Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011092399

International Headlines [23.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Full official text of President Mahmoud Abbas speech at the UN GA (wafa) / Israeli intellectuals back Palestinian statehood in Tel Aviv rally (haa) / Women demonstrate in Gaza in support of UN bid (maan) / Fatah official: Abbas seeks 'accelerated' Security Council review (maan) / Abbas: No pressure will deter UN statehood initiative (maan) / Hamas to Abbas: Don't beg for a state (maan) / Live report -- Palestinian bid for statehood: how it happened (maan) / Interfax: Russia to vote for Palestinian UN membership (maan) / Fatah leader: Palestine has votes to pass Security Council (maan) / Thousands cheer Abbas as Palestinian hail UN bid (maan) / Quartet sets timetable for new Mideast talks (maan) / Ban hands Palestinian bid to Security Council (maan) / 'UN hall of darkness for Netanyahu' (presstv)
Landraub: Report: Settler official calls for speedy construction (maan)
Israelische Attacken auf Palästinenser: IOF troops raid Silwan, clash with local youth (occuppal) / Assaulting brutally the youth Waheed Rwaidi from Silwan (silwan) / PCHR Weekly Report: 2 children dead, 2 children and 2 adults wounded by Israeli forces this week 15-22 Sept (imc) / Israeli forces kill Palestinian in northern West Bank (maan)

Israeli Angst: Settlers - armed women and children ( / IDF issues urgent terror warning along Israel-Egypt border (haa) / Communities along Green Line beefing up civilian security (haa) / Jewish residents of East Jerusalem say they fear Palestinian onslaught (haa) / Israeli police deploy as Jerusalem alert raised (maan)
Israeli Angst from within: Creating a flashpoint (haa)
Siedler: Settlers burn agricultural land in West Bank village (wafa) / Settlers destroy 60 olive trees in West Bank village (wafa) / Hit-and-run injures young boy in Hebron (maan) / Amona settlement (ynet) / Cop who attacked settler to face trial (ynet)
Verhaftungen & Unrechts-Justiz: Israeli administrative detention punishes entire family (ei) / Teenager arrested for violating house arrest (wafa) / PASF nabs seven Hamas supporters in arrest campaign (occuppal) / Gaza court questions accused in death of Italian (palsolidarity) / 5 teens detained in Jerusalem (maan)
Analyse & Meinung: Netanyahu targets UN and militant Islam in General Assembly speech (972mag) / Palestinian activist: Why I'm not celebrating Palestinian statehood (972mag) / Palestine statehood team a 'cause of concern' (alj) / Obama: America's 'first Jewish president'? (alj) / Expert reactions to Abbas and Netanyahu speeches at UNGA (imeu) / The Palestinian Authority's top gun in D.C.: Benjamin Netanyahu (mweiss) / lead article (nymag) / Bardaweel: PA's September statehood bid a trap to liquidate Palestinian cause (occuppal) / It's the occupation, stupid (antiwar) / The one-sentence blunder (bostonglobe) / The Palestinians are the new Jews (haa) / Palestinians' UN gamble could backfire (lat) / Palestine (lat) / Analysis: US views Abbas in a new light (maan) / cut-off in aid (washpo) / Video: Will Palestinian statehood make a difference in Gaza? (ytube) / Abu Mazen's gamble (gush-shalom) / Abu Mazen ready for historical peace -- Netanyahu made sure America can't broker it (gush-shalom)
Aktivismus & Solidarität: Nora Barrows-Friedman's blog on Electronic Intifada (ei) / here (mweiss) / here (mweiss) / here (mweiss) / Breaking - Irvine 11 found guilty on two charges for protesting Michael Oren (mweiss) / Hebron rally: 'Like everyone else, we want to be free' (palsolidarity) / Israel's 'Scream' fails to silence Palestinian resistance (palsolidarity) / Gaza: 29 years later (palsolidarity) / Dozens wounded in Bil‘in's weekly nonviolent protest (imc) / Israeli forces use gas to stop nonviolent protests in Ni‘lin (imc) / Tunisian press: Convoy waits for Egypt permission to enter Gaza (maan) / Gaza activists to relaunch boat monitoring (maan)
Flüchtlinge: bill ( / Twilight Zone - Tragedies, not flags (haa) / United Nations Relief and Works Agency (unrwa) / Palestinian refugees trapped in a congressional debate (voa)
Diverses: The Palestinian pound: a precarious history (al-akhbar) / Lebanon: Meeting bolsters cluster munitions convention (irin)



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