Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Aktivitäten (Archiv) / 2012062000

Update zur Verhaftung von Nabil Al-Raee [20.06.2012]

Update zur Verhaftung von Nabil Al-Raee Nabil was able today to meet with the lawyer today, finally, for 30 min: The lawyer told us he looks very tired and in shock but that he is very strong. The first thing he asked was for the lawyer to send us his love and to tell us that he is ok. He complained about the bad conditions of the prison; among many details he is sharing a small room with 6 other people, in the first days he wasn’t allowed to have shower or ...clean his teeth. We wait for his next court hearing on Monday.

The lawyer kept telling us he is very strong and that he was very happy to know that we are ok and doing everything we can to let everyone know what is going on. I asked her if he knew he was in the bird cage (name we have for when a prisoner is put with spies that try to get him to tell anything illegal he did by pretending they are also prisoners), she told he didn’t know about that and even laughed about it saying "great, I have nothing to hide"


Ergänzende Links:
Freedom for Nabil and Zakaria (fb)

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