Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011072399

International Headlines [23.07.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: In Gaza: Gaza reality (ingaza) / VIDEO: Escalation of attacks by the Israeli navy on the CPS Gaza boat (palsolidarity) / Gaza health official: PA failing to send medicine (maan)
Siedler: Extremist settlers attack Qasra village (paltelegraph)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Al Arakib: Sixty years and the struggle is just beginning (adam-keller2) / Ariel's mermaid breeding ground (haa) / Netanyahu may be forced to destroy settlers' homes (indp) / Israel to carry out two new Jewish settlement projects in East Jerusalem (pal-info) / Sabri: 'Bitter situation' in Jerusalem needs urgent action by Arabs (pal-info)

Besatzer: Al-Khalil (Hebron) Nighttime home raids in the Old City (cpt) / Israeli soldiers uproot 100 olive trees in Jerusalem-area village (wafa)
Politik & Diplomatie & Internationale Beziehungen: Abbas says UN Resolution 181 gave Palestinians right to a state (wafa) / Turkish PM: No normalization with Israel without apology and end of Gaza blockade (haa) / UN envoy to Lebanon says ceasefire with Israel holding up 'very well' (haa) / Egypt military leader: We will respect all previously signed agreements (haa) / Iran: Nuclear scientist shot dead in Tehran (haa) / Fatah Youth condemns Norway attacks (maan) / Fatah official urges release of affiliates detained in Ramallah (maan) / Dutch unblock charity assets after Hamas accusation (ynet) / Foreign press fed up with PM's office? (ynet)
Analyse & Meinung: Everything in this land is about real estate: Understanding the tent protests (972mag) / Canada clamps down on criticism of Israel (alj) / Fighting for Israel's soul (haa)
Aktivismus & Solidarität: Community leader: Israel is hunting down international supporters (pnn) / Video: Beit Ommar demonstrates against settlement expansion (palsoli) / Videos: Ni‘lin Village - struggle against the Apartheid Wall - 15 & 22 July (palestinevideo)
Diverses: Dutch band brings music to Palestinian streets (pnn) / Day of fury: Housing protesters converge on Tel Aviv (ynet)



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