Institut für Palästinakunde
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Willkommen in Palästina und anderes [22.06.2012]

Mazin Qumsiyeh: A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home In seiner aktuellen Email kommentiert der palästinensische Bürgerrechtler Mazin Qumsiyeh, Professor an der Bethlehem und der Bir Zeit Universität, die Entwicklung in Syrien und Aserbeidjan, berichtet über 'Kairos USA' und die 'Welcome to Palestine Campaign (August 23-31)'-Kampagne.

Welcome to Palestine and more

In this message you will find notes on the Syrian situation, comment on the situation in Azerbeijan, the good news on the formation of Kairos US (Christian support), call to join the next Welcome to Palestine Campaign (August 23-31), and more.

First a follow-up: It turned out that the settlers of the illegal colony of Susya who regularly attack the native Palestinian population of the South Hebron hills are not Ashkenazi Europeans. They are Afrikaaners who, after the end of apartheid in South Africa, moved to the last apartheid state on earth and converted to Judaism to settle Palestinian land so that they can continue to practice their racist ideologies (video). This explains the viciousness of their attacks as when they got masked and attacked an elderly couple with clubs. You are invited Friday June 22nd starting at noon to come help the villagers of Susya defend their lands against further theft. Two days ago and right after our visit to Susya, we were prevented from entering the Northern Parts of the Jordan Valley where a similar situation exists.

I spoke via skype a short while ago with many genuine Syrian activists interested in true democracy in Syria, a democracy that is the will of the people to also resist imperialism and Zionism. Not the sham Syrian Free Army and the political prostitutes of the US and NATO. Their struggle is not easy. Both the regime and Western Backed thugs are engaged in propaganda but the amount of garbage coming out from the well-funded PR machine of the thugs claiming to represent the “Syrian revolution” far eclipses anything the government can put out. Meanwhile the Syrian people are caught in the middle. This is not a civil war. Like Libya, it is a shameful attempt by Zionists and their Western Puppets to break-up Syria and make it compliant. The stakes here are much bigger though. While Syria has little oil, it is a vital link between Iran and Lebanon in an area otherwise dominated by puppets stretching from Afghanistan to Morocco. That is why China and Russia correctly insist on not allowing Israeli-occupied Washington to get all the cards and thus allow unquestioned Israeli hegemony.

First let us learn about Syrian history: The history of Syria in 5,000 words ('Le Mourre')

Then look into the current situation: Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: "Break Syria into Pieces"
By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

Detailed analysis on Syria. Over 30 chapters, available from Global Research at no charge.

This article about Azerbeijan hit home with me. I visited this oil-rich country and noted corrupt, western-supported dictatorship that horrified me (like Bahrain and Saudi Arabia in many ways). Its corrupt dictator still courts NATO and Israel while Azeri people (kind, simple) suffer incredible pollution, health crisis, and poverty. Killings, Cancer, Corruption and Azerbaijan: Eurovision in the Islamic Republic of BP

US response to the Kairos Palestine document

Please join the new Welcome to Palestinemission that will take place from 24 to 31 August 2012. This time visitors will try to arrive in the West Bank through Jordan and the land crossing bridge.
More information about this initiative on!
If you can join, write to

Israel asks Arab visitors to open emails to search, here and here.

Action: Tell State Department: End Discrimination against U.S. Citizens Abroad;

Israel to try to block registering the Church of Nativity under Palestine! (the absurdity of this attempt shows the arrogance and the chutzpa of the apartheid state)

You may rob me of the last span of my land
You may ditch my youth in prison holes
Steel what my grandfather left me behind:
Some furniture or clothes and jars,
You may burn my poems and books
You may feed your dog on my flesh
You may impose a nightmare of your terror
On my village
Enemy of light
I shall not compromise
And to the end
I shall fight ….
–Samih al-Qasim

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities
Chairman of the Board, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People,


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