Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Gesellschaft (Archiv 2012) / 2012022900

Update zur Situation in Al-Aqaba [29.02.2012]

Al-Aqaba Auf unsere Frage nach der Situation in Al-Aqaba, in dem die Hälfte aller Gebäude akut vom Abriss bedroht sind, erhielten wir am 29. Februar folgende Auskunft von Beate Zilversmidt (gush shalom):

Dear Angelika

We talked with the mayor, Haj Sami Sadeq. So far the threats were not implemented and that is as much as could be achieved. Without worldwide attention for this case, the bulldozers would most probably have done their work already, as so often happens.

Meanwhile there have been soldiers going around in Al Aqaba.

The weird story can be read here: Soldiers go to sleep in village threatened with demolition

Thank you very much for having worked on this. Activists from Germany have more than those of any other country made clear to the Israeli authorities that Al Aqaba, though a tiny place, has a lot of supporters willing to make a lot of noise.

Beate Zilversmidt

Gush Shalom team


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