Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011122999

International Headlines [29.12.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: 29 December 2008: Balousha family (palsolidarity) / Israel 'will launch significant Gaza offensive sooner or later' (gdn) / Rizka: Abbas received $35m for Gaza reconstruction (pal-info)
Gewalt & Terror: Israel navy attempts to capsize international monitoring boat off Gaza, injures captain (ei) / Israel's impunity challenged by torture victim in Jerusalem (ei) / Israeli airstrike destroys Gaza training base (maan) / PLO: Israel killed 180 Palestinians including 21 children in 2011 (pal-info)

Rassismus & Sexismus & Diskriminierung: Debunked: the Zionist and Islamophobic libel of a "rape epidemic" by Muslims in Norway (ei) / This week in Haaretz 1952 / Ultra-Orthodox Jews oppose beauty queen pageant (haa) / MK Danon Proposes Outlawing Sex Between ‘Arabs,’ Young Jewish Girls (richardsilverstein) / 'Unwritten rule' bars women's singing in Knesset (ynet) / Report: FM irked by secret EU report on Israeli Arabs (ynet) / Preschool form asks for parents' sexual orientation (ynet)
Diebstahl & Zerstörung von Land und Besitz / Ethnische Säuberung / Apartheid / Flüchtlinge: Israel issues demolition orders in south Hebron (maan) / IOA to transfer thousands of W. Bank Bedouins to other areas (pal-info)
Solidarität & Aktivismus & BDS: Lebanese BDS campaign targets Armin van Buuren (al-akhbar) / Anti-Semitism claims against UC Berkeley dismissed (AP) (yahoo) / UK protesters rally outside Israeli embassy (maan)
Politische Entwicklungen & Diplomatie: Congress frees $40 million in aid to Palestinians (yahoo) / Abbas meets Hamas representatives in Ramallah (maan) / Hamas denies report of ceasefire (maan)
Andere Nahost-Nachrichten: Abdullah Azzam: The Voice of Al-Qaeda in Syria (al-akhbar) / Saudi Arabia frees seven Shia protesters: activists (al-akhbar) / Syrian envoy tells Lebanon to prevent arms smuggling (al-akhbar) / AP sources say that the U.S. aims to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia in a nearly $30 billion deal (alarabiya) / Tensions build as Iraqi leader accrues powers (AP) (yahoo) / Air strike kills 30 in southeast Turkey: mayor (yahoo) / Bahrain to try 8 in terror case next month (yahoo) / Egypt court adjourns Mubarak trial (alj) / Alaa Abd El Fattah, Egyptian Blogger and Critic of Military Regime, Speaks Out After Months in Jail (demnow) / Syria: Detainees Hidden From International Monitors (hrw) / Controversy over Arab League mission to Syria (ytube)
Analyse & Meinung: Saudi Arabia’s Press: The New McCarthyism (al-akhbar) / Gingrich’s backer Adelson outdoes ‘invented people’ smear in address to ‘Birthright’ youth (mweiss) / Remember These Children Mr. President (palchron) / J Street Jeremy: Being Pro-Israel Never Talking about Palestinian Rights (palchron) / Palestine: Those Who Inspired Us in 2011 (palchron) / Mossad’s Pardo: Nuclear Iran Won’t Threaten Israel’s Existence (richardsilverstein)
Gefangene: Solidarity Sit-in Staged for Prisoners in Ramallah (pnn) / When will US State Dep’t demand release of 70-year-old Palestinian intellectual in failing health? (mweiss) / Palestinian pardoned by Israel put back on wanted list (haa) / Addameer Calls Attention to the 443 Gazans Detained in Israeli Prisons (imc) / IOF soldiers round up 5 Palestinians, storm home of disabled (pal-info) / IOF soldiers round up 17 Palestinians including journalist (pal-info)



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