Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Gesellschaft (Archiv 2014) / 2014060600

Why Boycotting Israel is So Important and Necessary [06.06.2014]

Why Boycotting Israel is So Important and Necessary … it was heartening to read today that students at DePaul University in Chicago have voted in favour of a referendum calling for divestment from companies "that profit from Israel’s discriminatory practices and human rights violations" ….

DePaul students are to be congratulated for not flinching under Zio-pressure. The last thing Israel wants is masses of bright and clever young Palestinians next-door in the shredded remains of the Occupied Territories. So the Israeli authorities make spiteful war on students especially, as well as women and children generally. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Why Boycotting Israel is So Important and Necessary (dv)
DePaul students vote for divestment despite Israeli government interference (ei)

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