Institut für Palästinakunde - IPK - |
Gesellschaft (Archiv 2010)
Unter Besatzung (20) - Gedanken zu den Ereignissen Al-Waladja [23.12.2010]
Die Autorin des nachfolgenden Texts ist ein 'International'.
Eine der vielen HelferInnen, die immer versuchen vor Ort zu sein, wenn die
Bulldozer der Israelis in Al-Walaja, Bilin, Nilin, Beit-Ommar etc. auftauchen.
Heute war A. in Al-Walaja, wo gestern Mazin Qumsiyeh verhaftet
wurde. Qumsiyeh versuchte dort Dorfbewohnern beizustehen, als diese
versuchten israelische Soldaten aufzuhalten, die ihr Land ohne
Genehmigung mit Baggern und Bulldozern betreten hatten.
Wer jedoch in der einzigen Demokratie des nahen Ostens auf seinem
Land steht und versucht illegale Eindringlinge von illegalen Aktivitäten
abzuhalten, der macht sich damit strafbar. Der ist Teilnehmer einer
'illegalen Demonstration'!
Und da Israel ein formidabler Rechtstaat ist - dessen Rechtsorgane
dazu dienen, die kriminellen Aktiväten dieses Staates durchzusetzen,
daher müssen die Teilnehmer einer solchen 'illegalen Demonstration'
100$ Kaution für ihre Freilassung bezahlen.
Den vollständigen Text von A. im englischen Original finden Sie im
Mazin, Shireen and Abu Ammar were released late last night, the other five were supposed to get released today on a bail of around 100€ each - again, this for having stood in their village and having argued that the ILLEGAL destruction of their land was illegal.
When he got back, Mazin talked about yesterday on video, if you have a few moments, please have a look at it. I think, apart from the content, what the video shows is that the people resisting here are ordinary people, people, who have families, who try to live ordinairy lives, who have things to do and get disrupted when soldiers invade their villages and lives, who want to live, and in peace. Mazin is a professor and had things to do yesterday. We are students, farmers, teachers, workers, daughters, sons, wives, brothers, etc. and we are fighting for our right to live and to live freely and in justice. There's more and more people in the world uniting, not only against the injustice, colonialization, Apartheid, occupation, oppression, that exists here but elsewhere, too. Yet, mainstream discourse still portrays the oppressor here as the victim, because of an immense crime that was committed by other people elsewhere. In Germany, the tendency to not look at what is really happening in the Middle East and the desire to equate Israel with Judaism and then to elevate Jews per se as a people who could not possibly oppress others is nothing but a short-cut attempt to appease a guilty conscience, and only a dangerous "reverse" form of racism, really. We here, Palestinians, Israelis, non-Israeli Jews, people of other ethnicities and religions stand side-by-side in front of one of the strongest armies in the world and we are struggling to keep our sisterhood, dignity, solidarity, and humanity. I usually don't write about how I feel about the things that are happening around me, but it's the end of the year, I'm tired, I'm sad, and I'm really angry.
We're trying to celebrate Christmas and the New Year, here, amid the thousands of tourists that come to the supposed birthplace of Jesus, often without knowing anything about this city that holds three refugee camps... I'm struggling to end this on a positive note, except maybe on the wish (though not hope) that the next year will be much much better, where they will not launch a new massacre on gaza as they are announcing already, and with gratitude to being surrounded by so many brave people that try to stand together, in spite of all, and love.