Institut für Palästinakunde - IPK - |
Politik (Archiv 2010)
93'ster Jahrestag der Balfour Erklärung vom 2. Nov. 1917 [02.11.2010]
Der palästinensischen Bürgerrechtsaktivist Mazin Qumsiyeh, Professor an der Bethlehem und der
Bir Zeit Universität, liefert regelmässig per Email Einschätzungen aus Palästina, die wir hier
im englischen Orginal wiedergeben:
Oliven und Balfour und anderes mehr
We just finished our olive harvest. This year we got over twice as much
olives as last year from our own grove. Here is an article I had written
last year about the
importance of the olive harvest in Palestine.
This year hundreds of trees were damaged and/or harvest stolen by settlers.
People are still harvesting near the apartheid wall/colonial settlements and
if you are in Palestine and interested, you may still get a chance (see
below for an event in Wad Rahhal tomorrow/Tuesday and other related events).
Email me if you want to buy extra virgin olive oil (baladi) from struggling
farmers in the villages at the seam zone (between the wall and the green
2 November is the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. This is a section from my upcoming book dealing with popular resistance that addresses this infamous declaration:
The energetic and charismatic Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann relocated to
London in 1904 after failing to get Ottoman support. The Zionists had a slow
start securing British backing, but a breakthrough came during World War I.
Germany had offered generous peace terms to an exhausted England and France
as the war appeared to be approaching stalemate with a slight advantage to
Germany. Precisely at this opportune time, the Zionist movement offered to
get the US to join the allies in exchange for a public commitment of support
on the part of France and England to a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
The promise from France came via a letter sent from Jules Cambon, Secretary
General of the French Foreign Ministry, to Nahum Sokolow, an official of the
World Zionist Organization:
"You were kind enough to inform me of your project regarding the expansion
of the Jewish colonization of Palestine. You expressed to me that, if the
circumstances were allowing for that, and if on another hand, the
independency of the holy sites was guaranteed, it would then be a work of
justice and retribution for the allied forces to help the renaissance of the
Jewish nationality on the land from which the Jewish people was exiled so
many centuries ago. The French Government, which entered this present war to
defend a people wrongly attacked, and which continues the struggle to assure
victory of right over might, cannot but feel sympathy for your cause, the
triumph of which is bound up with that of the Allies. I am happy to give you
herewith such assurance."
Five months later, on November 2, 1917, the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour, sent Lord Rothschild a similar declaration of sympathy for Zionist aspirations; this later became known as the Balfour Declaration. These promises to European Jews of a 'national home' were issued when Britain and France had no jurisdiction over the area, against the wishes of the inhabitants of the land and when the Allies were receiving significant support from the Arabs who had revolted against the Ottoman Turks. Three years earlier, Britain had promised the Arabs (in the McMahon-Hussein correspondence) independence and self-government …
And tomorrow (Tuesday) is election in the US. Some pro-Israel congressman
are to be replaced by extremely fanatic pro-Israel congressmen (money speaks
not the interests of constituents)
AIPAC - The voice of America (Video: I,
Segregation of Jews and Arabs in 2010 Israel is almost absolute. For those of us who live here, it is something we take for granted. But visitors from abroad cannot believe their eyes.
Selected events in Palestine the rest of this week:
Tuesday 02 November 2010 AM: olive picking in the village of Wad Rahhal. For
more info, contact Shadi: 0598366884
Also Tuesday, at 6 PM at Al-Kasaba Theatre in Ramallah, showing of the new
DVD put out by Al-Mubadara titled "Our Story" with discussion by Dr.
Mustapha Barghouthi to follow.
Thursday and Friday: Sustainable Tourism in Palestine. International
Workshop in Thursday November 4th at Birzeit University, there is no need
for previous registration, just simply come at 9:00AM as for the Maftoul
Festival, it will be at the Catholic Church Hall in Birzeit town at 7:00PM
Same day November 4th please come and invite your friend, only NIS 50 for a
ticket including Dinner. The next day Friday November 5th we will have three
walks at different trails around Ramallah, starting at nine from front of
the catholic Church in Birzeit, NIS 40 for lunch, bus and guide will be
provided by organizers
Another great flashdance for BDS (this one in Philadelphia).
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities
Chairman of the Board, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People,