Institut für Palästinakunde
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Palästinensische Gefangene [17.10.2011]

A Nation Behind Bars: 8500 Palestinian Political Prisoners abused, denied medical care, tortured in Israeli prisons

Hintergründe zum Gefangenen-Hungerstreik

Friends of Humanity: The Israeli Government must comply with the Palestinian prisoners' legal demands // Global Geopolitics & Political Economy: Every Fourth Palestinian Under Arrest // Reham Alhelsi: A Nation Behind Bars: 8500 Palestinian Political Prisoners abused, denied medical care, tortured in Israeli prisons // facebook: Support Palestinian Prisoners- World Wide // occupiedpalestine: Join Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike for one day // addameer: Map of Detention Places in Israel

Der Shalit-Deal

Haaretz: How it happened / The breakthrough that led to the Shalit deal // Al Jazeera: Hamas hails Palestinian prisoners deal // occupiedpalestine: Prisoner Swap Deal Reached; 1027 Detainees To Be Released

Politische Gefangene

addameer: Prisoners support and human rights association // THE PALESTINIAN PRISONERS OF ISRAEL // PALESTINIAN POLITICAL PRISONERS (Brochure) // B´tselem: Administrative detention

Minderjährige Gefangene

addameer: PALESTINIAN CHILDREN POLITICAL PRISONERS // DCI - Defense for Children International: Detention Bulletin April 2011 // DCI - Defense for Children International: Palestinian Child Prisoners Juni 2009 // B´tselem: No Minor Matter: Violation of the Rights of Palestinian Minors Arrested by Israel on Suspicion of Stone-Throwing, July 2011 // Stephen Lendman: Abusing Palestinian Children // youtube: Illegal Detention Of Palestinian Children

Weibliche Gefangene



addameer: TORTURE // Torture of Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli Prisons (2003) // PCHR: Report on Torture Practices in PNA Prisons and Detention Centers (2010)


Adalah: Human Rights Organizations Demand that Palestinian Prisoners’ Rights are Protected during Ongoing Hunger Strike // Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, Adalah and Al Mezan support the demands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons on hunger strike // PCHR: PCHR Condemns Collective Penalties against Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli Jails


stoptorture: “They put me in an isolation cell, then returned me to the solitary confinement wing”. The testimony of Ala’a Salem from his GSS // youtube: Israeli Police Terrorize Prisoners - Press CC for English Subtitles // Al Jazeera: Israel troops filmed attacking Palestinian prisoners

Weitere Berichte zum Gefangenen-Hungerstreik

occupiedpalestine: Palestinian Prisoners - SPECIAL TOPIC // Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners join hunger strike // Internationals Join Palestine’s Prisoner Hunger Strike – in pictures // Stephen Lendman: Palestinians Protest Israeli Prison Hell // Miftah: Empty Stomachs, Emboldened Hearts // Kawther Salam: Collective Penalties Against Palestinian Prisoners // Torture Without Limits, Jail Without Cause // PNN: Statistics Show 6700 Prisoners Including 283 Children, 35 Women // Haaretz: Palestinian prisoners go on hunger strike, protest worsening Israel prison conditions // Electronic Intifada: Hunger strikes will continue until prisoners’demands respected // +972: Hunger strikes declared in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners // memo: Geneva conference on Palestinian prisoners' rights hears shocking testimonies

Weitere Berichte zum Gefangenen-Hungerstreik (deutsch)

jw: Proteste von Palästinensern in israelischen Gefängnissen gegen Schikanen und Isolationshaft // Kawther Salam: Kollektivstrafen gegen Palästinensische Häftlinge in Israelischen Gefängnissen

(Quelle: Dr. Gabi Weber)


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