Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Gesellschaft (Archiv 2011) / 2011122101


ALL OF US WHO THINK WE CANNOT CHANGE IT ANYWAY DID TRY, DID COME TOGETHER, WE COULD! (December 19.) mohammad khatib (very close friend of mine) and Mohammad Tamimi (village journalist) are still being held in military prison, are being charged with made up charges (you can actually see mohammad khatib getting arrested in the video below, he is the man sitting down with the crowd who was pulled up first), and have trial monday. we will start a campaign pressuring for their immediate release soon.

please watch the video. people imagine palestine as a war zone, but what they don't understand is that people LIVE HERE. in this village, people LIVE, go to school, to work, work in the garden, hang out, etc. this is their lives. AND ISRAEL IS DOING ALL THIS SHIT WITH YOUR TAX MONEY!! this IS our responsibility, if all of us cared, believe me, we could make this stop. i am despairing at the lack of believe in our communal strength around me, and quite frankly losing patience. BELIEVE ME, IF ALL OF US WHO THINK WE CANNOT CHANGE IT ANYWAY DID TRY, DID COME TOGETHER, WE COULD! and there are so many ways that don't involve all of us going to stand at a demo in palestine, the real fight is right here.

so this IS our responsibility. start by at least looking at what is happening really, and while you are, try out the idea that this maybe DOES HAVE A LOT TO DO WITH YOU AND WITH WHAT YOU ARE AND ARE NOT DOING RIGHT NOW. I am not saying its your fault, but it IS our responsibility.

i almost want to say "forgive me if i have become pushy", but they have been ethnically cleansing the people with whom i found my home, they have been doing it with the support of the governments and tax money and companies etc of so many countries, i am losing people who are like family to me, the time for niceties is over.


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