Institut für Palästinakunde - IPK - |
Kultur (Archiv)
Warum die 'documenta fifteen' scheitern musste [14.06.2023]
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Durchgestrichenes Hakenkreuz auf dem "antisemitischen" 'Taring Pardi'-Banner (© Volksbücherei-International) |
Das naheliegendste Mittel bestand darin, eine der besonders von Rassismus, Kolonialismus und Imperialismus betroffenen Gruppen, die Palästinenser, nach bewährtem Verfahren als Antisemiten zu stigmatisieren, um anschliessend die ganze Veranstaltung zu einem Antisemitismus-Spektakel erklären zu können.
Ergänzende Links:
'konbit' oder, was die Documenta 15 anzubieten hat (R. Krieg)
Von der Verantwortung der Kunst. Steinmeier auf der Documenta Fifteen. (N. Paech)
Räumt die Documenta ab! (N. Paech)
Nach neuen Vorwürfen: Warum diese Bilder nicht antisemitisch sind (J. Croitoru)
Susan Abulhawa: Resistance to Israeli occupation can and must take many forms [04.05.2017]
Propaganda for world consumption aside, Israelis have never minced their words about their ultimate aim of Eretz Israel, so-called “Greater Israel”, from the Mediterranean to the River Jordan. This is alluded to in the Israeli flag, the two blue lines of which each represent a body of water, with only Jews between them, symbolised by the lone Star of David. Their opposition to a viable, contiguous, autonomous Palestinian state has always been explicit and adamant. Everything they’ve done to-date has been to achieve Jewish dominance in all of Palestine and the region as a whole, demographically in the former as well as economically and militarily in the latter. …
Den vollständigen Artikel finden Sie hier wieder.
Ergänzende Links:
Lesung mit Susan Abulhawa (ipk)
Film: "Even though my land is burning" [06.03.2016]
Ben, an Israeli Jew, has been actively supporting the Palestinian popular struggle against
the occupation for ten years. He has experienced injuries, arrests, abuse and the death
of close friends.
In the last five years he has found himself a political home away from home – the
small village of Nabi Saleh in the West Bank, where a local group of activists continues
to resist the stealing of their land and water by the settlement across the valley.
With this small community Ben continues …
continues to believe that co-resistance leads to coexistence and that life together
would be possible if one would only, … remove the occupation from their head.
Ergänzende Links:
"Even though my land is burning"
Free Abu Sakha, trainer and performer of the Palestinian Circus School [17.01.2016]
(ai) Mohammad Faisal Abu Sakha (23), trainer and performer of the Palestinian Circus School,
has been detained on his way from his parents home, in the occupied West Bank city
of Jenin, to his work at the Palestinian Circus School in Birzeit, next to Ramallah,
by the Israeli military, without charge or any explanation, since 15 December.
Israeli soldiers detained him at the Zaatara checkpoint, close to the West Bank city of Nablus.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has told his parents that he is now in
Megiddo prison, in northern Israel, though his family have not been allowed to visit him.
Bitte lesen Sie hier weiter.
Ergänzende Links:
#FREEABUSAKHA, trainer and performer of the Palestinian Circus School (pcs)
Petition: Free circus trainer and artist Mohammed Faisal Abu Sakha (avaaz)
Free Abu Sakha (facebook)