Institut für Palästinakunde - IPK - |
Gesellschaft (Archiv 2013)
BDS and Its Agenda [20.05.2013]
Kurzfassung des am 11. Mai von Prof. As'ad Abu-Khalil (a.k.a. angry arab)
bei der zweiten Stuttgarter
Palästinakonferenz gehaltenen Vortrags zu BDS ('Boycott Divestment Sanctions').
Speaking at a conference on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) in Stuttgart, I came to realize that the movement is growing although it still faces many obstacles. The BDS movement is growing in the Western world and may have become more mainstream than its enemies may have imagined, as was revealed from the recent stance of Stephen Hawking.
The Zionists have striven to conflate boycotts with – you guessed it – anti-Semitism, hatred, and sectarianism. But the tasks and agenda of Zionism are way too clear: Zionists wish to delegitimize and even criminalize all acts of peaceful resistance against Israel, just as they have succeeded in criminalizing all acts of non-peaceful resistance against Israel. …
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