Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Gesellschaft (Archiv 2011) / 2011110400

Die globale Intifada [04.11.2011]

Die globale Intifada Jamal Juma, Koordinator der 'Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign' (den die - nach eigenem Bekunden - 'Einzige Demokratie des Nahen Ostens' mit einem Reiseverbot belegt hat) reflektiert im Folgenden über seine Begegnung mit der internationalen Solidaritätsbewegung.

The first time an international activist came up to me and sincerely thanked me for a speech in which I had promised that we as Palestinians would never give up our struggle until we have reached liberation and justice, I was surprised. Now I have learned to understand the importance of our struggle for the rest of the world and the responsibility that necessarily follows. As long as Palestine resists, there is hope for more than our own people.

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