Institut für Palästinakunde - IPK - |
Gesellschaft (Archiv 2014)
BDS: Mainstream zionists inspired by supporters of Apartheid-South-Africa [17.02.2014]
“While the majority of black South African leaders are against disinvestment and boycotts,
there are tiny factions that support disinvestment — namely terrorist groups such as the
African National Congress,” libertarian economics professor Walter Williams wrote in a
1983 New York Times op-ed.
Williams’ claim was as absurd then as it appears in hindsight, but his sentiment was far from rare on the American and British right in the 1980s.
Yet today’s so-called progressive and liberal Zionists employ precisely the same kinds of claims to counter the growing movement, initiated by Palestinians themselves, for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel. …
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