Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011121599

International Headlines [15.12.2011]

International HeadlinesMustafa Tamimi: I was Mustafa Tamimi (mweiss) / Tamimi was killed because of occupied village’s insistence on access to its only well (mweiss) / Lawless Israeli Oppression in Palestine: Shooting Mustafa Tamimi at Point Blank Range ( / EU’s Ashton condemns West Bank protester death (AFP) (khaleejtimes) / Egypt envoy pays respects to family of slain protester (maan)
Diebstahl & Zerstörung von Land und Besitz / Ethnische Säuberung / Apartheid / Flüchtlinge: Khan Al-Ahmar: Forced expulsion of Bedouins from Area C (palsolidarity) / Narratives under siege: Overcrowded living (palsolidarity) / The collective punishment of Silwan (silwan) / Judaisation of the Negev has been ongoing since the Nakba (mideastmon) / Occupation authorities continue home demolition policy in the Negev (pal-info)

Israelische Staats- und Siedlergewalt gegen Palästinenser: Nedal, 14 years old, collected metal to support his family – they shot him from behind (palsolidarity) / New attack on mosque in West Bank (bbc) / Photo of stone-throwers getting hit by car in East Jerusalem wins award (haa) / Settlers set Palestinian cars on fire in the northern West Bank (pal-info) / Who’s Burning Palestinian Mosques in the West Bank and Israel? (thedailybeast)
Israelische Repression: Israeli democracy watch: new bill to force companies to invest in West Bank (aic-news) / Israeli democracy watch: proposed muezzin law (aic-news) / Nazareth suburb's mayor: Christmas trees 'provocative' (maan) / 'Refugees invisible to Israeli law' (ynet)
Israelis nur betroffen, wenn Sieder Juden attackieren: Israel takes steps to curb settler violence (alj) / Right-wing activist calls on IDF soldiers to sabotage equipment (haa) / Netanyahu's crackdown on Jewish extremists unlikely to change West Bank status quo (haa) / Barak Calls Vandals “Jewish Terrorists” As Right-wingers Clash With Police In Jerusalem (imc) / Radical settlers give Israelis reason to pause (maan)
Gaza: Palestinian students give Gaza a voice at Qatar forum (gulfnews) / PCHR Concerned over Medical Shortages in Gaza Strip Hospitals (imc) / Egypt deports 17 Palestinians (maan) / Israeli military enters northern Gaza (maan) / Gaza health ministry appeals for urgent dialysis filters (pal-info)
Politische Aktivisten & Diplomatie & Vermischtes: Jewish conference to honor Susan Rice (foreignpol) / Abbas: EU should support Palestinian UN statehood bid (haa) / Israel Education Minister: Palestinian state in West Bank 'dangerous move' (haa) / Clinton: Gingrich's comments on Palestinians 'unhelpful' (haa) / Israeli cultist's 17 wives still in dire straits despite millions in aid (haa) / Only 40% of ultra-Orthodox high schools in Israel teach English and math (haa) / Bodyguard of Palestinian commander 'killed in Lebanon' (maan)
Solidarität & Aktivismus & BDS: Israeli Blood Diamonds Campaign Conference Call, December 18th (endtheoccupation) / Berkeley Jewish Student Union labels J Street chapter ‘anti-Israel’ (mweiss) / #IsraelKills: Activists take to Twitter to protest Tamimi death (mweiss) / BDS Update: BDS Unites East and West (palchron) / Activists shut down normalization conference in Jerusalem (silwan)
Andere Nahost- & Weltnachrichten: Hizbullah in the New York Times: drugs and car salesman (angry) / Hezbollah to the CIA: We Are Watching You (al-akhbar) / Hezbollah: It is Possible to Fix the “Mistake” of Releasing Israeli Spies (al-akhbar) / Marines’ Haditha Interviews Found in Iraqi Junkyard (nyt) / Burqa ban: Canada prohibits Muslim veil in citizenship ceremonies (csmon) / Bahrain police crack down on march outside capital (AP) (yahoo) / Gaddafi's daughter seeks probe into his death (alj) / Syrian troops 'ordered to shoot to kill' (alj) / Saudi crackdown takes on sectarian character (bbc) / "The Arab People Have Woken Up": Yemeni Activist Tawakkol Karman Accepts Nobel Peace Prize (demnow) / Falluja Is Left Wounded by War (nyt) / Iraqis burn U.S. flags to celebrate troop pullout (raw)
Analyse & Meinung: The "New Anti-Semitism" Smear Is Getting Old (al-akhbar) / James Zogby: “I Was Invited” (ikhras) / Newt’s New York visit for funds was about Israel (mweiss) / Obama to Palestine: Drop dead (mweiss) / What are they smoking? Wiesenthal Center lumps Abbas appearance at U.N. with ‘neo-Nazis and crackpots’ (mweiss) / Top Arab Revolution Stories the US Media Ignored (juancole) / Ex-Aipac PR Flack, Block May Be Dropped by Washington Think Tanks (richardsilverstein)
Gefangene: “Like the Wild West:” Ex-prisoner lives with bounty on his head (palsolidarity) / Palestinian Released Under Swap-Deal Believed To Have Known Shalit’s Location (imc)

Iran: West seeks Saudi Arabia's help on Iran oil sanctions (lat) / Little drone on the prairie: high-tech surveillance comes home (mweiss) / State Department won’t say if it likes Iran sanctions law (foreignpol) / U.S. House of Representatives endorses tough sanctions on Iran (haa) / Panetta: Drone campaign over Iran to continue (ynet)



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