Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Politik (Archiv 2014) / 2014020800

Israels Minister für strategische Angelegenheiten fordert 100 Mio. Schekel zur Bekämpfung von BDS [08.02.2014]

(aic) Yuval Steinitz, Israel’s minister for strategic affairs, recently asked for an additional budget of 100 million shekels, to be able to react more effectively against the boycott campaign. One needs no more evidence for the success of BDS. Steinitz has good reasons to be worried: as I wrote several weeks ago, in the last year BDS initiatives have made a qualitative jump, from activists’ actions to those by big firms and corporations. The biggest Danish Bank, Danske Bank, divested its money from Bank Hapoalim; additionally, PGGM, the second largest Dutch pension fund, divested from theIsraeli banking system, and the Norwegian government ordered the government's pension fund to withdraw its capital from Africa-Israel. …

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