Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011083199

International Headlines [31.08.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Rabbi Froman supports Palestinian bid to UN (wafa) / Sarkozy: EU needs united position on Palestinian statehood (haa) / Video: PLO status after statehood debated (presstv) / Palestinian UN bid - a blow to Israeli economy? (ynet) / Jordan urges Abbas to rethink UN bid (ynet) / 'PA statehood vote to risk bilateral agreements' (ynet) / Palestinian UN bid 'greater threat' than Hamas (cdream)
Gaza: Eid al-Fitr in Gaza (occuppal) / Don't test us, Israel army chief warns (maan) / On verge of Gaza war (ynet) / Iron Dome system deployed in Ashdod (ynet)
Raub von Land, Besitz und Ressourcen: Landau: Israel should declare sovereignty over occupied territories (occuppal) / Israel profits from the holy month of Ramadan (jordansolid) / Rivlin in Itamar: Zionism is a policy of settlement (jpost) / Wadi Ara next in line for Judaization project (palmon)

Siedler: VIDEO: Attack dogs of the West Bank (in.reuters) / MP Barghouthi warns of massacres after Israel arms (occuppal) / Israelis to unleash dogs on Palestinians (presstv) / Israeli military arming, training vigilantes to put down Palestinians: What will UN do about it? ( / Video: Israeli defends dog attack on 99-year-old man (ytube)
Aktivismus & BDS: Video installation documenting Israel apartheid to premiere at Toronto festival (ei) / Beit Ommar teacher's trial is delayed; refused bail (palsoli) / The Holy Land Five case (cpunch) / Thousands of SoCal Muslims praying for 'Irvine 11' night before trial begins (irvine11) / Is BDS campaign working? (ynet)
Besatzer: Dawn raid launched on long-suffering family in Wadi Hilweh (silwan) / Woman wounded, child kidnapped as Israeli forces raid Bir Ayyub (silwan) / Silwan foils City of David concert as tensions run high over Eid (silwan) / Israel police orders its Arab and Bedouin officers to leave illegal homes (haa)
Verhaftungen: Um Hassan celebrates Eid without her loved ones (abna) / Al Khalil/Hebron: Six children detained by Israeli soldiers during first day of Eid al-Fitr (cpt) / Nine of Hamas's cadres sentenced to arbitrary administrative detention (occuppal) / Witnesses: Israeli forces detain Hamas lawmaker at checkpoint (maan)
Analyse & Meinung: The Israel-Egypt junta alliance (haa) / UNRWA: Beyond the myths (huffpo) / WikiLeaks: ISF intelligence chief boasts assassinating Hamas leaders will change paradigm (richardsilverstein) / In new Egypt, foreign policy not just for diplomats (ynet)
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: Children facing deportation find friends (ipsnews) / Despite promises after closing schools, some first-graders still homeroom-less (haa)
Diverses: Haneyya, Abbas: Further action taken towards reconciliation (occuppal) / Urgent appeal | The Freedom Theatre -- crime and punishment (occuppal) / Israeli women visit Beit Ommar (palsoli) / EU lawmakers back open markets for Palestinian goods ( / [Israel] finance minister reneges on deal to give early payment to Palestinian Authority (haa) / US: Ex-tech worker pleads guilty to attempting to spy for Israel (ynet)



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