westlich der Stadt Nablus im besetzten Westjordanland liegt. Die israelischen Behörden haben sich durch Enteignung eines Großteils des Landes, auf dem das Dorf liegt, bemächtigt, um den illegalen Siedlungsblock Kedumim zu errichten und zu versorgen.

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Ergänzende Links:
Urgent Action: Murad Shtaiwi in Kufr Qaddum inhaftiert (ai)
Arresting Children in Qaddum (ytub)

Why Boycotting Israel is So Important and Necessary [06.06.2014]

Why Boycotting Israel is So Important and Necessary … it was heartening to read today that students at DePaul University in Chicago have voted in favour of a referendum calling for divestment from companies "that profit from Israel’s discriminatory practices and human rights violations" ….

DePaul students are to be congratulated for not flinching under Zio-pressure. The last thing Israel wants is masses of bright and clever young Palestinians next-door in the shredded remains of the Occupied Territories. So the Israeli authorities make spiteful war on students especially, as well as women and children generally. …

Den vollständigen Artikel finden Sie hier wieder.

Ergänzende Links:
Why Boycotting Israel is So Important and Necessary (dv)
DePaul students vote for divestment despite Israeli government interference (ei)

'DIE LINKE' nutzt 'Kleine Anfrage' für zionistische Propaganda [29.05.2014]

Kleine Anfrage: 'Antisemitische Straftaten im ersten Quartal 2014' Die Rechte in der Partei 'DIE LINKE' ist seit jeher damit befasst die Überreste linker Partei-Programmatik über Bord zu werfen, um sich den Herrschenden als geeignetes Dienstpersonal zu empfehlen.

Zu den besonders anstössigen Teilen dieser Programmatik zählt das Bekenntnis zu Antiimperialismus und -Kolonialismus. Daher besteht eine besonders beliebte Übung der Rechten darin sich vor dem 'Staat Israel' in den Staub zu werfen, der mittlerweile als Kronjuwel der deutschen Staatsraison gilt: Israel ist nicht nur der wichtigste Statthalter des westlichen Imperialismus im Nahen Osten, sondern auch der letzte Kolonial- & Apartheidsstaat, dessen Geschichte und Gegenwart von unzähligen an Palästinensern begangenen Verbrechen gesäumt ist.

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Ergänzende Links:
Kleine Anfrage: 'Antisemitische Straftaten im ersten Quartal 2014'

Gegen die Kriminalisierung von BDS-AktivistInnen!
Offener Brief an die Botschafterin Palästinas Dr. Khouloud Daibes [29.05.2014]

Offener Brief an die Botschafterin Palästinas Dr. Khouloud Daibes Das IPK erklärt sich solidarisch mit den beiden Aktivisten der internationalen Kampagne Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) und ihren beiden Begleitern, die am 12.04.2014 von Sicherheitskräften der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde (PA) verhaftet und brutal geschlagen wurden.

Den von uns mit unterzeichneten offenen Brief an die Botschafterin der Palästinensischen Mission in Berlin finden Sie hier wieder.

Ergänzende Links:
Boycott campaign accuses PA of 'breaking the isolation' of Israel (memo)
Palestinian Authority: Drop criminal charges against peaceful activists, investigate police violence (ai)
Offener Brief an die Botschafterin Palästinas Dr. Khouloud Daibes (ipk)

Israelische Bulldozer zerstören 1.500 Bäume eines palästinensischen Koexistenzprojekts [26.05.2014]

Baumschnitt a la Israel (Qaryut) von Rolf Verleger

Auf einem ca. 1 Hektar (100 m x 100 m) großen Grundstück der Familie Nassar in einem Tal bei Bethlehem haben am Montagmorgen (19. Mai) Bulldozer der israelischen Besatzungsmacht hunderte dort vor zehn Jahren gepflanzte junge Apfel- und Aprikosenbäume und Weinstöcke ausgerissen und planiert. Ein juristischer Grund für diese Aktion bestand nicht.

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Ergänzende Links:
Today at 0800, Israeli bulldozers came to the fertile valley where we planted fruit trees (mweiss)
Compensate and replace the trees destroyed by the military on the Nasser Family land (

Jiftlik / Jordan Valley: 13 family homes destroyed in Abu Al Ajaj refugee camp [26.05.2014]

13 family homes destroyed in Abu Al Ajaj refugee camp On 21'st May 2014, the houses and animal barracks of 13 families (including 71 people) were demolished in Abu Al Ajaj refugee camp which is located in Al Jiftlik, in the middle of the Jordan Valley. Under the Oslo accords this land was designated as Area, in an interim agreement that gave Israel complete control over 60% of the West Bank*.

On 20th May the Israeli Economy Minister, Naftali Bennett, issued a call for the occupation forces to unilaterally annex all Area C land to the Israeli state. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Jordan Valley Solidarity (jvsm)
Israeli minister proposes annexing 65% of West Bank (gn)

Israeli forces shoot and kill two Palestinian teens near Ramallah [22.05.2014]

Israeli forces fatally shot Nadeem Siam Nawara, 17, on May 15 during clashes following a demonstration marking Nakba Day Israeli forces killed two Palestinian teens during clashes on Thursday outside the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah.

Nadeem Siam Nawara, 17, and Mohammad Mahmoud Odeh Abu Daher, 16, were both fatally shot in the chest with live ammunition near Ofer military prison in the West Bank city of Beitunia.

The boys were participating in a demonstration near Ofer military prison to mark Nakba Day and express solidarity with hunger striking prisoners currently held in administrative detention by Israel. The demonstration reportedly began peacefully and then turned violent when Israeli forces clashed with Palestinian youths …

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Ergänzende Links:
Defence for Children International-Palestine Section

Hunger strike by human rights defender Ms Shireen Essawi as trial postponed by one year [22.05.2014]

Hunger strike by human rights defender Ms Shireen Essawi as trial postponed by one year On 8 May 2014 human rights defender and lawyer Ms Shireen Essawi began a hunger strike after learning of the postponement of her trial for nine months and a day. She is charged with cooperating with actors who are working against the state of Israel.

Shireen Essawi is a human rights lawyer who has participated in monitoring and documenting human rights violations committed against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons, especially children, women, and prisoners from the Gaza Strip. The human rights defender also reported on practices adopted by Israeli authorities for Palestinian and Arab prisoners in Israeli jails that she believes violate human rights, such as preventing visits by lawyers. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Israel’s relentless persecution of the Issawi family (ei)

Settlers attack 7-year-old girl in south Hebron hills [14.05.2014]

Settlers attack 7-year-old girl in south Hebron hills Pogrom.: Staatlich orchestrierte Ausschreitungen gegen eine schutzlose Minderheit mit Ziel sich ihres Besitzes zu bemächtigen und sie dazu zu vertreiben oder auszulöschen.

(maan) Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian family in the south Hebron hills on Thursday, injuring a seven-year-old girl …

At midday on Thursday, two settlers riding a quad bike attacked four children and their mother with stones as they were returning from school to the villages of Tuba and Maghayir al-Abeed, Operation Dove said. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Settlers Kidnap A Palestinian Child In Hebron (imemc)
Zurück in die Steinzeit (medico)

Petition: End the imprisonment of conscientious objector Omar Sa’ad [14.05.2014]

We all support Omar Saad Turning 18, for most teenagers means you are no longer imprisoned by your parents, but turning 18 for a Palestinian living in Palestine 1948 land means you are no longer imprisoned to your parents but you are now imprisoned by the Israelis, a young man named Omar Saad who is a wonderful musician from a village in Galilee has just turned 18 instead of celebrating his 18th birthday he is being forced to join the Israeli army and become a soldier.

Sign the petition.

Ergänzende Links:
Support Omar Saad
ACT! Conscientious objector Omar Saad imprisoned for the fifth time (aic)

Gaza Ark: "Our response to terrorist attack: we will sail in the Fall!" [13.05.2014]

Die Gaza-Ark nach dem Anschlag an Land gezogen London, May 12, 2014

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition met in London over the last two days to discuss future plans in the wake of the terrorist attack on Gaza's Ark in the port of Gaza, as well as future plans to struggle against the blockade of Gaza.

The attack, which occurred on April 29th, caused substantial damage to the hull of the boat. These hull damages and others caused by the explosion need a minimum of 2 months work to repair at a cost of approximately US $30,000. In response to this attack we will increase our efforts to challenge the blockade through non-violent direct action. We now plan to sail Gaza's Ark early in the fall of 2014. …

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'Hugs, kisses and hummus' - How proxy NGO's corrupt the palestinian resistance [01.05.2014]

Normalization: 'Hugs, kisses and hummus' by Younes Arrar

… the great majority of these NGO’s … are part of their own governments political agendas, … which aims at emptying us from our national identity, from our willingness to resist, and make the Palestinians accept to live with the facts they have on the ground, to coexist with the Israeli occupation and normalize with them, to forget about our legitimate political rights, and to give up unconditionally.

Are they really helping us / are they supporting our legitimate rights?

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Boycott campaign accuses PA of 'breaking the isolation' of Israel [25.04.2014]

Machmoud Abbas A senior representative of the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel has accused the Palestinian Authority of working to break the isolation of Israel internationally by arresting activists in the city of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. Omar Al-Barghouthi told a press conference on Sunday that the campaign has achieved international successes in boycotting, isolating and showing hostility towards Israel. "In return," he said, "the Palestinian security forces are arresting campaign activists in Ramallah and bringing them before the courts." …

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Jordan Valley - They came, they razed, they left: A visit to a destroyed Palestinian village [22.04.2014]

They came, they razed, they left: A visit to a destroyed Palestinian village Israel is continuing to destroy systematically the villages of shepherds who live in the Jordan Rift. Last week, the Civil Administration demolished Homsa, another tiny Palestinian village. In January, 160 residents of the valley were made homeless; last year, twice as many were left homeless as in the year before.

Again the same unconscionable sights: heaps of debris, bare metal pegs lunging out of the earth, crushed fences, destroyed animal pens and squashed tin huts; remnants of personal property strewn all over; sheep wandering about looking in vain for shade; chickens pecking about; despondent shepherds; wretched sheep dogs; runny-nosed children curled up in Grandmother’s lap and merciless sun beating down. …

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Defence for Children International-Palestine [21.04.2014]

Defence for Children International-Palestine Night raid alternative fails to end violence against children // Israeli forces kill Palestinian teen in southern West Bank // Two Palestinian teens among casualties as Israeli drones target Gaza // Jerusalem child threatened with sodomy, placed under house arrest // Palestinian teen charged with attempted murder for stone-throwing confessed after torture // 11-year-old left to die after Israeli soldiers open fire // Israeli soldiers open fire on children with live ammunition

SFP launches 'Tear Down Apartheid'-Campaign [18.03.2014]

SFP launches 'Tear Down Apartheid'-Campaign Because the Israeli occupation ignores international and humanitarian law, we are demanding a halt to all racist practices against the unarmed Palestinian people and for the refugees to return to their land. We demand an end to the displacement, murder, arrest, ethnic cleansing, torture and inhumane and immoral treatment . We in the Solidarity movement for Free Palestine (SFP) are today launching a campaign against racism and for the removal of the occupation on our land. We will no longer wait.

We ask all activists who love justice and freedom around the world to join us: in the name of humanity and justice. In order to free Palestine and help us in our struggle we ask you if you could kindly make a donation to help us in our activities to remove racism and occupation from our land.

Solidarity Movement for free Palestine (sfp)

Petition: Suspend the Israeli Football Association's FIFA membership [15.03.2014]

Suspend the Israeli Football Association's FIFA membership Membership of the Israeli Football Association (IFA) should be suspended until Israel respects the human rights of Palestinians and observes international law, thus enabling Palestinian footballers to play and compete nationally and internationally.

Since 1967, Israel has maintained a brutal military occupation of Palestine, building illegal settlements and a separation wall on stolen land, despite condemnation by the UN and International Court of Justice. Within Israel, over fifty laws discriminate against its Palestinian citizens. When influential sports organizations say nothing in the face of an injustice of such magnitude they are complicit. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Petition: Suspend the Israeli Football Association's FIFA membership
Shooting Feet: Israel Targets Palestinian Soccer Players (cdr)

Nilin: Help us free Abdullah Amireh from Israeli military jails [15.03.2014]

Nilin: Help us free Abdullah Amireh from Israeli military jails Abdullah Amireh, 22 years old, resident of Ni’lin village and peaceful protester against the Israeli apartheid wall. On 03.11.2013 Abdullah was arrested in the middle on night at 02:00 am after a huge number of Israeli forces bombed the door of his house and invaded with military dogs!

Abdullah was taken to Almasqubya military jail with a very heavy and brutal interrogation and insulting to him. He was not allowed to sleep for 16 days except 3 hours a day and he was under heavy interrogation for 8 hours every day. Abduallah was prevented from lawyer’s visit.

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Jordantal: Kein Existenzrecht für Khirbet Yarza [14.03.2014]

Msaed il Hammed mit Ökumenischem Begleiter Ken Hodgson vor den Trümmern ihres Zuhauses „Es wäre besser, sie würden uns töten, anstatt uns so leben zu lassen“, sagt Msaed il Hammed - einen Tag, nachdem sie ihr Zuhause und den Großteil ihres Besitzes verloren hat. Ihr Gesicht ist dabei voller Tränen der Verzweiflung.

Am 22. Januar um ca. zehn Uhr kam die israelische Armee mit Abrissfahrzeugen nach Khirbet Yarza und zerstörte innerhalb einer Stunde vier Zelte, zwei Viehunterstände sowie einen Großteil der Lebensmittel, Küchenutensilien und des Viehfutters – das Zuhause und die Existenzgrundlage von 16 Menschen, darunter 10 Kinder. …

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Briefe an deutsche und internationale Fussball-Organisationen: Israelische Attacken auf palästinensische Fussballer sanktionieren! [08.03.2014]

Szene in Gaza Eine perverse Konsequenz der israelischen Militärdiktatur in der Westbank und Gaza liegt darin, dass diese perfide Bestrafung zweier palästinensischer Amateurfussballer mehr Aufmerksamkeit erregt, als die regelmässigen israelischen Morde an fussballspielenden Kindern und Jugendlichen in Gaza.
Dabei kann es auf diese Verbrechen nur eine Reaktion geben, einen umfassenden Boycott.

Sehr geehrte Herren beim Deutschen Fußballverband,

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Ergänzende Links:
Campaign against Arsenal football club support for Apartheid Israel (2006)

After Latest Incident, Israel’s Future in FIFA Is Uncertain [05.03.2014]

The blood of Jawhar Nasser Jawhar and Adam Abd al-Raouf Halabiya Ein weiterer Grund für den Boykott Israels.

Their names are Jawhar Nasser Jawhar, 19, and Adam Abd al-Raouf Halabiya, 17. They were once soccer players in the West Bank. Now they are never going to play sports again. Jawhar and Adam were on their way home from a training session in the Faisal al-Husseini Stadium on January 31 when Israeli forces fired upon them … Ten bullets were put into Jawhar’s feet. Adam took one bullet in each foot. After being transferred from a hospital in Ramallah to King Hussein Medical Center in Amman, they received the news that soccer would no longer be a part of their futures.

Bitte lesen Sie hier weiter. …

Ergänzende Links:
FIFA Kontakt für Ihre Beschwerde (fifa)

Not an Apartheid State? Bennett will take care of it. [03.03.2014]

Not an Apartheid State? Bennett will take care of it. By Adam Keller

The Batsheva Dance Company went to New Zealand, for a performance reflecting the decades long artistic work of its director, the well known choreographer Ohad Naharin. But even there, on the other side of the world, the dancers could not escape the political problems of this country. Outside the St. James Theatre in Wellington were waiting for them dozens of angry protesters, who accused Bat Sheva of “whitewashing”, of presenting a nice face for the State of Israel, hiding the violation of the Human Rights of Palestinians.

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Why Israelis are content to live in a bubble of denial [27.02.2014]

'Peace be with you' - Israel ministery of tourism By Jonathan Cook

The 24-hour visit by German chancellor Angela Merkel to Israel this week came as relations between the two countries hit rock bottom. According to a report in Der Spiegel magazine last week, Ms Merkel and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netan­yahu have been drawn into shouting matches when discussing by phone the faltering peace process.

Despite their smiles to the cameras during the visit, tension behind the scenes has been heightened by a diplomatic bust-up earlier this month when Martin Schulz, the president of the European parliament and himself German, gave a speech to the Israeli parliament. …

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'amnesty international' widerlegt Diffamierungen der 'Aktion 3. Welt Saar' [24.02.2014]

'amnesty international' widerlegt Diffamierungen der 'Aktion 3. Welt Saar' In dem Artikel „Amnesty International und die ‚Troubled Waters‘“ unterstellt die Redaktion der Flugschrift Amnesty International Einseitigkeit und behauptet, Amnesty rechne in dem Bericht ´Troubled Waters – Palestinians Denied Fair Access to Water`„teilweise mit falschen Zahlen“. Welche Zahlen das sein sollen, wird nicht aufgeführt, stattdessen arbeitet der Artikel selbst mit falschen Behauptungen, die wir hier richtig stellen wollen. &hellip

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Ergänzende Links:
taz verbreitet Siedler- & Kolonialpropaganda der 'Aktion 3. Welt Saar' (ipk)
EU Aid to Palestinians – Help or Hindrance? (A. Hackl, pc)

Nabi-Saleh: The Tamimi-family under attack [21.02.2014]

Tamimi-family Die in dem rund 500 Einwohner zählenden Nabi-Saleh lebende Tamimi-Familie steht an der vordersten Front des Widerstands gegen das Vorrücken der benachbarten jüdischen Kolonie Halamish und die sie beschützende Polizei und Armee. Dafür zahlt die Familie einen sehr hohen Preis: unzählige Monate in israelischer Haft, Verletzungen und bislang zwei Tote.

yesterday morning, i woke up to read that there was another night raid in nabi saleh and that five young men were arrested from inside their homes. i looked at the list of the men, and saw that jihad was one of them. jihad is in his early 20s, he is the nephew of the martyr rushdi tamimi, his mother jiji is rushdi’s sister. jihad is the brother of samia, sami and amany. he spend several months in military prison about two years ago and participated in the mass hunger strike of palestinian political prisoners …

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Ergänzende Links:
nabi saleh solidarity (wp)
Occupied Palestinian Territories – villagers face violence (ai)

Jordan Valley Solidarity: Demolitions in Khirbet Yarza [18.02.2014]

Demolished structure in Khirbet Yarza (2011) (JVS) Today, the Israeli military went to Khirbet Yarza, in the North of Jordan Valley, to destroy houses and animals tents. They arrived at 6am with 12 jeeps, 2 bulldozers and 100 soldiers and declared a closure

The army destroyed three houses and two tents which the animals lived in. They also confiscated one tractor and took it to the army base close to Hammamat al Malleh. They have confiscated 6 tents which families were living in. Until now, the affected families do not have any kind of support. They have stayed in the same place where the demolitions occurred without any help

The names of the families are: Faiz Hamid Sami Khaled, Mahmoud Daraghmeh, Naeem Hafiz Mesaieed, Methqal Faiz Hamid.

Israeli Occupation Forces Target Khirbet Yarza with Demolition, 19. Feb 2011

BDS: Mainstream zionists inspired by supporters of Apartheid-South-Africa [17.02.2014]

Mainstream zionists inspired by supporters of Apartheid-Southafrica “While the majority of black South African leaders are against disinvestment and boycotts, there are tiny factions that support disinvestment — namely terrorist groups such as the African National Congress,” libertarian economics professor Walter Williams wrote in a 1983 New York Times op-ed.

Williams’ claim was as absurd then as it appears in hindsight, but his sentiment was far from rare on the American and British right in the 1980s.

Yet today’s so-called progressive and liberal Zionists employ precisely the same kinds of claims to counter the growing movement, initiated by Palestinians themselves, for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel. …

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Ein Hijleh, a village that means resistance [16.02.2014]

Ein Hijleh, a village that means resistance (aic) Last week, some 300 Palestinian activists established the protest village of Ein Hijleh in a cluster of palm trees and abandoned houses in the Jordan Valley north of the Dead Sea.

Ein Hijleh was created in the face of pledges by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he would not "uproot any Israeli citizen" from the West Bank and his insistence on retaining control of the Jordan Valley amid talks brokered by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

The village was organized by the 'Palestinian Popular Struggle Coordination Committee', with aim of "refusing the political status quo, especially given futile negotiations destroying the rights of our people for liberation and claim to their land." …

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Palestinian Workers in Settlements [02.02.2014]

Palestinian Workers in Settlements Ende 2013 liess sich Arbeiterführer Michael Sommer auf dem Berliner Israelkongress dafür feiern, nichr nur die illegalen Siedler zu unterstützen, sondern auch die in den Siedlungen operierenden Unternehmer zu unterstützen, die durch die Ausbeutung der Zwangslage der Palästinenser sicher einen erheblichen Extraprofit machen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund erscheint es ratsam, sich mit der Situaton der palästinensischen Arbeiter in den Siedlungen zu befassen.

Palestinian Workers in Settlements - Who Profits Position Paper
Israeli and international companies that face criticism owing to their activities in the occupied West Bank often attempt to legitimize their businesses in settlements by claiming that they provide labor to Palestinian workers. These claims are blatant attempts to distract public attention from the Israeli occupation and the daily hardships suffered by Palestinians, who are compelled to seek their livelihood in Israeli industries, usually in settlements. …

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Appell der Frauen aus Gaza [02.02.2014]

Appell der Frauen aus Gaza Wir palästinensische Frauen aus Gaza sind Teil der Gesellschaft ganz Palästinas. Die Apartheidspolitik Israels hat uns in die Isolierung gezwungen. Seit sieben Jahren sind wir Opfer der Blockade und der militärischen Besetzung des Gaza-Streifens.

Wir gehören zu jenen 1,8 Millionen Palästinensern, die auf einer Fläche von 365 Quadratkilometern eingesperrt sind. Wir werden täglich und systematisch entmenschlicht.

Wir bitten Euch dringend: helft uns, die ungerechte und unmenschliche Blockade zu beenden. Die Blockade geht gegen unser ganzes Leben als Frauen, als Mütter, als Berufstätige.

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Tchibo/SodaStream: Verkauf von Siedlungsprodukten stoppen! [01.02.2014]

Entwurf für eine Email an und

SodaStream Boycott „Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

mit Erschrecken habe ich in Ihrem online-shop den Artikel „SodaStream Crystal“ entdeckt.

Die heftige öffentliche Auseinandersetzung zwischen der Entwicklungshilfeorganisation „Oxfam“ und der Schauspielerin Scarlett Johansson um einen Werbevertrag für die Firma SodaStream in den letzten Wochen dürfte Ihnen nicht entgangen sein. Hierzu schreibt z.B. die „Welt“ am 29.01.2014:

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Ergänzende Links:
SodaStream Boycott

Aktion 3. Welt Saar: 'Unzurechnungsfähigkeit aus Größenwahn' [26.01.2014]

Aktion 3. Welt Saar: 'Unzurechnungsfähigkeit aus Größenwahn' Die TAZ hat ihrer Ausgabe vom 20. Dezember 2013 eine Flugschrift über das Hilfsbusiness der NGOs in Palästina[1] beigelegt.

„Aktion 3. Welt Saar schreibt hierin u.a. über Amnesty International‘s Wasserbericht[2] aus dem Jahre 2009:

„Dort heißt es: „Der tägliche Frischwasserkonsum der in den besetzten Gebieten lebenden Palästinenser liegt bei rund 70 Litern pro Kopf – und damit deutlich unter der Menge von 100 Litern, die von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) empfohlen wird.“

Demgegenüber verbrauche ein Israeli täglich im Schnitt über 300 Liter Wasser, also mehr als das Vierfache. ... Offen bleibt dabei, woher Amnesty überhaupt die Verbrauchszahlen hat – eine Quelle für sie wird im Bericht nämlich nicht genannt.„

Amnesty International’s Bericht liegt im Original auf Englisch und in deutscher Übersetzung vor.

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Ergänzende Links:
The Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group (EWASH)
Donor Opium

African asylum seekers strike to demand rights, hold unprecedented rally in Tel Aviv [07.01.2014]

Asylum seeker women march toward Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square on the first day of a three-day strike demanding refugee rights in Israel, January 5, 2013. (Photo: (972-mag) Over 20,000 asylum seekers, mostly from Eritrea, assembled in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square Sunday morning to demand recognition as refugees. Across Israel, asylum seekers went on a three-day strike, and more protests were planned.

In recent weeks, the government stepped up the arrest and imprisonment of African asylum seekers who entered the state without permits. Several months ago, Israel’s High Court of Justice struck down a law authorizing the state to lock up for three years any person who entered the country illegally, and in some cases, indefinitely.
But last month the Knesset passed a new law, authorizing the state to hold asylum seekers in “closed” prisons for a year. A new “open” holding facility named “Holot” began operating in the desert, where asylum seekers can be held indefinitely until their eventual deportation. …

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Support Jayyous against the predacious colonists from Zufim! [03.01.2014]

Kolonisten rauben Jayyous Olivenbäume (2004) © Christian Gocke Abdullatif Khalid aus Jayyous (bei Qalqilia) bittet um Ihre Unterstützung gegen die räuberischen Bewohner der jüdischen Kolonie Zufim.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Many thanks for your kind letters and this gives my family hope. It is supposed to stay the Christmas holidays with my family, but I have to keep running day and night to protect my land. Yesterday, I met group of lawyers who gave me advices what to do. Today, I will continue to prepare the land documents and submit them to the local authorities and go with the legal battle against settlers.

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Ergänzende Links:
Jayyous (EAPPI)

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