Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011071599

International Headlines [15.08.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Increased Palestinian displacement as Israeli settler violence intensifies (aic-news) / Israeli settler violence report (aic-news) / Video: Land reclamation project in Bil‘in after the resiting of the Apartheid Wall (bilin) / Israel approves 227 new homes in West Bank settlement of Ariel (haa) / US: Israeli construction in Ariel 'deeply troubling' (haa)
Besatzer: Living hell in Tel Rumeida (pnn) / Israeli soldiers prevent Palestinians from accessing drinking water near Hebron (wafa) / Kfir Brigade commander who condoned violence promoted (ynet) / 4 indicted in PA smuggling (ynet)

Gefangenenaustausch: Shalit activists harass relatives of prisoners (maan) / Report: Shalit talks renewed in Cairo (ynet)
Verhaftungen: Fasting prisoners not given food on time (wafa) / PFLP leader: Prisoners should be on UN agenda (maan) / Center: Prisoner's wife and child detained (maan) / Hamas ministry condemns Israel's treatment of sick detainees (maan) / Blind prisoner held in isolation at Ramle prison (pal-info) / Six taken, including 3 minors, in West Bank arrest sweep (pal-info)
Gaza: School building materials for Gaza don't mean all children 'educated for life' (meero.worldvision) / Why Gaza doesn't need Monsanto's Wonder Seeds (motherjones) / Paltel supplies to enter Gaza (maan) / Gaza youth movement fears for missing activist (maan) / Palestinians: Fisherman injured by Navy fire off Gaza coast (ynet) / Rocket explodes near Beersheba; no injuries (ynet)
Internationale Nachrichten: Palestinian Christian leaders call upon Honduras to recognise Palestinian state (pnn) / Abbas makes Arab aid appeal, sees risk to UN bid (yahoo) / National figures urge alternatives to UN bid (maan) / Palestinians gather to call for Assad departure (maan) / Egyptian army detains 6 in Sinai (maan) / Gaza wounded issue demands to Palestinian Authority (maan) / Abbas expects Bosnian support for Palestinian UN bid (maan)
Aktivismus & Solidarität: Video: Iyad Burnat on Bil‘in's resistance to the Occupation and Apartheid Wall (bilin) / VIDEO: Al-Walaja villagers rally to save oldest living olive tree from destruction by Israeli forces (imc) / Flotilla captain wants to visit Israel (ynet)
Rassismus: VIDEOs: Israeli ministers promote racist vision for Israel - and Judaism (mweiss) / VIDEO -- Nurit Peled-Elhanan on Israeli textbooks: 'I didn't know I would fall on so much racism' (mweiss)
Flüchtlinge: Over 5,000 Palestinians flee Syria refugee camp in Latakia (haa)
Diverses: Appeals court lets contractor's family sue Palestinian Authority over his death ( / Palestinian teen killed on Israeli construction site (maan) / MP Abu Juhaisha: 800 orphans threatened with loss of shelter (pal-info)



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