Institut für Palästinakunde - IPK - |
Gesellschaft (Archiv 2015)
Thoughts on normalisation in the Israel-Palestine conflict [09.06.2015]
In dem folgenden Text befasst sich der in Bethlehem lebende Rifat Odeh Kassis, Leiter von Defence for Children International, Mitbegründer von ATG und Vorstandsmitglied des AIC mit der Frage, was unter Normalisierung zu verstehen ist:
… When actors in the Palestinian struggle for a just peace use this term,
what do they mean? What is the reasoning behind a refusal to work with an individual
or group because of a “normalising” attitude or act? And why is normalisation
so damaging to achieving justice?
In order to clarify this goal – justice – it’s also important to clarify normalisation. I’d like to start with a straightforward definition of normalisation as expressed by the first Palestinian BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) conference, held in Ramallah in November 2007 …
Normalisation means to participate in any project or initiative or activity, local or international, specifically designed for gathering (either directly or indirectly) Palestinians (and/or Arabs) and Israelis, whether individuals or institutions; that does not explicitly aim to expose and resist the occupation and all forms of discrimination and oppression against the Palestinian people.
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on normalisation in the Israel-Palestine conflict