Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Gesellschaft (Archiv 2012) / 2012090700

BDS: Ode to boycott [07.09.2012]

BRIDES BOYCOTT AHAVA AND SODASTREAM nach der Melodie von: 'Freude, schöner Götterfunken …'

Israel end your occupation
there's no peace on stolen land
we'll sing out for liberation
'til you hear and understand

ethnic cleansing and apartheid
should belong to history
human rights should not be silenced
palestine will soon be free

all this dead sea mud is stolen
from the palestinians land
beauty products by Ahava
all of them should now be banned

soda strean is made in factories
that should never have been built
Bed Bath & Beyond exposed now
we won't let you hide your guilt

Ahava's made on stolen land
and so is SodaStream as well
Palestinians lose their farmland
families lives are turned to hell
all these products stolen products
violate international law

Bed Bath & Beyond we charge you
kick these products out your store

Lyrics Sue Blackwell, Jane Jewell
Melody from Beethoven's Ninth


Ergänzende Links:
Boycott AHAVA beauty products - Expose the ugly secrets from the dead sea
Boycott SodaStream: Occupation is not Green!

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