Institut für Palästinakunde
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Facts about Jordan Valley Solidarity [04.11.2014]

Rashed Sawafta, Koordinator der 'Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign in Bonn (2014) 'Jordan Valley Solidarity' is a network of Palestinian grassroots community groups from all over the Jordan Valley and international supporters. Our aims are to protect Palestinian existence and the unique environment of the Jordan Valley by building international support and supporting communities on the ground.
This includes monitoring, recording and aiming to prevent the abuse of Palestinian human rights by the Israeli occupation and settlers.

The situation in the Jordan Valley is very serious. The Israeli military occupation since 1967 has been attempting to gradually annex the area (which is 28% of the occupied West Bank). Comments made by Netanyahu in March 2010, and previously by Olmert, have left us in no doubt about their intentions. On the ground they are seeking to control more and more of the Jordan Valley by expanding their illegal Israeli colonies and trying to drive Palestinians from their land through house demolitions, movement restrictions, curfews, arbitrary arrest and detention, land confiscations, and denial of access to water, electricity, health and education.

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Facts about Jordan Valley Solidarity (jvsc)

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