Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Politik (Archiv 2011) / 2011060200

Gaza: Die 'Öffnung' der Grenze bei Rafah ist ein ägyptisches PR-Manöver (II) [02.06.2011]

Checkpoint Qalandia bei Ramallah (2011) (ahram) Egyptian authorities have reneged on some of the facilitations it had agreed upon and started providing at the Rafah border crossing last Saturday, according to the Palestinian director of the borders and crossings police in Gaza, Salama Baraka.

… Baraka told reporters that Egypt has decided to reduce the number of travellers crossing the border to between 250 and 400, the same number that passed through the crossing before restrictions were lifted.

Baraka clarified that the Egyptian intelligence representatives have asked the Palestinian side to provide the names of those crossing the border a day in advance. This is another practice carried out before Egypt pledged to ease passage through Rafah.


Ergänzende Links:
Egypt restores restrictions on Rafah border crossing
Die 'Öffnung' der Grenze bei Rafah ist ein ägyptisches PR-Manöver (I)

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