Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Aktivitäten (Archiv) / 2012070600

Besatzer verschärfen den Versuch das 'Freedom Theatre' zu ruinieren
Nabil Al-Raee und Zakaria Zubeidi beginnen Hungerstreik [06.07.2012]

Nabil and Zakaria on hunger strike Zakaria and Nabil on hunger strike - The Freedom Theatre calls for urgent action

Today Nabil Al-Raee, the Artistic Director of The Freedom Theatre was accused in an Israeli military court of possessing guns, helping a wanted person (Zakaria Zubeidi) as well as three other wanted but unnamed persons. The help Nabil is accused of rendering Zakaria - who years ago was granted amnesty by the Israeli authorities - is that he has driven him in his car and given him food and cigarettes. In response to these accusations Nabil declared that he is starting a hunger strike from tomorrow. "I don't understand why I'm here [in detention]. There is no reason for them to keep me here". Nabil's lawyer says: "This shows that that they are desperate, they have nothing to hold against him." …

Nabil and Zakaria on hunger strike


Ergänzende Links:
Im Gespräch: Regisseur Nabil Al-Raee von "The Freedom Theatre"

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