Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Politik (Archiv 2012) / 2012040100

Marwan Barghouti to Abbas: 'End cooperation with Israel' [01.04.2012]

calls on Abbas to 'stop marketing the illusion that it is possible to end the occupation through these negotiations' Jailed Palestinian leader Marwan Barghuti has urged the Palestinian Authority to "end all forms of coordination" with Israel in a letter to mark 10 years since his arrest

In the letter, which was published late on Monday, Barghuti also called on Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas to recognise that negotiations with Israel were not working. "I call on the Palestinian Authority to end all forms of coordination, security and economic, with the occupation," wrote Barghuti, who is serving five life sentences for his role in anti-Israeli attacks.

"The job of the Palestinian security services is to provide security and protection to Palestinian citizens, not to protect the occupation," said the man … who still commands great respect among Palestinians.

End cooperation with Israel: PLO leader


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