Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011082299

International Headlines [22.08.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: Evidence undermines govt's claim that terrorists were Gazans (972mag) / Hamas and IJM plan response (pnn) / Israeli defense sources: Gaza terror groups changing tactics to avoid Iron Dome system (haa) / PRC agrees to ceasefire deal (maan) / Doctor: Israel using new weapons against Gaza (maan) / Army: Gaza militants fire 3 rockets into southern Israel (maan) / Political source: We cannot rush into war (ynet)
Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Israel to expel 384 activists from Jerusalem (pnn) / Demonstration in front of City of David settlement in Silwan (silwan) / A provision of house arrest, trial extensions, and an arrest (silwan)

Siedler: Girl injured by settler car (maan) / 15 settlers attack Palestinian child with iron bars (mideastmon)
Besatzer: Israeli police shut Al-Aqsa Mosque to worshipers (wafa) / Israeli soldiers assault Palestinian officer in Nablus (wafa) / Israeli army 'systematically harassing' iconic Jenin theater (maan) / Al Khalil/Hebron: 55 Palestinians injured in clashes with IOF (pal-info)
Verhaftungen: I was arrested for hiring a Palestinian tour guide (972mag) / Israel to release cancer detainee (maan) / PA security agencies arrest several Hamas supporters in West Bank (pal-info) / IOF soldiers detain 4 Palestinians (pal-info)
Politik & Diplomatie & Internationale Beziehungen: WFTU announces international campaign for Palestinian recognition (pnn) / Senior IDF officials: Israel should consider amending peace treaty with Egypt (haa) / Report: Egypt army blocks Israel ambassador recall (maan) / Announcement of UN flotilla report postponed (maan) / Abbas postpones local elections in West Bank (maan) / Shaath: Thailand will support UN statehood bid (maan) / Anti-corruption committee says agriculture minister to face court (maan) / Fatah: Reconciliation on hold until September (maan) / Turkey to move to Plan B in relations with Tel Aviv (mideastmon) / Egyptian FM: Quartet overlooked our victims, meddled in internal affairs (pal-info) / Israel seeks prosecution of Egyptian who removed Israel's flag (pal-info) / Peres hosts Ramadan dinner (ynet) / Jerusalem rebukes Spanish envoy over PA statement (ynet) / Central America 'battles' over PA's UN bid (ynet)
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: West Bank: Palestinian Authority accuses Israel of trying to provoke violence (lat) / Israeli government promises to appoint Arab woman to socioeconomic panel (haa)
Diverses: OPT: Palestinians feel the pinch as Arab donors stay away (irin) / Farmers union seeks compensation for fake Israeli seeds (maan)



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