Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011100299

International Headlines [02.10.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Iran "totally rejects" Palestine U.N. statehood bid (yahoo) / Clinton says Palestinians must be willing to negotiate (alarabiya) / Report: U.S. blocks $200 million in aid to Palestinian Authority (haa) / U.S. conditions aid to Palestinians on repeal of their UN statehood bid (haa) / We are the victims of collective punishment (indp) / UN envoy: Era of one-man rule over in Arab world (maan) / Haniyeh backs statehood, but not at any price (maan) / Hamas says party united against UN bid (maan) / Fatah leader: Arab countries will cover shortfall if US blocks aid (maan) / Egypt accuses Quartet of encouraging Israeli settlements (mideastmon) / Mishaal: liberation first (pal-info)

Landraub & Ethnische Säuberung & Apartheid & Exil & Freiheitsberaubung: Israeli parliament approves plans to transfer 30 (ei) / link to (ei) / Israeli Soldiers Close Down West Bank Village (wafa) / Israel's Gilo housing plan leads to unprecedented diplomatic crisis with Germany (haa) / OCHA Report: “Home Demolitions Doubled in 2011” (imc) / Locals: Demolition orders handed out in Tulkarem (maan) / link to (maan) / Study group reveals plans to cut off Jerusalem's Palestinian villages from their West Bank hinterland (mideastmon)
Andere Nahost- & Weltnachrichten: told The Wall Street Journal (blogs.wsj) / Funeral service held for executed US man (alj) / UN condemns jail sentence for Bahrain medics (alj) / Awlaki death rekindles legal debate on targeting Americans (lat) / U.S. Congress Urged to Reject Arms Sale (ipsnorthamerica) / Second Bloody Day in Iraq: 22 Killed (antiwar) / U.S. Now Controls More than Half of World Arms Sales (allgov) / 'Occupy LA' Protest Underway At City Hall (PHOTOS) (huffpo) / Awlaki's killing could make Saleh stronger – and Yemen more dangerous than ever (indp) / Yemenis Say They Have Bigger Problems Than Al Qaeda (nyt) / Jordanians call for resignation of PM (presstv) / Blackwater looking to return to Iraq (raw) / Fox host: Occupy Wall Street protestors are ‘dirty’ and useless (raw) / More than 750 turn out for ‘Occupy Los Angeles’ protest (raw) / United Steelworkers announce support for ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest (raw) / Inside Story - Egypt: Reclaiming the revolution (ytube)
Palästinensische Proteste & Israelische Attacken auf Aktivisten: Demonstration against land confiscation for new bypass road in Beit Ommar (palsoli) / Three Injured By Army Fire In Salfit (imc) / Dozens Teargassed During Weekly Protest In Bil'in (imc) / Two Residents, Activist ,Wounded As Army Attack Nonviolent Protest Near Hebron (imc) / Sakhnin; Thousands Mark 11th Anniversary Of Al Aqsa Intifada (imc) / Friday prayers held on land mapped out for separation barrier (pal-info)
Siedler Attacken & Vandalismus & Aggression: Israeli settlers attack Israeli activists & journalists; 19 injured (mweiss) / Official: Settlers start fire near Nablus (maan) / Settlers 'steal 150 sheep' near Hebron (maan) / Palestine: Israeli settlers suspected of graffiti on mosque (muslimnews)
Besatzer-Gewalt: Israeli forces 'raid Palestinian village' (maan) / 3 injured in Israeli airstrike on northern Gaza (maan)
Ägypten & Israel: Egypt mulls release of US-Israeli spy suspect (maan)
Verhaftungen & Unrechts-Justiz: Isolated Detainees Announce Open-Ended Hunger Strike (imc)
Politik & Diplomatie & Internationale Beziehungen: High Court in London today ruled that part of Salah's dention in June was unlawful (ei) / appeal against the government's decision in June to ban him from the country (ei) / Sheikh Raed Salah (ei) / EU Contributes €9.9 Million to PA Date (wafa) / Imam Khamenei: Palestine First Central Cause in Our Islamic World (alm) / International Support for Palestinian Intifada in Tehran (alm) / Palestinian leaders renew attack on Tony Blair over Israel (gdn) / Hamas: 'Resistance' against Israel is only option left for Palestinians (haa) / Palestinian official: Mideast Quartet envoy Tony Blair 'useless' (haa) / Mezan Center Report on 11th Anniversary of the Al Aqsa Intifada (imc) / UK government conflates criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism in Salah trial (mideastmon) / Biden: Pollard pardon over my dead body (ynet)
Analyse & Meinung: `Awlaki and Salih (angry) / item (articles.latimes) / Palestinian Youth Movement: Statehood Bid Harmful to Struggle (al-akhbar) / Ikhras Shoe Of The Month Award Winner – September 2011 (ikhras) / Sullivan on Obama’s ‘capitulation’ at the UN (mweiss) / The Department of Corrections: Ben-Hur, the LA Times & a place called Palestine (mweiss) / Khalidi reflects on the ‘Palestinians’ Next Move’ in The National Interest (mweiss) / Labor unions (mrzine) / The Palestinians' Next Move (nationalinterest) / eloquent ( / The Due-process-free Assassination of U.S. Citizens is Now Reality ( / Iraq: 100 Days of Solidarity (cpunch) / Jailing Doctors in Bahrain (cpunch) / Talking With Alice Walker on Palestine (cpunch) / striking pilots (dailymail) / On Charges of “antisemitism” at Occupy Wall Street (maxajl) / Forget the distractions; the realities of Israel's Occupation demand its end (mideastmon) / A Palestinian-American view of the US veto (mideastmon)
Aktivismus & Solidarität: "We Stand With the Irvine 11" (endtheoccupation) / Film review: Can hip hop be "bigger than the occupation"? (ei)
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: Knesset legal advisor: 'Nakba Law' is constitutional (haa) / Thousands of Israeli Arabs march to commemorate October 2000 riots (haa) / Arabs outraged over ban on October riots studies (ynet)
Belagertes Gaza: Three cousins die in Gaza tunnel collapse (palsolidarity) / “Shotgun Wedding” in Palestine (normanfinkelstein) / Tunisian delegation visit Karama hospital in Gaza (pal-info)



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