Institut für Palästinakunde - IPK - |
Gesellschaft (Archiv 2012)
Technologies of control: The Case of Hewlett Packard [17.04.2012]
(whoprofits) The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories is maintained and
preserved by daily practices of surveillance and control. In recent
years, those practices have been increasingly relying on technological
mechanisms provided and managed by international and local
corporations. Among those is Hewlett-Packard (HP), one of the world’s
biggest IT companies.
HP’s vast portfolio includes printing, personal computing, software, services and IT infrastructure. The company’s head offices are located in California, but it operates in over 170 countries and employs over 300,000 employees worldwide. In 2010 the company’s revenues reached 126 billion USD2.
Technologies of control: The Case of Hewlett Packard