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"Global Day of Action" [13.03.2011]

Mazin Qumsiyeh: A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home In seiner aktuellen Email gibt der palästinensische Bürgerrechtler Mazin Qumsiyeh, Professor an der Bethlehem und der Bir Zeit Universität, einen Überblick über seine Aktivitäten und die Ereignisse in Palästina.

Global Day of Action

Our thoughts are with our friends in Japan. The Japanese people have stood with us in Palestine and continue to do so. Our hearts are broken over the devastation and loss of life that is the worst disaster in Japanese history since the nuclear and other bombings of Japanese cities in WW II.
Our thoughts are also with the people of the Arab world as they face desperate ruthless dictators.

In Palestine, settlers were killed by unknown person/persons in the illegal Jewish-only colony (Itamar, one of teh most extremist of settlements built on Palestinian lands). In the usual Zionist colonial “response”, the apartheid state decided to build 500 more houses for more racist settlers on Palestinian lands. Israeli interior minister claims more will be done (at least 1000 colonial houses for every colonial settler killed).

In my talks around the US (see schedule at here), a handful of brainwashed individuals came armed with the glossy brochures from "Stand with Us", a racist Zionist group that claims Israel is a democracy while trying to deflect attention from war crimes and crimes against humanity. Their costly brochures have so many blatant mistakes and myths . They seem to assume people can’t check facts for themselves. In trying to deflect attention from Israel by citing dictatorial Arab regimes, they fail to discuss the democratic situation in some Arab countries and the spreading democracy movement (which we think will come to Apartheid Israel). How can we deal with the propaganda? We intyensify our efforts at truth telling and BDS (boycotts, divestments, and sanctions) especially on land day March 30th.

Global Day of Action March 30th

Move over AIPAC conference in Washington DC May 21-24

Frequently asked questions about the July 8-16 mission to Palestine

Video about the power of civil resistance (English)

Booklet in Arabic about civil resistance

Dissolve the Palestinian Authority!

Bishop of Jerusalem to take court action over visa refusal

A film about a Palestinian girl in 1948

My talk in Southampton, England

Israeli troops prepare but will not be able to handle large demonstrations in WB

The J Street Scam

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities
Chairman of the Board, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People,


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