Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011091399

International Headlines [13.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Fatah: PLO to seek full recognition at UN (alj) / Ambassador Rice: Palestinian U.N. Bid ‘Not Symbolic (thinkprogress) / Saudi prince calls on U.S. to back Palestinian U.N. status (Reuters) (yahoo) / Israel's new tactic: Use Cairo embassy attack to argue against Palestinian statehood (haa) / NYT criticizes Israel, US ahead of 'ruinous' UN vote (ynet) / Russia to support Palestinian UN bid (ynet)
Besatzer-Gewalt: Broken wrists and arrests by Israeli military as farmers cultivate Beit Ummar (palsolidarity) / Violent clashes erupt across Silwan (pal-info)
Israelische Attacken auf palästinensische Aktivisten: Israeli Army Occupy Homes in al-Nabi Saleh After Demonstration (palsoli) / Israeli Army Raid Beit Ommar (palsoli)

Ägypten & Israel: Embassy Leaks: Israel’s Fallen Egyptian Friends (al-akhbar) / Egypt fears Turkey's Erdogan will use visit to stir up anti-Israel sentiment (haa) / Report: Israeli ambassador was advised to stay home on eve of Cairo embassy attack (haa) / Israel seeking new location for its Cairo embassy (pal-info)
Türkei & Israel: Turkey's Erdogan heads to Egypt, unnerving an embattled Israel (csmon) / Turkey PM tells Arabs: Israel has isolated itself (AP) (yahoo) / After Turkey, PKK now also demanding apology from Israel (haa) / Report: Turkey no longer averting attacks on Israeli targets (haa) / Turkey vows response to Israel PKK support threat (pal-info) / Erdogan: Turkey ready for all scenarios (ynet) / Report: Turkish warplanes now able to fire at Israeli targets (ynet)
BDS & Solidarität: Divesting from Israel's Occupation: Petition at University of Colorado (endtheoccupation) / Another one bites the dust (Agresco liquidated) (jewssansfrontieres) / Resistance and Revolution as Lived Daily Experience: An Interview with Leila Khaled (Intro) (jadaliyya) / Resistance and Revolution as Lived Daily Experience: An Interview with Leila Khaled (Part 1) (jadaliyya) / Israeli actor refuses to perform in West Bank theater (jewishjournal) / BDS: Update on MECA's 'A Child's View from Gaza' Exibit canceled by MOCHA (youthanormalization)
Siedler: Settlers destroy Beit Ommar farmer’s crops (mweiss) / Protest against settler conference met with huge Israeli armed forces presence (silwan) / Shin Bet: Israel's extreme rightists organizing into terror groups (haa) / Witnesses: Settler mob attacks Palestinian vehicles near Nablus (maan) / Jewish settlers attack Palestinian workers, Israeli forces arrest minor in OJ (pal-info) / Islamic-Christian Front: Israel to blame over West Bank settler attacks (pal-info) / Jewish settlers cut off Palestinian grapevines (pal-info) / PA's UN bid may lead to ICC action against settlers (ynet) / Village forms night watch to prevent 'Price Tag' attacks (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: The tunnel-settlement labyrinth (silwan) / Elad double tunnel officially openeded in Wadi Hilweh under huge military protection (silwan) / Conference told that water situation in Palestine is "catastrophic" (mideastmon)
Politik & Diplomatie & Internationale Beziehungen: US nervous as ties fray between Israel (yahoo) / Jordan's king says Arab Spring bad for Israel (google) / Israel Navy ship accidentally enters waters of neighboring Arab nation (haa) / U.S.: Attack on Israeli embassy in Egypt mustn't spread to rest of Mideast (haa) / Netanyahu compares Arab Spring to earthquake, says Israel must tighten security measures (imc) / Jordan protest threatens to emulate embassy storming (ynet)
Verletzung der Grundrechte: MADA: Increase in violations against Palestinian journalists (maan)
Gaza unter Belagerung: One Palestinian Romeo's journey to reunite with his Gaza Strip Juliet (haa) / Hamas donates $140 (maan) / Four workers injured in tunnel collapse in Rafah (pal-info)
Analyse & Meinung: Storming the Israeli Occupation Embassy (al-akhbar) / Meet New York City's Terror-Linked Political Kingmaker (al-akhbar) / Palestinians: The Usual Terror Suspects (al-akhbar) / ‘Arab Sources’ on Mondoweiss (mweiss) / Palestine's Students Must Be Set Free (palchron) / Storming the Embassy: 'Peace without Justice is Tyranny' (palchron) / Israel must come to terms with its changing neighbours (gdn)
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: Kangaroo court won't deliver justice over Itamar killings (ei)
Gefangene: The perpetual threat of arrest Silwan’s children face: anytime (silwan) / Family: Israeli forces detain 14-year-old boy at checkpoint (maan) / Palestinian detainees in Etzion jail go on hunger strike (pal-info) / MP Abu Tir sentenced to administrative detention (pal-info)
Diverses: Jordan's PM approved controversial casino (alj) / Iran 'to free' US spy-case hikers (bbc) / Taxi drivers found in mass grave in Iraq (indp) / Real News Video: Evidence that Al-Qaeda Killed Hariri (ytube)
Vergeltung: Israel: “Shots Fired At Army Vehicle In Eilat (imc)



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