Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Politik (Archiv 2010) / 2010111300

"Ist Israel ein Apartheidstaat?" und andere Dinge … [13.11.2010]

Mazin Qumsiyeh: A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home Der palästinensischen Bürgerrechtsaktivist Mazin Qumsiyeh, Professor an der Bethlehem und der Bir Zeit Universität, liefert regelmässig per Email Einschätzungen aus Palästina, die wir hier im englischen Orginal wiedergeben:

"Ist Israel ein Apartheidstaat?" und andere Dinge …

Having an opinion is easy, acting on it is more meaningful
Join if you are near: Demonstration in Al-Walaja (near Bethlehem) Saturday 13 November 2010 at 11 AM. 0598959506

Just one of millions of stories: The reunification of my parents, by Linah Alsaafin

This is great: see this video of young inspiring Jews disrupting Israeli Prime Minister Netayahu's speech in New Orleans

Palestinian Refugee Numbers & Whereabouts

America's giant Holocaust claims fraud - more than just a blip?

Resources of note
- Is Israel an Apartheid State? A study by South African experts. 20 page summary found here (PDF). Full study here
- BDS actions accelerating around the world. A summary of some of these actions are here (88 pages, very informative)

Apartheid video contest (view and rate the 10 finalists).

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities
Chairman of the Board, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People,


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