Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Politik (Archiv 2013) / 2013121700

'Belling the cat' - Eine marxistische Analyse zur Perspektive der Ein-Staaten-Lösung [17.12.2013]

Moshe Machover

by Moshe Machover

… a political project is purely utopian unless it can indicate a likely agent - a socio-political force able to realise it and whose long-term interests it would serve.

In the present article I propose to apply this precept to the project of the ‘one-state solution’ for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the vision of a single democratic (or secular-democratic) state in the whole of so-called ‘historical Palestine’ - the territory of Palestine as it existed under the British mandate from 1923 to 1948.

I do not intend to criticise here any particular version of that vision, or any particular aspect of it. I grant at the outset … that some version of the one democratic state would be a very great improvement, morally speaking, on the current situation.

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