Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Politik (Archiv 2011) / 2011100900

Siedler- und Besatzungs-Terror in Anata, Awarta, Nabi Saleh, Ni'lin, Bil'in, Al Ma'sara, Al Waladja, At Tuwani, Qusra, Al Farisiya und Jaffa [09.10.2011]

Palestinian graves vandalized in Jaffa


More on the attempted lynching of residents and activists in Anata by settlers 30.9.
youtube: Settlers Attack Israeli Activists and Palestinian Farmers near Anatot // 23 Israelis and Palestinians injured in settler attack outside Jerusalem // youtube: Lynch by Anatot's settlers // facebook: Anatot settlement // Policeman identified among settlers who attacked activists

Other links, with personal accounts of the events:
Incidents in Anatot, September 30, 2011: updates, videos, and call to action! // Israel police turned a blind eye to a lynching by Eyal Raz // Where Solidarity Ends by Sara Benninga // The Ugly Face of Occupation by Yael Kenan

Awarta, 9.10.2011

Settlers clash with Palestinian farmers // facebook: Settlers attacked Palestinian farmers, on October 9, 2011

Nabi Saleh, 7.10.2011

youtube: Protest by the Palestinian village of Nabi Salih against the theft of their land, against their occupation by Israel and against apartheid // youtube: Nabi Saleh // video: Weekly Demo in NabiSaleh Oct 7, 2011

Ni'lin, 7.10.2011

youtube: Ni'ilin // youtube: Nilin Struggle Against The Apartheid Wall

Bil'in, 7.10.2011

(awalls) It was the smallest Friday demonstration ever in Bil'in. Only 9 came from Tel Aviv, and a bit more international activist came... mainly an hour too late. Bil'iners too were less even for the last demos as the olive picking started today. Most of us marched all along the double distance to the new location - the Abu-Lamun groove adjacent to the new separation wall. Few others came by cars - as it is more and more common lately, after the removal of the old separation fence doubled the distance of the march.
When we arrived there people approached the separation wall - a bit to the south of the park and checked the strength of the barbed wire structure located in front of the wall.
It took the soldier some time till they discovered it and started to shower us with tear gas. After consuming the proper weekly dose of it we returned to the village.

Al Ma'sara, 7.10.2011

Around 40 protesters today together with international solidarity activists demonstrated in the village of Al Masara against the illegal annexation of land and especially in support of the Palestinian prisoners in hunger strike.
The Israeli army blocked the entrance of the village preventing the peaceful demonstration to reach the land and without presenting any military order showing that the area is a closed military zone, they started pushing everyone back. Protesters stayed there while children were chanting slogan and showing pictures of political prisoners. The commando ordered the soldiers to stop speaking with the demonstrators while another border policeman stated that is happy to be there because he thinks that all this land is part of Israel and he loves to kill people. After a while the demonstration ended and everyone came back to the village.
Al Masara started the weekly demonstration in 2006 and since then the response of the army has been various, many arrests have been made and many people have been injured as well. Next week the demonstration will be focused on the olive season, in which every year Palestinians who try to harvest their olives face harassment both from the army and the illegal settlers that live in the region.

Al Waladja, 7.10.2011

4 Palestinians detained at Walaja protest // Al Walaja: A village is dying: Occupation forces uproot over 100 trees in al Wallaje to further expand the Apartheid Wall // Local official: Bulldozers destroy land in al-Walaja

At Tuwani (South Hebron), 7.10.2011

(awalls) At friday 7/10 around 30 people from southern mount hebron area, yatta and tawana, people from beit ummar, and israeli activists (5), protested in response to the new grip settlement called Amnir on the lands of a-tawana, and in response to new destruction of wells by the civil administration (Minhal).
We were able to march until the olive trees, as the israeli army prevented the demo from getting to the main road near the settlements there. The protest ended without special cases. I'm adding my pictures from the demo which is on facebook.

Jaffa, 8.10.2011

Palestinian graves vandalized in Jaffa // Violent eviction of Palestinian family from Jaffa home

Qusra, 6.10.2011

Settlers cut 150-200 trees in Qusra // facebook: Settlers cut down 200 olive trees in Qusra village

Jordan Valley, 6.10..2011

The occupation forces demolish 3 animal shelters in Al Farisiya


Mosque attacks: On the rise since 2009, but no indictments


Minister: Hunger strike about isolation, not chicken // Palestinian Prisoners Take Center Stage in Palestine


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