Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011082899

International Headlines [28.08.2011]

International Headlines20. September: The Future State of Palestine (cpunch) / Palestinian state could leave millions of refugees with no voice at UN (gdn) / refugees (gdn) / UN rep. Prosor: Israel has no chance of stopping recognition of Palestinian state (haa) / Abbas: “We Are Willing To Listen to Suggestions, Alternatives To UN Move” (imc) / 124 Out Of 193 Countries Recognize Palestinian Independence (imc) / USPCN response to PA Statehood bid (kabob) / Abbas: UN bid not meant to isolate US (maan)
Landraub: Car Park for Jewish Worshippers Planned on Palestinian Land in East Jerusalem (aic-news)

Freitags-Demonstrationen: Nine-year-old Wounded in al-Ma'asara Village Weekly Protest (stopthewall) / Soldiers Attack Nonviolent Weekly Protest In Nil’in (imc) / Six Protesters Wounded in Kafr Qaddoum (imc) / Clashes Reported At The Qalandia Terminal (imc)
Besatzer-Gewalt: Gaza children injured by Israeli airstrike (palsolidarity) / Witnesses: Settlers attack olive trees in Salfit (maan)
Jerusalemtag: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lashes out at Israel in Quds Day speech (lat) / Thousands Protest In Front Of Israeli Embassy In Cairo (imc) / Anti-Israeli protests held in Kashmir (presstv) / Norwegians hold Quds day rally (presstv)
Jerusalemtag in Palästina: The Last Friday of Ramadan ~ Laylat Al Qadr in Palestine – in pictures (occuppal) / Around 300 thousand worshipers attend Friday prayers at the Aqsa Mosque (pal-info)
Anti-BDS: US raised academic boycott vote with Norwegian government (ei) / Norway (ei) / NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY TO VOTE ON BOYCOTT OF ISRAELI ACADEMICS (wikileaks)
BDS: BDS: Anti-Israeli campaigners protest in Sydney (youthanormalization) / Boycott Israel protest in Brisbane Tomorrow at Max Brenner Store (youthanormalization) / BDS: Tell Interpol Not to Entertain Israeli Apartheid! (youthanormalization)
Verhaftungen: Security sources: Hamas members arrested in Jenin (maan) / Wife banned from visiting Gilbo’a prisoner for six months (pal-info) / PA security storm home of senior Islamic Jihad member (pal-info) / Israeli court places mother, her three sons under house arrest (pal-info)
Analyse & Meinung: Bahrain update (angry) / Fishy Wikileaks? (angry) / Lousy Hamas and Lousy Human Rights Watch (angry) / Did Wikileaks just reveal the US blueprint for Libya? (ei) / Ali Ferzat: Disciplining a Cartoonist (al-akhbar) / The Syrian Social Nationalists: In the Hurricane of Revolt (al-akhbar) / Nakba Day during the Arab Spring (alj) / donors (hrw) / The Politics of Royal Pluralism in Jordan (jadaliyya) / J14: The Exclusive Revolution, Joseph Dana and Max Blumenthal (jadaliyya)
Rassismus: Lieberman: Palestinians want to take over Israel from within (haa)
Diverses: Report: Israel had planned to assassinate Palestinian Prime Minister in Gaza (imc) / Abbas: I am ready to resume peace talks with Israelis (pal-info)



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