Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft (Archiv 2012) / 2012052503

'Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions'-Fake: Israel-Lobby in Panik [25.05.2012]

Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions: Israel-Lobby in Panik First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
(M. Ghandi)

Den besten Beweis dafür, dass die Israel-Lobby die Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions-Kampagne ernst nimmt, liefern ihre pathetischen Versuche die BDS-Kampagne mit gezielter Anti-Propaganda zu kontern.

Ein hübsches Beispiel für solche Aktivitäten ist die Seite, eine Imitation der bekannten Seite von PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel):

Die Versuche der Autoren von '', die BDS-Kampagne mit Dreck zu bewerfen, sind tatsächlich nicht ohne Unterhaltungswert.

Die Abkürzung PACBI, so die Autoren, stünde für 'Pathetic Assholes Conspiring to Boycott Israel':

BDS stands for Bigots, Dingbats and Scoundrels. BDS-ers come from the goosestepping Neo-Nazi Right, from the bedwetting radical Left, from the "anarchist" anarcho-fascist movements, from the various front groups for the "International Solidarity Movement" or ISM (which stands for "I Support Murderers").

BDS is the official mantra of the anti-Semitic vermin and their genocidal fellow travelers, who are attempting to get the world to boycott Israel. The BDS scum consist of anti-Jewish racists seeking the annihilation of Israel and strive for a second Holocaust of the Jewish people. They work to achieve this while pretending that they think Israel mistreats Arabs. If they had been alive in the 1930s and 1940s, they would all have been participating in the German movement to boycott and divest from Jews!


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