Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011111799

International Headlines [17.11.2011]

International HeadlinesLandraub und Zerstörung & Ethnische Säuberung & Palästinensische Kultur und Geschichte: Urgent: Stop Home Demolitions in Al Hadidiye (endtheoccupation) / The Bedouin struggle for water in the Jordan Valley (mweiss) / Municipality earmarks Palestinian land for park in Silwan (silwan) / Palestinian land in Wadi Hilweh to be converted to Municipal park (silwan) / Include Silwan settlements in visiting dignitaries’ tours (silwan) / AICafe 15.11.11: Palestinian independence from 1988-2011, a discussion with Dr. Mohammed Naem Ferhat (aic-news) / AICafe 19.11.11: discussion with Dr. Adnan Musallam, Bethlehem University history professor (aic-news) / Israel stalling release of report proving West Bank outpost built on Palestinian land (haa) / Lawmakers to debate bill forcing Israeli government to approve settlement construction (haa) / The Independent: Jewish settlements are encroaching on Palestinian territory (pal-info) / Russia and France slam Israel's settlement expansion in O. Jerusalem (pal-info) / Israeli housing ministry to build 5000 new housing units in OJ (pal-info) / Haaretz: The Israeli gov't hid a report against illegal Derech Ha'avot outpost (pal-info) / AFEH documents the digging of more graves at Ma'manullah cemetery (pal-info) / Israel to build 2,000 West Bank apartments (ynet)

Gaza: Over 26% of Palestinian Children Live in Poverty (wafa) / Gaza's Suffocating Siege (sjlendman) / Gaza: Residents deprived of critical medications and medical care (msf)
Kulturerbe: Fair trade for Palestinians (csmon) / Hani Almadhoun: From Resistance to Pop: Liberating Palestine with an Auto Tune (huffpo)
Israelischer Rassismus & Diskriminierung: Israeli reactions to Freedom Riders (972mag) / Why is this not made famous? (angry) / Tibi: 'Death to Arabs' law is next (ynet)
Israelische Gewalt & Missbrauch: West Bank: Jewish teens hurl stones at cars (ynet)
Politische Gefangene & Ehemalige Gefangene: Palestinian Prisoners: In the Shadows of Ramallah’s Nationalist Narrative (al-akhbar) / Israel forces 'ransack home' of freed prisoner (maan) / Israel denies travel of liberated prisoner to Jordan for cancer treatment (pal-info)
Repression gegen Israelis: Israel’s Supreme Court rejects Anat Kamm’s request to delay prison sentence (haa) / Academics rally behind Ben-Gurion University prof. fined for refusing IDF duty (haa) / Bibi Threatens Licenses of Israeli Media Which Publish List of Wealthiest Israeli Politicians (richardsilverstein) / Anat Kam appeals 4.5-year sentence (ynet)
Politische Entwicklungen & Diplomatie: PLO to Take Withheld Funds to Security Council, Ashrawi Condemns “Superiority Complex” (pnn) / France Says Israel Doesn’t Have to Apologize for Missile Strike that Wounded French Consul (pnn) / PA seeks cash payoff from U.S., Israel for not pressing for UN recognition (haa) / Mofaz: Israel has an intel problem in Gaza (jpost) / PLO says Palestinian reconciliation will hit those opposed to UN membership (mideastmon) / 'Ireland most hostile country in Europe' (ynet) / Suha Arafat: I never took money from Palestine (ynet)
Aktivismus & BDS: Interview: Hunger strikes created "new sense of solidarity" (ei) / ‘If Rosa Parks could have called a press conference it would have looked like this’ (mweiss) / Palestinians protest 'racist' bus policy (gdn) / Hollywood groups visit Israel and PA to learn about conflict (haa) / Palestinian Youth Stand In Solidarity With Occupy Protesters (stopthewall)
Analyse & Meinung: Just When You Thought Hussein Ibish Couldnt Sink Any Lower (ikhras) / Dubious Charlie Rose asks Ehud Barak why not one state? (mweiss) / Romney and Obama battle it out in the primary for the Israel lobby (mweiss) / Thank God Amira Hass never became a fashion writer (mweiss) / Syria Uprising Falls Victim to Power Plays (palchron) / A Whiff of Egyptian Freedom for Gaza (palchron) / Israeli-Palestinian jolt? Why some want to dismantle PA (csmon) / Israel blames Abbas for choosing Hamas over peace. Is he? (csmon) / The election monitors gaffe (maxajl)
Anti: ADL promotes conspiracy theories to undermine support for Palestine at Occupy Wall Street (ei) / Poland's growing Palestine movement faces anti-Semitism smears (ei) / Israel seeks minorities, gays for propaganda effortsby communications (aic-news)

U.S.A.: Herman Cain’s Islamophobia Re-Emerges, Claims ‘A Majority Of Muslims Share The Extremist Views’ (thinkprogress) / Study: Execution capital of Texas mostly kills black prisoners (raw)
Mittlerer Osten: Saudi moral committee threatens to cover “tempting” women’s eyes (bikyamasr) / Eric Bruneau, "Kurdish Leader: We Oppose Foreign Intervention in Syria" ( / Turkish PM says Syria on 'knife edge' (alj) / Arab League gives Syria 3 days to end 'bloody repression' (lat) / Did U.S. troops bring democracy? Iraqis have doubts (Reuters) (yahoo) / Analysis: U.S. arms deal for Bahrain hinges on rights report (Reuters) (yahoo) / Iraqi women 'afraid for country' (bbc) / Sami Moubayed: Preparing for a Sunni Arab Spring in Baghdad (huffpo) / ICRC repatriates body of Lebanese from Israel (topix) / Protesters storm Kuwaiti parliament (ytube)

Iran: Cult Killers of Iranian civilians & American officials are guests on Capitol Hill (friclub) / Europe to Israel: Military strike on Iran nuclear program not an option (csmon) / Powers close to deal on IAEA Iran resolution (Reuters) (yahoo) / Republicans Tell Israel: U.S. Will Back Strike Against Iran (richardsilverstein) / Missile Blast Disrupted Research on New Iranian Weapon Designed to Counter Israel (richardsilverstein) / Barak: I'd want nukes if I were Iranian (ynet)



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