Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Politik (Archiv 2012) / 2012122500

Offener Brief des 'Negev Coexistence Forums' an die 'Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands' (SPD)

The Social Democratic Party Germany funds project to dispossess bedouin of their land The Social Democratic Party Germany funds project to dispossess bedouin of their land
The Negev Coexistence Forum Responds

Thursday, 20 December, 2012 (Beer Sheva, Israel): The Negev Coexistence Forum has learned of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands—SPD)'s project to plant trees on Bedouin land in the Negev. The Forum is highly concerned that this forestry project has and will continue to dispossess Bedouin of those lands for which they are currently fighting in court. The Negev Coexistence Forum sent the following letter to SPD Members …

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