Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011101399

International Headlines [13.10.2011]

International HeadlinesBDS & Solidarität & Aktivismus: Tunisian Fencing Champion Refuses to Face Israeli (pnn) / Words I Never Said (mweiss) / Alex Odeh’s murder, 26 years ago, was an early sign of Southern California’s treatment of Palestinian dissent (mweiss) / Lupe Fiasco performs with a Palestinian flag and Occupy Wall Street shirt at the 2011 BET Hip Hop Awards (mweiss) / Intifada Association announcement on interruption of Israeli ambassador speech and detention of its members (palestinianprisoners) / Sixteen Minutes to Palestine (smpalestine) / The Irvine 11, the Police, and the Autonomy of the University (jadaliyya) / The Nation (nation) / Anti-normalization: a necessary part of #BDS-campaigning (youthanormalization) / BDS: BNC supports Palestinian prisoners' hunger strike, and calls for stepping up the BDS (youthanormalization) / BDS: Israeli & Palestinian Journalists Discuss Revolutions in DC (youthanormalization) / BDS: Swedish academics call for boycott of Israeli institutions (youthanormalization) / This event (facebook)

Israelische Attacken auf palästinensische Aktivisten: Israel increases use of bullets, tear gas against journalists (ei) / Extremist Jews Beat Palestinian Teenager in Jerusalem (wafa) / Israeli Soldier Captured on Video Shooting Palestinian Youth in Beit Ummar (imc) / Settlers Attack Qurtuba School Students Studying On Israeli Roads (imc) / Israeli attacks set a 'price tag' on peace that cannot be paid (thenational)
Unterdrückung unbewaffneter Proteste: IOA deports 17 foreign solidarity activists (pal-info)
Occupy Wall Street: Silencing Occupy Wall Street and criticism of Israel through demonization (ei) / Hip-Hop Artist Immortal Technique: No More Free Passes for Our Government (demnow) / Iraq Veterans at Occupy Wall Street Decry Financial Crisis Soldiers Face Returning Home (demnow) / Iraqi-American Musician Stephan Said Performs at Occupy Wall Street (demnow) / Occupy Wall Street Organizer: Protest Expands Despite Police Effort to "Silence" Demonstrators (demnow) / local NBC affiliate in Washington D.C (nbcwashington) / Naomi Klein on Occupy Wall Street: Compassion is a radical act (raw) / Police arrest ‘Occupy D.C.’ protesters in Senate building (raw) / Four ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protestors arrested (raw) / â€˜Occupy Chicago’ crashes Mortgage Bankers Association party (raw) / Tiananmen protest leader thrilled by ‘Occupy Boston’ demonstration (raw) / the Hart building (
Gefangenenaustausch: "The prisoners are the living martyrs" (ei) / PNN Obtains Names of 41 Jerusalem Prisoners to be Released (pnn) / Hip-hop band DAM supports Palestinian prisoners’ actions with new track (palestinianprisoners) / Many freed Palestinian prisoners may be deported (AP) (yahoo) / link to (yahoo) / Palestinian militants set to release video documenting Shalit's Gaza captivity (haa) / Report: Israel, Egypt working on prisoner swap set to release suspected Israeli spy (haa) / Analysis: Barghouti's fate now firmly in Israel's hands (maan) / Hamas releases names of prisoners to be freed (maan) / Aruri: Deal includes all prisoners demands (pal-info) / Israel: Arab Spring forced us to accept Hamas's demands for freeing Shalit (pal-info) / Nael al-Barghouthi: we are soldiers returning to their bases with high spirits (pal-info)
U.S. & Nahostnachrichten: Russian Renovated Plans of Naval Base in Syria Irk Israel (al-akhbar) / Amnesty calls on Canada to arrest George Bush (alj) / Mistrial declared in case of Egyptian blogger (alj) / US Arms Bahrain While Decrying Russian Weapons in Syria (antiwar) / Suicide bombers, attacks hit Baghdad police (yahoo) / Bahrain opposition unites to decry "police state" (Reuters) (yahoo) / UAE: Families’ Plea to Free Activists (hrw) / Saudi Arabia: Stop Arbitrary Arrests of Shia (hrw)
U.S. & Saudi-Arabische Fabrikationen gegen Iran: The Lede Blog: Experts Question Alleged Terror Plot's 'B-Movie' Qualities (nyt) / Iranian Terror Plot: Fake, Fake (antiwar) / Glenn Greenwald ( / Why Iran assassination plot doesn't add up for Iran experts (csmon) / Iran vs. Saudi Arabia: In Wikileaks, targeted Saudi ambassador told US to decapitate Iranian 'snake' (csmon) / Prof. Muhammad Sahimi (pbs) / Leverett on al Jazeera: Thin U.S. Charges of Terror Plot Escalate Tension with Iran (raceforiran) / Shaping the Narrative about U.S. Allegations of an Iranian Assassination Plot (raceforiran) / I’ve finally done so at Truthout (richardsilverstein) / Criminal Mastermind Behind Saudi Terror Plot Was Failed Texas Used-Car Salesman (richardsilverstein) / Justice Department Concedes: No ‘Conclusive Proof’ Linking Senior Iranian Officials to Terror Plot (richardsilverstein) / Truthout: ‘Why I Published US Intelligence Secrets About Israel’s Anti-Iran Campaign’ (richardsilverstein) / Washington Post itself (washpo) / Spencer Ackerman (wired)
Freiheitsberaubung: Teachers in Hebron give lessons at Checkpoint 56 (palsolidarity)
Gaza: Living with the enemy in the Gaza Strip (arabist)
Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid: Picking Olives at al-Walaja: A Harvest of Resistance (al-akhbar) / US opposes Israeli plan to legalise outposts (alj) / link to (alj) / Settlers Set Fire to 300 Olive Trees in Bruqin (wafa) / New Farmers’ Committee Planned in Beit Ommar (palsoli) / After decade of demolitions, Susiya shepherd will continue to herd (palsolidarity) / Israeli military “superiors” interfere in Burin’s olive harvest (palsolidarity) / Peace Now: PM's panel to legalize West Bank outposts encourages 'price tag' attacks (haa)
Politik & Diplomatie: No problem– Obama’s State Dep’t spokesperson is married to Romney’s neocon foreign policy adviser (mweiss) / Palestinians aim to join U.N. bodies (Reuters) (yahoo) / Turkey seeks Israeli arrests over flotilla raid (ynet) / Egypt: Planes patrol Sinai without Israel's consent (ynet)
Analyse & Meinung: New York Times' Ethan Bronner still falsely blaming August Eilat attack on Palestinians (ei) / US aid freeze designed to further punish Palestinians (ei) / August attack (ei) / Ethan Bronner (ei) / The Arab Revolts and the 'Convergence of Interests' (al-akhbar) / Bernard-Henri Lévy in the Eyes of Arab Commentators (al-akhbar) / Egypt’s Palestinians and the Uprising (al-akhbar) / Declaration of a Bantustan in Palestine (alj) / The Third Intifada has already begun (alj) / Burg, former Knesset speaker, endorses idea of one state from river to sea (mweiss) / article today on the Israel-Hamas prisoner exchange deal (nyt)
Gefangene: Army Kidnaps Three Hebron Residents and Three Jenin Residents (imc) / Occupation police arrest Palestinian man in Nazareth (pal-info) / Occupation extends detention of MP Hatem Qafisha (pal-info)



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