Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011092099

International Headlines [20.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Is Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh supporting a one-state solution for Palestine? (ei) / Palestinian refugees in Lebanon eye statehood bid with skepticism (ei) / Palestinians insist on terms for Israel talks (alj) / Netanyahu calls for talks with Palestinians (alj) / With Obama in NYC for U.N. speech, Perry to hold own event there, hitting Obama on Israel (firstread.msnbc.msn) / Europe Divided Over Palestinian State (antiwar) / Palestinians will submit UN membership letter (AP) (yahoo) / In UN week, Saudi says to ease Palestinian crisis (Reuters) (yahoo) / The U.N.'s 'momentous' Palestinian statehood dilemma (The Week) (yahoo) / Palestine’s UN Initiatives: Questions and Answers on the Representation of the Rights of the Palestinian People (alhaq) / Noam Chomsky: The U.S. & Israel Strongly Oppose "Rise of Any Meaningful Democracy" in Middle East (demnow) / Obama arrives at UN as pressure grows on Palestinians over statehood bid (gdn) / Guardian Focus podcast: What will UN recognition of a Palestinian state mean? (gdn) / Which countries recognise Palestine already? - interactive (gdn) / Bill Clinton: Palestinian statehood bid won't change Mideast realities (haa) / French FM: Status quo between Israel and Palestinians risks 'explosion of violence' (haa) / Jordan's King says Israel must choose if it is fortress or part of Mideast (haa) / 'Palestinians need just two more Security Council votes in bid for statehood' (haa) / Diplomats: Israel failed to prepare for Palestinian statehood bid (haa) / Israel may tone down emergency laws drafted ahead of Palestinian move at UN (haa) / U.S. to Netanyahu: Don't sanction Palestinians following statehood bid at UN (haa) / continues (imc) / Report; “Israeli-Palestinian Team Prepares For Coordinated Activities” (imc) / Saudi Arabian stability (maxajl) / Statehood must mean liquidation of the occupation (pal-info) / link to Palestine Information Center (pal-info) / As Palestinians Push for Statehood, Israel Finds Itself Isolated (time)

Gaza: 'We have no idea what's going to happen to Gaza' (irishtimes) / 2 teens die from injuries after Gaza tunnel collapse (maan) / Arab parliament discusses breaking Gaza siege (pal-info) / IOF troops raid eastern Gaza (pal-info)
Attacken auf gewaltlosen palästinensischen Protest: Trial of top anti-Israel activist Bassem Tamimi set to open (arabnews) / Repression and resistance sharpening in Beit Ommar (ei) / PA security blocks anti wall march (pal-info)
Ägyten & Jordanien & Türkei vs. Israel: Germany's Merkel presses Turkey President to end rift with Israel (haa) / Turkey Predicts Alliance With Egypt as Regional Anchors (nyt)
Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung & Deportationen & Freiheitsberaubung: Jewish Settlers Build New Road South of Hebron (wafa) / Israeli settlers said to cut Palestinians' trees (AP) (yahoo)
Politische Verhaftungen & Gefangene: 500 Palestinians in Israeli jails denied family visits (arabnews) / The story of the watermelon and the forty prisoners (ei) / Jordanian prisoner in Israeli jail goes on hunger strike (pal-info)
Attacken isr. Siedler und Soldaten auf Palästinenser: State rejects B'Tselem’s appeal against closing the settler assault file (btselem) / Court remands Israeli settler suspected of vandalizing IDF West Bank base (haa) / Settlers 'pelt Palestinian car with stones' (maan) / Palestinian child succumbs to wounds sustained in Israeli shelling (pal-info)
Aktivismus & BDS: Closing arguments expected in Irvine 11 case (lat) / Palestinians to boycott Israeli products in national campaign (gulfnews) / The Time is Right for Strengthening Our Movement: Students for Justice in Palestine’s first national conference (mweiss) / Today’s “Run for Silwan” marathon highlights oppression in Jerusalem (silwan) / Israeli artists seek boycott of new West Bank theatre (irishtimes)
Analyse & Meinung: Zionist propaganda on Syria (angry) / Meet Ethan Bronner's Turkey "Specialist" (google) / 'An Important Irritant': The Attack on the Mavi Marmara (palchron) / Shin Bet - An ingrained culture of torture and deceits (mideastmon) / an article (nyt)
Diverses: Xinhua, "Syrian Opposition in Damascus: 'No to International Intervention, No to Sectarianism, and No to Violence'" (mrzine) / Study: Invasion led to spike in Iraq widows (AP) (yahoo) / "They Just Started Shooting Us from Everywhere": Scores of Protesters Killed in Yemen (demnow) / Theresa May defends decision to exclude Palestinian activist from UK (gdn) / Official sources in Israel claim that the regime in Jordan is close to collapse (mideastmon) / U.S., Israeli military chiefs meet (raw) / 'Jonathan Pollard tried to spy for Australia' (ynet) / 'Obama is the best thing Israel has going for it' (ynet)



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