Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Gesellschaft (Archiv 2013) / 2013021301

'Tu Bishvat' in Al-Arakb [13.02.2013]

Tu Bishvat in the Negev Tu Bishvat is here - holiday for the trees - but for some, planting trees is not a holiday but disinheritence from their land. On saturday, in a tent protecting them from the rain, gathered over 50 people who came for a solidarity visit in the Bedouin village of Al Arakib in the Negev. The residents of the village that was destroyed by the authorities over 30 times, were concerned that the JNF will accelerate tree planting during Tu Bisvhat, trees that are planted as means to rob the residents' lands. Several days later demonstrated jews and arabs against the Jewish National Fund and the Prawer Plan.


Ergänzende Links:
Video: 'Tu Bishvat in the Negev' (istv)
'Algorithm of expropriation': Plan to uproot 30,000 Bedouin (972mag)

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